Devs: Y'all coming to PAX East 2015?

Kelbris Posts: 1,051
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Imma harass you about the fight UI if you step on my turf this year

I might not play anymore but the crazy bastards who have been around since the beginning and still play deserve it I'm cosplaying lol

Forumites: East 2015 badges went on sale today

They'll probably be sold out by this Friday


  • They're probably traveling in false wigs under assumed names at this point.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    We're definitely considering a number of upcoming events, but we haven't finalized our plans for 2015 yet. We'll definitely keep everyone posted when we have something to announce. Thanks for the suggestion.