Ghostrider, Gambit, Sabretooth ... just to name a few 2 add

Some Marvel characters I personally love to see added that shouldn’t be over powered in anyway:

Ghostrider – definitely red & black – maybe a chain like ability like Ragnorok, destroys 2 lines.
Daredevil – red, black, and yellow would be cool - my buddy who loves Daredevil would love you for it. Like me and my love for Spiderman!
Cyclops – red for sure, not sure on what kind of abilities to use.
Gambit - some kind of luck ability swapping tiles to advantage
Rogue – strong like storm, probably destroying 4x4 block times 2.
Sabretooth – regen for sure and claw ability like wolverine.

Can’t see why you couldn’t add these characters in, which would be nicer to see then Black widow 1, another black widow, a black widow by another name. Oh come on, why do we have multiple Hawkeyes or Storms? Unless it’s a licensing issue holding you up, who knows…

The characters suggested are not overpowered like say, Galactus or the Phoenix. Characters like that, would be best used later in your game development.
I’m guessing you have avengers in the game now, you are probably just going through your list of avengers and their villains before jumping into the Xmen. *Maybe?? Just guessing.

What would be some cool dynamics you could add into the game, that when putting certain characters together, your 3 character team would have a slight edge. For example, having Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine in the team, you get +500 Hit points to each character because they are all “X-men”. Similar concept worked well in Magic the Gathering, “+1,+1” added to all “Slivers” in play.

Just like if you have Wolverine in your team against a team with “Sabretooth” in it, your Wolverine will do 39 more damage. Little dynamics like that would be a nice place to go with your game.
And if you add in characters people are used to seeing from the movies, like you did well adding in Spiderman, Thor, adding in Ghostrider, two movies were made from that character. And Ghostrider is right around as powerful as your other characters in play. Not “god like” as in Thor or the Hulk, but would give Captain America a good fight.

And if you add in characters that have already made the big screen, all the newbs who didn’t grow up on the comics like some of us “Geeks” did, they can relate. So the non reading comic book guy can enjoy a little “Comic Crush” action while his girlfriend plays her candy crush. Hehe.

That’s just my 2 cents.
Nuff said…


  • Most of these thing have been sugested multiple times.
  • bi0h4z4rd84
    As a lover of gambit myself I must say I disagree with your description about his power having some kind of as you said luck type deal because he has a thing with poker and as a poker player myself specially no limit hold'em, poker if you play it right is not luck.

    I think Gambit should have the following powers...

    Red (Passive) - Four of a Kind - Friendly or Enemy matches 4 tiles to create xxx stun/damage to enemy team

    Purple (13 AP) - Gambit's Strike - Unleashes xxx damage to the enemy & steals xx% of YELLOW AP. Creates Gambit's Strike.
    Gambit's Strike - Unleashes the entire deck of cards causing xxx damage to the enemy team.

    Yellow (10 AP) - Pocket Rockets - Creates a xx damage Strike Tile that is locked.