Why do points shrink so much in PvP?

Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I'll start a PvP and have a few fights worth 25-50 points. Makes sense, I'm bottom rung and everyone's higher than me. I get that.

Get a little further up, break 300...still finding a few doable 30s maybe a 40 here and there. Then I get to about 600 or 700 points and it's all 15-20 points per match against challenging opponents and they're almost always ranked lower than me. There are people higher up I feel I could probably have a crack at that I don't get matched against, unless I'm maybe very lucky. So I end up slowly, slowly crawling up the leaderboard, hoping not to get hit as I go and maybe managing only a handful of fights before I'm out of health packs and I need to rest up. I might have gained 100 points by the end of it, and when I come back my rank is pretty much where it was, even if I hadn't been attacked.

It's weird, I had a spell recently where hitting top 25 was relatively easy. I'm not expecting to be number 1 or anything, I aim for the two-cover slot (which, IMO, should be a little lower than top 25. 150-25 is one cover? Bit weird). It just seems there's a band of points where the amount you win is pretty low. I hear tell after a certain threshold the point values go back up again.


  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    If it's any consolation the same happens to me. When I start in the last 8 hours or so I can climb first 600 very quickly with 40+ matches, then 6-800 is mostly 30-ish, then you start getting those 48s and 49s after you cross 800. Not sure exactly why but I'm sure it's however they're currently implementing matchmaking
  • It's the buckets, man. THE BUCKETS!

    *runs away laughing maniacally*
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Here's a rundown of the phenomenon. I'm using 3* players as my reference point because I'm one of them, and the precise position of "Point Purgatory" can vary a bit:
    For many 3* players, there's a zone at around 600 points in a typical PVP which acts like a general MMR Hell. I call it Point Purgatory. Essentially, what happens is that, roughly in the 600-700 score range, quite a few players see their opponent point values drop from 23-30 points to ~17-23 points no matter the number of skips. Players end up needing to muscle through those low-value fights just to break past 700 (or 750, if you're unlucky) and see worthwhile fights again. This is likely due to one of several "invisible switches" built into the PVP matchmaking framework, likely as an anti-tanking measure. Essentially, at around 700 points, your opponent pool gets cracked wide open. If, previously, pretty much only fellow L120 teams could see you, now top-end triple-L166 teams can suddenly see you, and they will hit you for easy points. This likely creates a dense boundary layer of players who are pummeled once they venture past 700, yet are relatively safe below, which stabilizes their scores in the 500-650 range until the last-hour feeding frenzy. This overly dense boundary layer, in turn, creates Point Purgatory, because most teams above 700 are essentially invisible until you trip that switch.

    More on this here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14693&start=40#p239936
  • I don't know what's wrong but since the last two PvPs I can only see people lower than me resulting in points less than 20 even going till 9 points sometimes. I need to skip several times before I can get a match worth of 18 points. I still get 9 point worth of matches while skipping. Before I would get 40 and below point matches from players a couple hundred points above me.

    edit: In Colossus PvP, it seems to be back to normal.
  • Basic roadmap for PVP:

    0-450: A bunch of easy level 94 teams worth 35-45 points.

    450-550: A mix of easy level 94 teams and high level teams, all generally around 25-30 points.

    550-750: A bunch of high level, low score teams worth 15-25 points.

    750 and beyond: A bunch of Xforces, Hoods and Sentries worth 40-50 points.

    As far as I can tell, that's how it is for literally everyone.

    That's how its been for me all season and a bunch of my alliance members have said the same thing.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    things are though all over man.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    onimus wrote:
    Basic roadmap for PVP:

    0-450: A bunch of easy level 94 teams worth 35-45 points.

    450-550: A mix of easy level 94 teams and high level teams, all generally around 25-30 points.

    550-750: A bunch of high level, low score teams worth 15-25 points.

    750 and beyond: A bunch of Xforces, Hoods and Sentries worth 40-50 points.

    As far as I can tell, that's how it is for literally everyone.

    That's how its been for me all season and a bunch of my alliance members have said the same thing.

    Seems to be how it is for me, too. Maybe I was just lucky getting into the brackets where 700-800 was enough to score top 25.