Next PVE?

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I wonder what the next PVE is and when it is going to start. I would like to go for another 3* cover.

I'd like to kindly ask the devs that if they are not releasing a new char, can we not have Mystique as essential for the next PVE? I did not play the Heroic to get her as I don't have HP to spare on slots at the moment. I am focusing on upgrading my current chars rather than adding new ones. It would be much appreciated if you gave out some older covers and Mystique was not essential.


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okin107 wrote:
    I wonder what the next PVE is and when it is going to start. I would like to go for another 3* cover.

    I'd like to kindly ask the devs that if they are not releasing a new char, can we not have Mystique as essential for the next PVE? I did not play the Heroic to get her as I don't have HP to spare on slots at the moment. I am focusing on upgrading my current chars rather than adding new ones. It would be much appreciated if you gave out some older covers and Mystique was not essential.
    So you'd rather have Mystique as the essential in the PVE after the one this week, which _will_ be for a new cover?

    I'd rather have a PVE for something sucky like, say, Spiderman covers, with Mystique as an essential.

    Because Mystique certainly _will_ be essential for a PVE, because that's how it's always been.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    So you'd rather have Mystique as the essential in the PVE after the one this week, which _will_ be for a new cover?

    I'd rather have a PVE for something sucky like, say, Spiderman covers, with Mystique as an essential.

    Because Mystique certainly _will_ be essential for a PVE, because that's how it's always been.

    Basically, I just wanted to be able to get the next PVE's covers even though I don't have Mystique. If they are covers I need I'll be so disappointed to not be able to hit those essentials. Then again, I can still try for that progression reward, but essentials do help tons towards that one as well.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okin107 wrote:
    I wonder what the next PVE is and when it is going to start. I would like to go for another 3* cover.

    I'd like to kindly ask the devs that if they are not releasing a new char, can we not have Mystique as essential for the next PVE? I did not play the Heroic to get her as I don't have HP to spare on slots at the moment. I am focusing on upgrading my current chars rather than adding new ones. It would be much appreciated if you gave out some older covers and Mystique was not essential.
    D3 answer: Buy hp for the extra slot our sell a cover to free up a slot
  • She should be up for grabs in a PvP soon. Just get a cover there.
  • Traditionally you can win 1-4 covers (depending on personal and alliance placement) for the featured PvE Essential 3* in PvP about an hour before that PvE ends, so plenty of time to grind yourself into the top 100. Problem solved!

    *actual solution of problem may not occur.
  • She should be up for grabs in a PvP soon. Just get a cover there.

    If history is to be trusted she'll be in pvp rewards when she's already required in an essential node.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    ark123 wrote:
    She should be up for grabs in a PvP soon. Just get a cover there.

    If history is to be trusted she'll be in pvp rewards when she's already required in an essential node.

    They announced that her PvP would start on the 14th. So presumably the first event for Season 8 will award Mystique, which ends on the 16th. So expect the next PvE to run at least to the 17th, so pick a really long PvE, and that's probably what's up next.

    Edit: Unless I'm reading it wrong, and when they said "the event for her" means her event, in which case Nefarious Foes will award Mystique.
  • Whatever they do, they should buff LCap and OBW. Those two are beasts in PVE. Seriously, they are the most enjoyable couple in PVE. LCap can also turn the game around the moment you don't expect it. It just takes one yellow to ruin the AI's game. I really hope that they do at least put some thought into the buffed characters. I don't want another GSBW & Hawkeye PVE run.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okin107 wrote:
    Whatever they do, they should buff LCap and OBW. Those two are beasts in PVE. Seriously, they are the most enjoyable couple in PVE. LCap can also turn the game around the moment you don't expect it. It just takes one yellow to ruin the AI's game. I really hope that they do at least put some thought into the buffed characters. I don't want another GSBW & Hawkeye PVE run.

    To be honest, overscaled jugs/daken in the final nodes aside, I rather enjoyed the last pve. My mnmags is underlevelled because I started him late and add some iso whenever he gets buffed. Currently at 75, was 115 during the event. Even so, he was a supporting star in most of the nodes as a board controller like his pre-nerfed 3* version.

    Where you can create crits or match4, he also collects valuable ap with bonus boosted damage. Used him with various team combinations and coasted through most of the nodes except the last few with him instead of gsbw - similar health and purple powers, but his is cheaper. 1 turn less to activation makes a tinykittying difference when jugs or daken or ares or muscle can nuke you in the next turn.

    The roster was not completely horrible. It was an interesting challenge for me. Only thing that could have been better was that I was sorely lacking covers for Carol and she was thus spectacularly useless even for the trivial nodes which I left for im35 and mstorm to handle.