likelihood of sentry being vaulted next season?

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
What do you guys think is the likelihood of sentry being vaulted this upcoming season to be "worked on"? Also how much of a shift would this cause in the meta? People always talk about sentry being altered, what if he just didn't exist fir a season?


  • LegendReborn
    What would that change? Vaulting sentry doesn't prevent his usage in PVP anymore than vaulting patch prevented his usage in PVP. Vaulting just means that he won't be available through tokens until he's taken out at a later point.
  • I think he's referring to developers comments that they were taken out certain characters so that they could be worked on out of the limelight.

    Honestly, I haven't heard anything regarding changes to the 'vaulted' characters so far. I'm a little doubtful that they'll even change the 'vaulted' characters for next season, as the token change only occurred a month ago, Oct 17. Doesn't seem like enough time to push through a change.
  • If they nerf Sentry, there will be nothing standing in the way of every, and I mean every, team being Hood/Xforce.

    Balance goes beyond just Sentry.

    There are multiple characters that need to be toned down.
  • woopie
    woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    Given the time that it took them to update xforce, I don't see any new nerf or adjustments happening to him for a while.
  • Moral
    Moral Posts: 512
    Xforce is more likely to see a nerf before Sentry at this point.

    I regularly see Xforce with fewer than 8 covers being used in pvp over fully covered 3 star characters. He's that good.

    He's being used on a LOT of transition teams.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't get your hopes up on the characters in the current value being updated: I think the vault was just meant to put characters that have a high chance of being worked on. They probably aren't actually going change all of these characters any time soon since when was the last time we've ever had, what, 7 characters changed in the span of a month?
  • The current trend is actually newer, even bigger, even better characters
    After Sentry is nerfed, we'll probably see XForce even more
    Once hood is nerfed, everyone will have thorina next to XForce

    The fact is - PVP is boring. Very boring. Why? Well there isn't enough incentive to make the featured character the center of your pvp team. That's why so many people right now could care less about whatever character is going with Sentry hood because they beat just about any team in under 60 seconds, reshield, watch defensive losses hit their shield, rinse. repeat.

    It's madly broken but it also is a big source of income because the 2-3* transition is so much easier in that everyone just needs to get 1 cover of each color for sentry hood and just buy 25k hp for covers and more for shields and you're suddenly able to score 2k any time you want.

    Their interpreter for meta data clearly doesn't understand the game if they think that sentry isn't completely broken on a level far beyond every other character before. But rather than breaking everyone's favorite bomber they're going to introduce newer better characters.

    I'm not sure how successful sentry bombing a 16k XForce 15k Colossus and third character will be in this event but one things for sure:

    If you can't sentry bomb your score way up with your 3 wins in 5 minutes and shield hops - all scores will come way down. I love that the 2k scores are paying for our easy 1300s but man oh man PVP is boring because of it

    Edit: And there's no chance he'll be 'vaulted' any time soon
  • radav
    radav Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    This is a little off topic but, the character being "vaulted" means that they plan on performing some kind of change to them? Does Patch really need a rework? Who else was vaulted for last season that they're supposedly "working" on?
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    radav wrote:
    This is a little off topic but, the character being "vaulted" means that they plan on performing some kind of change to them? Does Patch really need a rework? Who else was vaulted for last season that they're supposedly "working" on?


    Also don't take this to mean that they're going to work on every single character on that list: we've seen how it takes 3 month to get 1 rework + balance change, theres no way they're going to get through 7 characters in a month or probably even half a year.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    Moral wrote:
    Xforce is more likely to see a nerf before Sentry at this point.

    I regularly see Xforce with fewer than 8 covers being used in pvp over fully covered 3 star characters. He's that good.

    He's being used on a LOT of transition teams.

    Until you get the magical 5th for black I would say XForce is merely a 'very strong' character. The same is true of sentry, I see lots of people trying to bomb with 4 yellow or 4 green. Lots of people run partially covered Hood for the same reason. sentry-bombing is a dominant strategy so people are trying to follow as best they are able with the covers they have.

    an xforce with < 5 covers in green or black is a nuisance, but he is totally beatable - the powers don't go into overdrive till 5.
    On the OP topic the problem with vaulting Sentry in prep for a nerf is you have a have/have-not problem where all of the confirmed bombers get to keep on bombing, and all the people who are trying to climb on board get left at the station. Around these parts that is decried as a 'rich get richer' issue and the flames grow higher and higher...
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    LoreNYC wrote:
    The fact is - PVP is boring. Very boring.
    I actually agree with basically all of your post except this part. Pvp isn't boring by itself, just the top end of pvp at 800+ where all you see are endless strings of sentry/hood and you're best off just running the same yourself. I mostly run xforce/daken until 8-900 mixing in hood or some other characters depending on match ups, and it's pretty fun cause xforce is fun to play with. Once I break out sentry it's still pretty fun for a little while trying to see how quickly you can get the combo off. Sometimes you can match 5 green and set up a yellow match so you can go ahead and WR turn 1. After a few times sure it gets a little stale, so I certainly understand your comment. But I just can't agree that pvp on the whole is boring.

    The part about not making the featured characters need to be built around is an extremely valid point. I would love to see them introduce more synergy-related mechanics, so that people who chose more flavorful teams (falcon featured flanked by cap and ??? Fury?, storm featured so you bring BP and another x-man, you get the idea) get a bit of a bonus (and maybe more hp so to be sentry bomb deterring). Then maybe we would see more different combinations rather than just the endless stream of sentry/hood.
  • mohio wrote:
    The part about not making the featured characters need to be built around is an extremely valid point. I would love to see them introduce more synergy-related mechanics, so that people who chose more flavorful teams (falcon featured flanked by cap and ??? Fury?, storm featured so you bring BP and another x-man, you get the idea) get a bit of a bonus (and maybe more hp so to be sentry bomb deterring). Then maybe we would see more different combinations rather than just the endless stream of sentry/hood.

    This would be phenomenally fun. If characters had built in auras that said like for instance on Falcon, "+25% to your Captain America's Match Damage" or if maybe Spider-Man said, "+3 Blue AP to pool if fighting against Doctor Octopus". That would make choosing teams fun and could include mechanics for selecting specific teams versus specific opponents. It would make support characters more fun and viable especially since they don't always seem to fit in exactly right.

    Or even if they couldn't put them on characters, at least they could put them into events besides just the plain leveling up certain characters. This would have been much better to have done than the Team-Up stuff which benefits almost no one but the AI.
  • inEden
    inEden Posts: 41
    Definitely agree character should have passives and synergy.

    Just not character specific ones. It can make lesser used abilities better too. Like say Falcon once he uses his purple ability increases the speed of the whole team and reduces everyone's abilities cost by one.

    I also think it'll be handy to have specific team passives with weaker character sets getting stronger passives. That can make 2* slightly more competitive and it'll make weaker 3* an option. Whether to go with 3 weak characters that has a good team bonus or go with 3 strong characters that don't have any team bonuses.

    Especially if you have 3 characters who synergise well with their abilities AND have a strong team bonus you have the option of using them against powerhouses and know you can win by playing well.

    I love using strong characters but I also want the option of winning with a proper team by playing well.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    LoreNYC wrote:
    That's why so many people right now could care less
  • Probably from 0% - 0%. If Sentry was vaulted then the gap between "I have max Sentry" and "I don't have max Sentry" would just grow.
  • mohio wrote:
    LoreNYC wrote:
    The fact is - PVP is boring. Very boring.

    The part about not making the featured characters need to be built around is an extremely valid point. I would love to see them introduce more synergy-related mechanics, so that people who chose more flavorful teams (falcon featured flanked by cap and ??? Fury?, storm featured so you bring BP and another x-man, you get the idea) get a bit of a bonus (and maybe more hp so to be sentry bomb deterring). Then maybe we would see more different combinations rather than just the endless stream of sentry/hood.
    What do you mean?

    There are a ton of synergy related teams running around.

    Hood Sentry

    Hood XForce

    Hood Thor

    Hell, I even see Hood Black Panther on Occasion.

    And don't even get me started on Daken.

    There's Daken Sentry

    Daken Xforce

    Daken Thor

    That's like 6 whole characters right there. And they all synergize very very well with free attack tiles and free AP drain.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    Well they are doing a somewhat new change in the way PVP will be played here this week. I wonder if any synergies will be implemented. Either way, I'm very excited to see what changes are made! But being vaulted just means no tokens for you. Vaulted doesn't mean they're changing the character. They could, but it doesn't mean they absolutely are doing it. Patch and Punisher are vaulted, but they are perfect the way they are. No reason to change them up.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moral wrote:
    Xforce is more likely to see a nerf before Sentry at this point.

    I regularly see Xforce with fewer than 8 covers being used in pvp over fully covered 3 star characters. He's that good.

    He's being used on a LOT of transition teams.
    Well, he's also a hell of a lot easier to cover, being rewarded in 2+ events a week, as opposed to maybe once every other season. Especially when as a 1* player you get cupcake brackets for easy 1sts
  • I'm a transition player with 3 maxed 3*s. With sentry being one, I truly hope not or I've got no chance in a smaller than average feline of posting a decent sim score or getting past the 600 wall.
  • LoreNYC wrote:
    And there's no chance he'll be 'vaulted' any time soon
    LOL You just don't want him to get nerfed soon.