TU needs to drop more

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I am unsure if someone has already talked about this but the TU drop rate is ridiculously low, before the nerf it was dropping too much, not it is way too low. I cant even fill my 20 slots if I save them all up.

You know something is wrong and requires balancing when I cant even fill up all my 20 slots and trying not to even use them.What is the point of TU when you cannot get enough to use them? it is almost becoming like it is the luck of the draw if you happens to have a TU ready let a lone a great one to use.

And what is the point of having TU boost when I barely have enough TU to work with?

Dev needs to look at this quickly.


  • Request TUs from your alliance.
  • Kaigen wrote:
    Request TUs from your alliance.

    if your in the x-men alliances and everyone has a full max level roster to share, sure. but most of the alliances out there (like the one I am in) do not have the luxury to hand out good TU's let alone great ones. They too need to fix the TU loan time and reduce that to a level that encourages lending.
  • Don't bother. Terribly implemented feature to make you take more damage.

    If they aren't persistant they aren't worth your energy as it's way way way too much micro-management for a 1 time use skill.

    Even the old broken environmental tiles were better
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    silverrex wrote:
    Kaigen wrote:
    Request TUs from your alliance.

    if your in the x-men alliances and everyone has a full max level roster to share, sure. but most of the alliances out there (like the one I am in) do not have the luxury to hand out good TU's let alone great ones. They too need to fix the TU loan time and reduce that to a level that encourages lending.
    Whenever someone in my alliance wants a team-up, I reach for Juggernaut first. They are guaranteed to get a useful teamup (Unstoppable Crash, resetting the board for only 6AP is hard to beat) and Juggs returns in only 4 hours.
    If that's not an option either, you could always replay some prologue missions for Unstoppable Crashes or Symbiote Snares.
  • Exactly. Juggy is very useful that way.

    Personally I'd prefer to get more bost drops, because I only use TU as a last resort. I like keeping one or two loaded just in case of need, and preferably ones that don't cost much, since I don't want to match TU tiles more than necessary. I've got something like 14 or 15 saved up at the moment... and my biggest problem is that most of them are Wolverine (various versions). icon_lol.gif
  • There are several good TUs in the 1* and 2* characters. Juggs, Venom, Black Widow 1* & 2*, Storm 1* & 2*, and that's off the top of my head.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    LoreNYC wrote:
    Even the old broken environmental tiles were better

    I would disagree. While TU is hard to balance (in the past it dropped too frequently, and now it dropped too little), it is definitely better than env tiles.

    I have won games that I would have lost bec I have a suitable TU loaded. It could be in the form of board shakeup, AP steal or AOE dmg.

    It is useful in pve because the enemy levels are higher and games drag longer. Sometimes I just need a 1 more ability dmg to win the game. And TU is an option.
  • atomzed wrote:
    LoreNYC wrote:
    Even the old broken environmental tiles were better

    I would disagree. While TU is hard to balance (in the past it dropped too frequently, and now it dropped too little), it is definitely better than env tiles.

    I have won games that I would have lost bec I have a suitable TU loaded. It could be in the form of board shakeup, AP steal or AOE dmg.

    It is useful in pve because the enemy levels are higher and games drag longer. Sometimes I just need a 1 more ability dmg to win the game. And TU is an option.

    I guess I should clarify:

    TU potential is much better than current implementation. I would make them persistent abilities maybe you earn or collect specifically for TU than would function perhaps at a 50% rate of the actual ability. It's way too much game management for a 1 time ability. I know there are specialized cases where they make a big difference like gauntlet or auto-tanking. Maybe each one collected is a stack of 10 - who knows but right now it's a lot more time management than just doing the battle without it - or regular color boosts
  • it would be nice if they give us a check box to select which boost we want. For a beginner the default drop rate is having everything on, where as for me I have maxed ap boost. So I can check ap boost off and it will automatically increase drop rate of TU simply because I do not need ap boost anymore.
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    If you are in a stable strong alliance, each member should develop at least 1 max 1star character to be loaned as teamup. Maxed venom, yelena, jugg, mstorm, im35 make great teamups with low TU cost