Alliance Commanders should be able to gift token purchases

SpaceBearPig Posts: 83 Match Maker
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
The new size for rosters of alliences is a big change, a good change no doubt but the fact that rosters can't be bigger makes it harder for commanders to directly influence the allience strenght. At the same time for D3 I imagine the HP used to expand alliences was ofter HP bought.

So I have a suggestion that I think in general could be a huge positive direction to go for the game that will strengthen alliences while not making it too pay to win and at the same time even benefit the developer.

In valve games like TF2 and Dota 2 you could buy gift packs that awarded everyone on the server you were playing a free item drop. In those games a lot of the drops are purely cosmetic but for MPQ awarding your allience covers makes your allience stronger in general. So if commanders or sub commanders are not spending HP on roster slots, why not invest in your allience buddies. I just see it as something benefitting everyone, also x-mas is coming and it should totally be a thing in MPQ.



  • I second this. Nothing I hate more than selling a 3* token for a measly 500 iso because I have that character or colour maxed. I'd love instead to gift it to an alliance member. Could even use them as motivators, whoever gets the best score in current event gets the token or something.
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    D3 just took OUT the Alliance-related Pay to Win feature by making Alliance roster slots free as opposed to pay-only.

    Introducing another Pay to Win feature when one was just taken out is a bit counterproductive as it then becomes a variation of the previous P2W issue.

    Instead of Commanders influencing POSSIBLE advantage by buying slots to build a stronger Alliance, they can gift to EVERYONE in their Alliance covers and now it's REALLY an advantage because it can boost EVERYONE'S rosters in the Alliance if the Commander is willing which is a better guarantee for overall competitiveness.

    This isn't 'less' P2W; this is even more P2W.
  • SunCrusher wrote:
    D3 just took OUT the Alliance-related Pay to Win feature by making Alliance roster slots free as opposed to pay-only.

    Introducing another Pay to Win feature when one was just taken out is a bit counterproductive as it then becomes a variation of the previous P2W issue.

    Instead of Commanders influencing POSSIBLE advantage by buying slots to build a stronger Alliance, they can gift to EVERYONE in their Alliance covers and now it's REALLY an advantage because it can boost EVERYONE'S rosters in the Alliance if the Commander is willing which is a better guarantee for overall competitiveness.

    This isn't 'less' P2W; this is even more P2W.
    If someone is rich and generous enough to actually buy stuff to gift to their alliance mates, I see no problem with it. I like the idea of my commander gifiting me 3* covers icon_mrgreen.gif I'm might be biased because I like free stuffs.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    stray wrote:
    I second this. Nothing I hate more than selling a 3* token for a measly 500 iso because I have that character or colour maxed. I'd love instead to gift it to an alliance member. Could even use them as motivators, whoever gets the best score in current event gets the token or something.
    This sounds like pulled-cover trading, which is a very different and far more dangerous concept.

    The OP suggested gifting tokens that were explicitly bought as gifts, using HP. Off the top of my head, that should have little negative effect on the in-game economy, and would be cool.

    However, introducing cover trading within alliances would crack the game wide open to serious cover farming.
  • SpaceBearPig
    SpaceBearPig Posts: 83 Match Maker
    HailMary wrote:
    The OP suggested gifting tokens that were explicitly bought as gifts, using HP. Off the top of my head, that should have little negative effect on the in-game economy, and would be cool.

    Yes, maybe I was unclear about that. What I meant was a commander or whatever just anyone in the allience buys a drop pack, the drop pack contains 20 heroic or event tokens that are 2* or better with 1 token minimum being a 3* or higher. So in a allience of say 20 people would just get a token each, in alliences of less than 20 some people get double.

    This can in no way be broken as you'd have to spend thousands of HP that may as well be a 250 ISO reward only for each individual in a lot of cases. It always fun for me for example even if I have a lot of my 2* roster maxed in covers to get a 2* event or heroic token. It would be a fun way to promote loyalty, good spirits and fun in an allience. Sometimes you have HP to share, might as well help out your allience members.
  • I suggest you rename the title of the thread to be:
    Alliance Commanders should be able to gift token purchases

    Drops has a totally different connotation as something won in game. Gifting drops would distort the sub-economy. Gifting purchased tokens and purchased token packs probably would not.
  • SpaceBearPig
    SpaceBearPig Posts: 83 Match Maker
    daibar wrote:
    I suggest you rename the title of the thread to be:
    Alliance Commanders should be able to gift token purchases

    Drops has a totally different connotation as something won in game. Gifting drops would distort the sub-economy. Gifting purchased tokens and purchased token packs probably would not.

  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    Buying a token or token pack should totally be a thing. I have nothing against that and would only think that it would increase profits for D3. I do agree that sharing from wins and/or drops should not be allowed, even if I would love to help out some of my newbie members, but that would break the system. Buying them on the other hand doesn't break anything. If someone wants to buy a token or a pack for another member, nothing should stop them. It's a legit request by the OP.
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    best would be an Alliance bank, don't need a cover dump it in there, someone is looking for that, can't see it happening as it would decrease sales.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's a potential problem with being able to gift tokens to people bought with in-game currency:

    Obviously it's possible to fake purchases and create illegitimate amounts of ISO and HP. People get caught eventually and sandboxed. But you can have a cheater in your alliance and not even know it. What happens if a cheater creates a bunch of HP, and gifts a bunch of tokens to people who don't know they're illegitimately purchased? Those players cash those tokens in and use the covers normally before D3 catches the cheater and sandboxes them -- do they sandbox everyone who gained from it? Should they reset the other team members' accounts to remove the fruit of the poisoned tree? The best answer from a customer service perspective is no, just remove the cheater and move on.

    But then add this wrinkle: if you know or expect that will be their response, it's a fairly trivial matter to create a cheater account that can't be traced back to your own legitimate account, gift a bunch of prizes to people including but not limited to yourself, and let your disposable account get sandboxed while you reap the rewards and feign innocence.

    There's no easy way to solve this problem. The developers need to come up with a really complex answer instead if they ever want to put in a feature like this.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    best would be an Alliance bank, don't need a cover dump it in there, someone is looking for that, can't see it happening as it would decrease sales.
    I've suggested this before. If they want to keep it from decreasing sales, there's a compromise they could take. Players have to buy the covers out of the bank (at a discount). This would also help keep people from taking covers out of the bank that they don't really need, for experimental respec or just to convert to ISO.
  • nimvin
    nimvin Posts: 81
    If you want this to be a thing send your alliance mates googleplay prepaid cards.
  • this is a good idea