Countdown Tile Interactions

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
With the new active state sort of abilities (shapeshift, immovable object) that rely on a countdown tile being present there are some other abilities that are diminished a bit. Intimidation, Snarky Remark (which nobody uses), and Anti-Gravity Device now all have the opposite effect on these countdown tiles than were originally intended, a positive for the opponent.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to realize this but I haven't seen it mentioned on here yet. I thought it was interesting and wondered if the devs would ever change the older abilities to not affect these new ones or change the mechanic for the new ones somehow to not use standard countdown tiles. The difference it makes to the game as a whole is pretty minimal right now but I have to image that the devs have more ideas lined up for these active state sort of abilities, which are neat, imo, but it seems like something that should be addressed before too long if they are to make more of these abilities.


  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    Actually, Snarky Remark would be useful in this case. It's the only time you'd actually want to increase your own timer.
  • Nellyson wrote:
    Actually, Snarky Remark would be useful in this case. It's the only time you'd actually want to increase your own timer.

    Colossus Yellow
  • Nellyson wrote:
    Actually, Snarky Remark would be useful in this case. It's the only time you'd actually want to increase your own timer.

    Colossus Yellow

    And Mystique's CD
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I think this type of mechanics is fine. I see characters that lay down CD tiles that are beneficial while they remain on the board as "tricky" characters who would turn the opponent's abilities to their advantage. For example, Hulk and Ms Marvel can turn the opponent's damaging abilities to their advantage, so likewise Colossus and Mystique can turn countdown delaying moves to their advantage.