Could this Player Rank/Level System Work?

Seasick Pirate
Seasick Pirate Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
Separate from MMR, I was wondering if they could implement a level or rank system for us, the player?

Just thinking out loud here, but I'm thinking we could have ranks Rookie up through Cosmic Being. Maybe reaching each of this gives a little progression reward but not necessary. The purpose of these would be that your rewards in events increase depending on your personal "Hero Rank." They would be same as they are now, just buffed. So if I'm a Rookie, I earn at least 20 iso per match and get standard tokens. At the next rank, Hero, I get 40 iso and standard tokens. Super Hero is 60 iso and standard.

Eventually, at a certain rank, standards become heroic tokens. Then in the final ranks, introduce a "Defiant" (or something) token with increased *** probability.

Ranks can be determined by the total amount of iso you have spent. This makes it fair for everyone and can be introduced with retro-active results. This also gives incentive to spend iso on characters your otherwise wouldn't. (I have severely under-leveled characters and 100,000 iso I'm withholding from them as I see them as useless - Moonstone, Lazy Torch, DocOck). Although it would increase the amount of iso a player earns over time, I don't feel it would be dramatically enough to make iso worthless. In fact, it could be seen as more valuable as it helps you achieve a higher status.

Maybe each rank has five stages to get through 'til the next rank, like Rookie 1-5, Hero 1-5, Super-Hero1-5, Team Leader 1-5, etc.

And to stretch things out further, how about five ranks of different classes. Such as:
• Class 1: Civilian 1-5, Recruit 1-5, Trainee 1-5, Apprentice 1-5, and Rookie 1-5.
• Class 2: Masked Vigilante 1-10, Hero 1-10, Hero for Hire 1-10, and Super Hero 1-10.
and so on up through Class 5: Cosmic Entity 1-50. At that point, when reaching the end out of the final rank, you get a **** progression reward and reset back down to Class 1: Rookie and can make the climb all over again. It becomes a never ending cycle.

Again, this is all thinking out loud so feel free to take these ideas and run with them. I think they could be molded I to something that could be implemented without huge devastation. Certainly this would be a huge undertaking for the developers but it would benefit everyone long-term.

This system could also be used in some ways to influence personal scaling and MMR (maybe you're only match with others in your class?) as well but doesn't necessarily have to.