Season long gauntlet, ISO PvP

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I'll just throw these out as ideas (they may have been brought up in other threads, but I'm too lazy to hit that search button). After one is done grinding PvE nodes, has hit their ceiling for awhile on PvP and could care less about Sim ( I don't really need any more 1* covers and can't even get near scoring enough for useless 2* covers), wouldn't it be nice to have a PvE that went on essentially for the whole season? With ISO, HP, and staggered new 2* leading to a few select 3* and maybe a lone 4* reward as the finale, and possibly just 1k ISO rewards after to let people keep playing, that would allow people to play an event with their whole rosters at the leisure. I know not all like Gauntlet, but it would be a better way of letting players (esp. transitioning players) earn covers and allow more covered rosters earn ISO. Also, it would be nice if maybe there were two nodes for each PvP. One with the traditional cover rewards and the other with increasing levels of ISO for players to level up higher characters. Alliance rewards would still be based on mix of ISO, HP, and covers. It just seems like it would alleviate the maxed and 166 rosters from keeping new and transition players from getting covers they actually need.


  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't dump on the SIM, you are asking for way too get iso, what do you think those covers are for?
  • Howzat
    Howzat Posts: 31
    New member so thought i'd bump this as can't start my own thread.

    To me the Gauntlet is true PvE and a lot more enjoyable way to play the game instead of being on a 2.5hr grind. I have a few ideas on how the Gauntlet could be turned in to its own PvE event cycle. Using the current format as a base with the following changes.

    - 4 "sub" events, instead of the current 3, that run for 7 days. I think it could cycle weekly without a break as there is no burnout from strict time demands.
    - The final progression reward for each sub is a 3* cover, one each for the 3 current featured 3* and the last sub reward being the first 3* featured essential for the next Gauntlet cycle. This means if 100% completed the Gauntlet would provide 4 3* covers as base.
    - Alliance total progression can be tracked with an additional cover for next cycle featured 3* at certain amount of points, 75% of total possible points for a 20 member alliance seems reasonable. A bonus 4* cover is offered if entire alliance can 100% the Gauntlet. Alliance rewards are not calculated/awarded until the cycle is finished to stop people jumping to increase progression and take multiple covers.
    - This would offer the potential to earn 5 x 3* covers and 1 x 4* on a weekly basis, plus the nominal event tokens, ISO, and HP along the way if a complete alliance could 100% the Gauntlet. The 5 x 3* covers are spread across 4 characters, but across two weekly cycles one of those characters could earn 3 covers (2 one week, 1 the next week). This isn't flooding the population with a large number of covers in one character.
    - How achievable completing the Gauntlet 100% is up to the devs. They set the match ups and scaling and then it's you versus the AI. It would obviously be a challenge to complete it 100%, having an alliance strong enough so everyone could complete it 100% would be an even bigger challenge.
    - Playing this game at your own pace amplifies the enjoyment. Not having to worry about someone in your bracket not sleeping for 3 days increases the enjoyment. This is a fun game. The only thing that removes the enjoyment from it is the constant need to keep pace with everyone else to be successful. If you set a target and give everybody an opportunity to achieve it in their own time (but within a week which I think is reasonable) all the noise about burnout would decrease.
    - Extra idea. Maybe to appease those that do like the current PvE grind add a time attack bonus prize. If a certain point (maybe 100% completion, maybe less) can be reached in 3 or 4 days instead of 7 they get thrown something extra. Maybe more ISO would help the grinders more than anything?

    If anyone has posted similar ideas before, fair enough I'm new and have only ben lurking for a small amount of time. If anyone else has any other ideas on this format feel free to share. Maybe it has to many cons for the dev to seriously consider it, but to me it seems the effort vs reward would be fair.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that each of the subs should be open from the start, they shouldn't be dependant/progressive. If there is one or two subs with rewards i don't want/need they could be skipped. With suggested alliance cover offered at 75% total completion i could choose to only complete 3 of 4 subs without impacting the alliance.