**** Lock and Load - Recruiting NOW ****
The new era of Lock and Load begin in the dark as impressive pyrotechnics blasts from everywhere, lighting up the place for this special edition, the fans are on their feet screaming at the top of their lungs to show their appreciation for this next edition of LL analysis. The crowd are pumped up, the pyro dies out as the song continues to blare throughout the MPQ universe. We had our biggest number of fans, followers and the most positive feedback ever in our last edition. Welcome back to our legendary analysis for Lock and Load where the big guys play! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's Lock and Load adventure and analysis for the last events:
Enemy of the state 3 041 337 pts (rank 8)
KA-BOUUUUM!!! WHIZZ!! WHOOSH!! The ultimate Diva is emerging with the most insane pyro of the night!!! Whitequeen is entering in a haze of smoke when confetti and balloons cloud the air as WhiteQueen is presented with her Diva and her new Goldy Lock “Join the Club!” award, the crowd chanting her name. All Lock and Load members are lined on either side saluting and congratulating her for her success and her first level 166 hero.
Wow! What a celebration night, we are celebrating our success with our analysis/Lock and Load adventures and personnal succes of one of our member Whitequeen. And now return to the analysis where Lock and Load will stop at nothing from stealing the show as usual!!.
1) pve Enemy of the state -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Salgy 220 376 +3
Malorick 212 440 -1
Consumedfire 191 457 +6
OJC80 181 215 +3
Liro 177 113 +9
2)Malorick is staying on his throne when BOOOOUM!! A wall of fire pyro erupts and here come Consumedfire and red pyro explodes after every step he takes down. The new Royal Beater of the pve is here and he is opening the way for the triumphant Doom Legion who dethroned the King of Pve Malorick. CRASHHH! clink! clink! thunderous sound of shattered glass, here come Salgy, Scoregasms and OJC80 joining Consumedfire.
Consumedfire: “Oh you didn't know? The king is down, everything started with me and my friends. I opened the way for our success in pve like Scoregasms use to do before for Malorick. Our Chief instigator OJC80 orchestrate everything by firing up both alliances into their success.” OJC80 give a Lock and Load high five to ConsumedFire and Scoregasm and Salgy. OJC80: “ But, most important we did what nobody was able to do and is Knocking Malorick off of his throne”. Oh!!!! The merc with a mouth Scoregasms is interrupting him. “We were fighting all together to get the work done and we have caused the biggest shock in LL pve history by bringing “The Streak” to an end.”
OMG!!! The crown could believe what they had witnessed, they are silent and shocked by this. SG: “So let me introduce the one who put the one in 8-1, the Blade of Disaster and new King Salgy”. Salgy push Malorick from his throne and take Malorick precious crown and self-proclaim himself the new King of pve. Few actually thought that the streak would be broken, it was the biggest shock ever, what’s a surprise, the Beast, the unstoppable juggernault is human!!!! Well down, excellent group effort from everybody especially the Doom Legion who are giving themselves the LL highfive!!!
Arf! Eee-aaaah! Woof! Ook ook! Who is coming from crowd to interrupt the new king Salgy celebration, it is a rogue alliance? ex-member of Lock and Load? or… Arf! Eee-aaaah! Woof! Ook ook! Oh! Wait it’s a creepy bald voyeur with his pet avengers a dog, donkey and a detective chimp. No, it’s not that... Its the LL2 commanders Ouatu, SnickerDog, d0nk3y_to0 and Sherlock1. SnickerDog go face to face with ll1. SD: "Enough is ENOUGH and it's time for a change!" OJC80 is doing a two-finger salute while with his other hand he is doing a zero hand sign. SD: “Here at LL2 we don’t need to have your big, dramatic, LL1 soap opera-esque storyline with twist, turns and shocking swerves a plenty in order to play, we just play to have fun. We are not a B team or your little sister. We are as strong as you and let me show it to you by introducing our Prince of pve… Pjjdube who made the top 5 among both alliance”.
Malorick gets up, shaking his head, cannot believe it either. After a few seconds, Malorick stops and raises Salgy hand, drawing a massive pop from the crowd and congrats the new King Salgy and the Prince Pjjdube. Malorick congrats all his members for that hard fight for the crown and good work as a allaince and go side by side with Salgy and LL1 to face LL2. Salgy and Malorick are offering a handshack to SnickerDog and LL2 and congrats their sister alliance for their success with their top 15 finish in pve and wish them good luck with their climb to the top100 in pvp.
Now return to our stats, we just saw a lot of action here today, and the Lock and Load analysis has been getting amazing reviews the past few days to his new look and attitude. People love all this new stuff that is going on! And everybody surpass themselves to be part of it and contribute to the success of our alliance.
3) Special Award achievement ("Join the Club!") to Whitequeen for her first and not last level 166 heroes and it was no other than Patch.
4) Special Award achievement ("Megalomaniac") our top5 for sure and Scoregasms, cricri36 who all did more than 400% the max reward in this pve.
Congrats to you, you are ill and have great or unlimited power haha!
5) Special Award achievement ("Royal Beater") to Consumedfire for his asthonishing performance in this pve that was always leading us to the top.
6) Special Award achievement ("Top5 pve") to Liro who got his first top5 in pve among us even if he was always close behind it. Congrats!!!
7) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 196 520 pts that is 500% the max reward.
8) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 158 264 t that is 400% the max reward.
9) We have played for an average per member of 152 067 pts (380% the max reward).
10) Great work to our top improvement performer in pve, who made the more improvement, who are:
Liro 177 113 +9
Consumedfire 191 457 +6
Salgy 220 376 +3
OJC80 181 215 +3
Whitequeen 150 033 +7
11) We have beat our sister alliance with rank 8 vs rank 12, so a second win for LL1 that is 2-0 for this season. However it was a good race between us so congrats to both alliance and most important we are showing that Lock and Load can be both in the top10.
12) We had 6 of our members in the top10 overall among both alliance, so solid performance here from both alliance.
13) New records of followers that like our analysis, and a lot of positive feedback too, so thanks a lot I will continue to improve our Lock and Load adventures.
While LL1 and LL1 are celebrating their success in pve with almost two top 10 positions. The lights go out, music plays in the background. Suddenly, BOOOMM! green pyro’s explode from left to right around Ll1 and LL2 members illuminating them and sending the crowd into a frenzy as the light come back on and D2KM is show standing in the middle of Ll1 and LL2. Salgy cannot believe it and he is ready to jump on him but Scoregasms and OJC80 are holding him. Salgy is still upset that even if D2KM is semi-retired and not part of us he cost him the pvp crown in the last pvp event (see last history for the details). WHAT???? What is D2Km is doing here!!! D2KM is posing there and didn’t says anything except pointing to the Lock and Load banner hanging above them. LL1, LL2, the crowd everybody are surprised, it’s not a ghost, it’s him the man, the myth, the legend that is D2KM!!!! Wow!!!!! What a way to conclude our episode!!!!
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, it’s important you find what you need or want to read. Don't forget to like the analysis or I will says the new and improved Lock and Load adventures. Even if we had a big number of followers we can continue to do better so even you ll2 or any other alliance that are reading this dont be shy to like it.0 -
I have receive a message from one of our member that he was worried about LL budget (hahaha nice one). Because a lot of the LL money was spent into pyro and firework in the last event + the big celebration party and the after show party. He mentionned that we should be careful about our special effects during our show, since it's expensive. Don't worry, the end of the season XI is coming to a end in a few days only less than 5 days. So we have to make sure to use all the money allowed for these season. I will ask for a raise in our fund for next season.
p.s. Don't be shy it was a good one you can post it here.
0 -
Salgy wrote:
Oh no my friend.
I think Kelis said it best: my milkshake brings all the (edit: girls) to the yard, And they're like, It's better than yours, Damn right it's better than yours, I can teach you, But I have to charge.
Its pretty much the song lyrics of my life0 -
I'm out folks, best of luck! I just can't keep up, I think things took off a little faster than you guys anticipated. No big deal just not my thing.
0 -
OJC comes out the stage with Scoregasms and the New PVE KING Salgy. Maloricks latest review is on the big screen above him. He waits for the crowd to settle down.....
<in tribute to DX>
"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, Children of all ages. Doom Legion proudly approves of the above post...written by the former King of PVE!!!! The Juggernaut that is Malorick!!!!
And if you ain't down with Maloricks latest review post then we got two words for ya ...."
As one the MPQ universe cries out "SUCK IT!!!!"0 -
The Lock and Load logo flashes over the screen as we get ready for Lock and Load Analysis to hit the airwaves. BANG!!! The Lock and Load theme song plays over as the pyro goes off, the Doom Legion just start walking out from the black curtain to go in the middle of the stage. We are just 2 pvps event and less than 4 days away from the end season and evrything is going well for LL. Welcome back to our legendary analysis for Lock and Load where the big guys play! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's analysis for the last events:
Eye for an eye 17 409 pts (rank 28)
Statics cuts across everywhere, as everything blacken out. Logan.190 stand here alone as a spot of light is illuminating him, he look at Salgy, OJC80, Scoregasms and smiles. He snap is fingers plunging everybody into darkness. Logan made his way through a thin layer of fog toward Salgy. The crowd hold their cellphone lights. He finally arrive face to face to Salgy as the light come up.
Now return to our analysis.
1) pve Eye for an eye -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Logan.1909 1 246 +0 (+137 pts)
Salgy 1 225 +0 (+169 pts)
fishcake89 1 075 +1 (+111 pts)
Mjmacka 1 060 +5 (+228 pts)
Darkron 1 043 +0 (+91 pts)
2) Logan his pointing to his pvp crown and then pointing to him, he don’t need to talk his action speak for himself. He is doing the number 5 with his fingers to Salgy. It’s still the King of pvp: Logan strike again for a second consecutive event and beat Salgy again by just few points. Logan is pointing to the Lock and Load banner and then he is moving his whole hand towards himself and seem to call someone. Fishcake89, Mjmacka, Darkron and CapceH are entering with a phenomenal pyrothechnic display behind them and go to join Logan. Salgy smiles back to Logan and giving the LL high five to each of them. BOOUM!!!! Confetti is flying down, New special achievement the LL Inner Circle is born where we had 6 members that have achieved more than 1k in one events. All others LL member are joining the Inner Circle to celebrate a new alliance record in pvp and their amazing performance. Awesome performance from everybody, congrats and well done!!!
3) Special Award achievement ("Imperius Rex") to Logan.1909 who beat his own personal record and established the new record in pvp for this season among LL.
4) Special Award achievement ("Inner Circle") to Logan.1909, Salgy, fishcake89, Mjmacka, Darkron, CapceH who all made it the mark of 1k.
5) Special Award achievement ("Can't touch this") to Salgy who again did a georgous score and beat his personal highscore but cannot touch the crown.
6) Special Award achievement ("Rise from the grave") to darensteele who seem to go out from his lethargy with another good score.
7) Special Award achievement ("Cracking the Vault") to antreas191 and Philly99 who beat their personal record this season.
8) Special Award achievement ("Lock and load United") to all LL members for this incredible performance and a new record in pvp with a mark of 17,4k. Excellent work from everybody we have beat a lot of record here as a group.
9) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 1 130 pts. The first time that we hit the 1.1k mark as a top5.
10) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 931 pts. The first time that we hit the 900 mark as a top5.
11) We have played for an average per member of 870 pts. NEW record!!!!
While LL1 are celebrating their success in pvp. The lights go out, music plays in the background. Flashes of green light, and then only a spotlight appear illuminating the Lock and Load banner and just beside it we can see D2KM doing a thumbs up to LL members.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, it’s important you find what you need or want to read. Don't forget to like the analysis or I will says the new and improved Lock and Load adventures.0 -
End of season is coming soon, this is a gentle reminder about not forgetting to play in the simulator. Also, it's seem that the End season review will be big this season, surprise and many other things.
You can count for sure for the return of our award: The Goldie Locks. (Yes, we have a name for it now!!!!)
If you want to mention some nominees for a specific Goldie Locks, feel free to send it to me or include it here. We will see the return of existing Goldie Locks and new one also. The winner will be chosen by the Lock and Load Academy and presented in the end season review.0 -
Is it just me????
Or is anyone else finding a new character pve, Prodigal Sun dual subs, insane scaling, hood pvp, Deadpool Daily, season ending simulator run just a little bit over the top.
I love this game, but sometimes I question my own sanity. Where is the time to spend with the family. I know reduce sleep, it is the ONLY answer.0 -
Just found our Season standings:
38 Lock and Load 1879710 -
The Lock and Load logo flashes over the screen as we get ready for Lock and Load Analysis. BANG!!! The Lock and Load theme song plays over as the pyro goes off, Welcome back to our legendary analysis for Lock and Load where the big guys play! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's analysis for the last events:
pvp God of Lies rank 34 (15 421pts)
pvp Unholy Outlaw rank 34 (14 820 pts)
pve Prodigal Sun rank 3 (2 015 837 pts)
Sorry for the late analysis, real life catch me and I was really busy like mentionned in our chat and I will be for the rest of this week, so here come a short analysis for the past events.
1) pve God of Lies -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Logan.1909 981 +0 (-265 pts)
Philly99 884 +5 (-63 pts)
fishcake89 843 +0 (-232 pts)
Scoregasms 837 +4 (-90 pts)
Sikgimp 835 +7 (+29 pts)
2) Logan continue his domination as King of pvp, congrats and well done!!!
3) Special Award achievement ("Cracking the Vault") to cricri36 and darensteele who beat their personal record this season.
4) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 876 pts.
5) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 820 pts.
6) We have played for an average per member of 771 pts.
1) pvp Unholy Outlaw -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Logan.1909 954 +0 (-27 pts)
Salgy 854 +10 (+59 pts)
fishcake89 833 +0 (-10 pts)
Scoregasms 828 +0 (-9 pts)
Philly99 822 -3 (-62 pts)
2) Logan continue his domination as King of pvp, congrats and well done!!!
3) Special Award achievement ("Rise from the grave") to salma that return to his normal score after being busy with real life situation, welcome back.
4) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 858 pts.
5) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 801 pts.
6) We have played for an average per member of 741 pts.
1) pve Prodigal Sun - Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Malorick 152 120 +1
Scoregasms 152 095 +4
Salgy 133 946 -2
antreas1911 133 001 +8
fishcake89 125 213 +13
2) Special Award Achievement (“Return of the King!”) - Malorick return as king of the pve with a victory.
3) Special Award Achievement (“Dauphin of Lock and Load”) to Scoregasms that continue to lead the alliance to unleashed the Beast, it was a perfect grind until the end, it was really impressive to see him!
4) Special Award Achievement (“Gearing Up”) to antreas for his incredible performance in pve.
5) Special Award Achievement (“Field Leader”) to Salgy for his excellent score, well done.
7) Special Award achievement ("Lock and Load Assemble") again to all our member. We had a amazing start and we have keep the rythm until the end. A final rank 3 overall at the end so great performance for the alliance.
8) We have played for an average per member of 100 792 pts, and had 10 members that have play below our average, overall good performance from everybody with a final rank 3 overall at the end so great performance.
9) Our top 5 players have play for a average of 139 275pts
10) Our mid-top 5 players have play for a average of 110 285 pts
11) Our mid-bottom 5 players have play for a average of 85 511 pts
12) Our bottom 5 players have play for a average of 68 096 pts
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, it’s important you find what you need or want to read. Don't forget to like the analysis or I will says the new and improved Lock and Load adventures.0 -
The countdown begins, the season XI is now over, curtain drops, the fireworks ignite, huge display of pyro goes off and the Lock and Load explodes confetti flies everywhere and all over the place. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's end season analysis and season final ranking … rank 38 (187 971 pts):
Amazing score and performance´s all season long, several of our members have step up to the next level, the ultimate experience, competitive, no stress and AWESOME alliance. Second to none! The place to be!!! So here the quick season recap about our progress in season 11, we have finished at rank 38 compare to rank 40 in season 10. But most important for everybody and specially for the commanders no stress at all at the end of the season to secure our top100, since we did really well during the whole season, congrats to everyone.
Again sorry for the short one,
Now, a quick analysis from the season 11.
1) So we have keep the core of our alliance with only 1 new recruits for this season.
2) Great thanks to our top-performers, who are Logan.1909 , Mjmacka, fishcake89, Scoregasms, Salgy
3) Pve overall - Our average rank is 5, really good improvement here, we are now a top5 pve alliance, well done group.
4) Pve overall - We went from rank 15 to rank 5
8) Pvp Overall - Our average rank is 39, we have attained top50 9 times and miss one just by few points. And we were so close of top25 in 4 of them.
9) Pvp overall - We went from rank 49 to rank 39
10) Pvp Overall - Our average by member went from 748 to 798.
11) Great work to our top improvement performer in this season, who made the more improvement among us in this season, who are:
Logan.1909 12 442 +5 (+2 983 pts)
Scoregasms 10 685 +4 +1 456
Salgy 10 507 +5 +1 334
CapceH 10 383 +6 +1 265
12) Number of King titles gained in pve: Malorick (2), Salgy (1)
13) Number of King Titles gained in pvp: Logan.1909 (7), fishcake89 (2), MjMacka (1)
14) Special thanks to everybody that read/like/comment our alliance thread and my analysis, dont be shy to add your comments or just like it. I feel that I am not doing this for nothing when I saw comments from you.
And now, it’s time to present the Goldie Locks Awards, honoring the best in our alliance over the last season. So take a look back at the bigger happenings of the Season without further ado, here are the winners of the Season XI Goldie Locks awards.
King of pvp of the season XI: Logan.1909
King of the King pve of the season XI: Malorick
Superstar of the season XI: Mjmacka
Breakout star of the season XI: Scoregasms
Newcomer of the season XI: fishcake89
MVP of the season XI: Salgy
Feat of Strength of the Season XI: Logan.1909 who pulled the strongest score in pvp with 1 246
I'm Talking and I Can't Shut Up for Biggest Mouth: Scoregasms
Diva of the the season XI: Whitequeen
"You Still Got It!" Best Return : Reid with a difficult debut in pvp, return to the mid-top.
Most Embarrassing Moment: Antreas1911 inside joke with the chief and HIM.
Rivalry of the season XI: Malorick vs Doom Legion (Salgy, Scoregasms, OJC80, consumedfire) in the pve
Double-Cross of the season XI: D2KM leaving LL1 to join LL1
Most regrettable decision of the season XI: D2KM leaving LL1
Insult of the season XI: Malorick for "B-Team"
Transformation of the season XI: Whitequeen who had her first 166 lvl and now she have already 2 of them.
Leader of the New Generation : OJC80 for his performance in pve and his future success in pvp he will be there soon.
Shining Moment of the season XI: Consumedfire third place in ennemy of the stats where he have play the role of the Royal Beater in the defeat of King of the King Malorick
"THIS IS AWESOME!" Moment of the season XI: sikgimp during Cage match pvp with a score over 1k.
"What a performance! " Moment of the season XI : CapceH who did 2 scores over 1k in 2 consecutives pvp events.
"Tell Me I Didn't Just See That" of season X!: Salgy dropped to 800 when he had more than 1.1k in the Cage Match because he hitted and beat D2KM but miscalculated his shield cooldown.
We had our best season so far and I can just see good thing for us for next season like regular top 50 in pvp and top 5 in pve. And most important it was stable so we have started and finished with almost the same people the only exception was D2KM.
Lock and Load sister alliance is gone on a boat, so we are rebuilding it. D2KM will take charge of this and you will have some news on this soon.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, it’s important you find what you need or want to read. Also if you have a name for our end season reward or new award dont hesitate to propose it and I will add it to my analysis0 -
Mal, thanks again for a nice season review. I just have one issue... how did I get superstar? I feel like I've been slacking due to schedule, shield changes, and PVE changes.0
Mjmacka wrote:Mal, thanks again for a nice season review. I just have one issue... how did I get superstar? I feel like I've been slacking due to schedule, shield changes, and PVE changes.
You deserve it, your result speak for themself, first you have finished second in our alliance for the season with a average of 903 in pvp, so that was the third place in pvp and you are doing also well in pve with rank 12. Overall you have ranked yourself 7 among us but you had 1x King of pvp, 7x top5 in pvp and the other was really close. It was close between you and fishcake89 for that award but what have make the difference was your second place for the season.0 -
Going to be out for most of the next 3 days so wont be able to do Simulator optimally.
I will try & add points whenever I can, but cant promise decent score.
At least coincided with a PvE with rubbishy rewards - GSBW
Cheers0 -
The Lock and Load logo flashes over the screen as we get ready for Lock and Load Analysis. BANG!!! The Lock and Load theme song plays over as the pyro goes off, Welcome back to our legendary analysis for Lock and Load where the big guys play! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's analysis for the last events:
pvp Nefarious Foes rank 15 (14 585 pts)
pve Deadpool vs MPQ rank 9 (590 803 pts)
Short analysis for the past events, will be back soon with the history mode.
1) pve Nefarious Foes -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Logan.1909 1 011 +0 (+57 pts)
Mjmacka 914 +7 (+114 pts)
fishcake89 833 +0 (+0 pts)
CapceH 828 +6 (+49 pts)
Malorick 828 +2 (+8 pts)
2) Logan continue his domination as King of pvp, congrats and well done!!! Who can stop him!!!!
3) Special Award achievement ("Down, but Not Out") to salma for his return in tht top10 after some difficulty recently.
4) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 883pts.
5) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 806 pts.
6) We have played for an average per member of 729 pts.
1) pve Deadpool vs MPQ - Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Malorick 43 465 +0
Scoregasms 42 671 +0
Consumedfire 41 224 +9
Salgy 35 808 -1
OJC80 32 720 +2
2) Special Award Achievement (“Unstoppable”) - Malorick his back on track.
3) Special Award Achievement (“Royal Beater”) to Scoregasms that continue to lead the alliance to unleashed the Beast.
4) Special Award Achievement (“Dauphin of Lock and Load”) to COnsumedfire who continue to accumulate top5 in pve.
5) Special Award Achievement (“Burning Desire”) to antreas1911 who miss the top5 by just few pts but continue to show that he is deserve to be part of our top5.
6) We have played for an average per member of 29 540 pts, and had 10 members that have play below our average, overall good performance from everybody with a final rank 3 overall at the end so great performance.
7) Our top 5 players have play for a average of 39 178 pts
8) Our mid-top 5 players have play for a average of 31 686 pts
9) Our mid-bottom 5 players have play for a average of 27 170 pts
10) Our bottom 5 players have play for a average of 20 127 pts
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, it’s important you find what you need or want to read. Don't forget to like the analysis or I will says the new and improved Lock and Load adventures.0 -
**** The following is a community announcement from OJC productions ****
First off allow me to apologize to CapceH for my reckless attack in Fist Bump.I am truly sorry Cap and if I can make it up we some 166 character team ups, let me know which you would like. I will look at both points available and players name in the future to prevent another mistake like this.
To my team of Lock and Loaders. It seems we are on the dawn of another 4* character, and this is looking very strongly to be Professor X. Turul seems to have issues with leaking too much information on the character discussion thread. As with Starlord we all know what this means..... a PVE bloodbath!!! Recently I have not been hitting the events as hard as in the past due to still wanting my wife to talk to me and not leave with the kids. However for a 4* I am going to have to try and optimize my run, as who doesn't want to start a character with 3 to 4 covers.
Some really quick points. Scoregasms - you do us all a huge favor by royal beating and sending that information back to us. Consumedfire you too assisted greatly in the past. I suggest we all check our chats to see these pearls of wisdom our front runners are posting in.
Once community scaling kicks in, do not be afraid to boost your AP. Scaling these days makes some of the fights a nightmare. Go in boosted and take them down without it costing 3 health packs to try again. How many 200 iso boosts would you trade for a 4* cover???
Optimize your run. Pick a time slot that is going to work with your schedule. Allow each run to be at a full refresh unless you have to double run due to work or sleep. A double run will put you a few hundred off a perfect run score, but it is easily made up with grinding the nodes at the end. Remember that a lot of people will not go three or more grinds. Scoregasms and Malorick will hit it 5 times to put it into single digits (THAT'S their secret everyone!!! They are crazy enough to go back when others think it is not worth it). The last time I was that mad, was the Hunt with lthor rewards. Finished 2nd in slice and within the Alliance, 3 thor covers and 4thor.
* Further note to slices - Do not sign up for your slice immediately. Sit back and join in the moment it has just started, if luck it may get you into an easier slice with fewer of the hardcore grinders.
HELP EACH OTHER - to those that do use team ups, ask for what you need. For those that do not, trash the level 300 Ballistic Salvos you have been storing and get some cheap Juggernaut or Ragnorok. Use these. THEY are free and can win you a match. When your out, let us know as Juggs is a 4hr turn around team up. Start now, do not wait until the event. If you want something ask in chat and you are likely to get it.
*Remember if you are asking around Deadpool's Daily you may have to wait until we have all used Juggernaut for the one star event.
The alliance will get everyone one cover, lets face it, we are that good enough that. But who wants a one covered 4* when you could have a 2,3 or 4?
Of course these are only suggestions and I would love to hear from the PVE monsters Malorick and Scoregasms any further advice they have. The game should not take over your life and I am not advocating that. Just trying to get us fired up, ready to succeed.
Weapons ready, health packs at full - LOCK AND LOAD!!!!0 -
Recently I have not been hitting the events as hard as in the past due to still wanting my wife to talk to me and not leave with the kids. However for a 4* I am going to have to try and optimize my run, as who doesn't want to start a character with 3 to 4 covers.
Wife? Kids? What are those?
I seem to remember having some of these but not sure as can't see them on my roster!0
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- 1.2K MtGPQ Suggestions & Feedback
- 5.7K MtGPQ Bugs & Technical Issues
- 548 Other 505 Go Inc. Games
- 21 Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns
- 5 Adventure Gnome
- 6 Word Designer: Country Home
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