No More Single Map PvE-Please?

Colognoisseur Posts: 804 Critical Contributor
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Ben Grimm had a great idea but I think his timing was a little bit off in his "Please Cancel Juggernaut Heroic" what we need to be is a bit more pro-active as a community and let the devs know before they schedule another that we would like to not see another one of these. So if you agree upvote this so the devs see the support or lack of it.

My proposal is for you to take all of the single map PvE content, Venom Heroic Juggernaut Heroic, Unstable Iso-8; and put it in the vault until you can re-work it to add subs to it.
In the meantime there is more than enough PVE content for you to rotate through which does have subs.
There are still Heroics, Oscorp and Dark Avengers
There are The Hulk, Simulator, Deadpool v. MPQ, Thick as Thieves, The Hunt, Iso-8 Brotherhood, and Prodigal Sun.
That makes nine PvE events which can be used on a rotating basis which makes playing more enjoyable.

Upvote this now so if there are the single map PvE's scheduled for the future they now have the time to make some changes.


  • Nighthawk81
    Nighthawk81 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    Ben Grimm had a great idea but I think his timing was a little bit off in his "Please Cancel Juggernaut Heroic" what we need to be is a bit more pro-active as a community and let the devs know before they schedule another that we would like to not see another one of these. So if you agree upvote this so the devs see the support or lack of it.

    My proposal is for you to take all of the single map PvE content, Venom Heroic Juggernaut Heroic, Unstable Iso-8; and put it in the vault until you can re-work it to add subs to it.
    In the meantime there is more than enough PVE content for you to rotate through which does have subs.
    There are still Heroics, Oscorp and Dark Avengers
    There are The Hulk, Simulator, Deadpool v. MPQ, Thick as Thieves, The Hunt, Iso-8 Brotherhood, and Prodigal Sun.
    That makes nine PvE events which can be used on a rotating basis which makes playing more enjoyable.

    Upvote this now so if there are the single map PvE's scheduled for the future they now have the time to make some changes.

    I'd also like to add that D3 should hurry up with the new content that they have been touting is on the way. I mean, they dropped Dark Reign at San Diego Comic Con. That was what, almost 3 month ago? Was there nothing in the works, story-wise, when the announcement was made? Give us some new stories instead of so many new characters as often as is happening.
  • I'd rather they just re run Simulator every single time if they can't think of anything clever. At least it's not the same guys you're playing against each time.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    Single Map PvE wouldn't be that bad if they were no more than 2 days long
  • Can someone explain to me why PvE with subs is better than PvEs with no subs? I actually prefer events without subs because multi-sub events feel like a chore to me. With single sub I can play a sub when it's up, then maybe repeat nodes later in the day and in the next day and so on. With multi-sub events I need to do that in every sub which takes so much time and effort.
  • KevinMark wrote:
    Can someone explain to me why PvE with subs is better than PvEs with no subs? I actually prefer events without subs because multi-sub events feel like a chore to me. With single sub I can play a sub when it's up, then maybe repeat nodes later in the day and in the next day and so on. With multi-sub events I need to do that in every sub which takes so much time and effort.

    The biggest reason is that since each sub has reward it ends up being more reward overall, especially if it's something very generous like Iso 8 Brotherhood. Picking up 100 or even just 25 HP every sub for 15 or so subs adds up to a very significant number at the end.

    It's also easier to retain an earlier lead with sub since the lead you have in the old subs don't get rubberband to main though it's not as big an issue with the rubberband being weak.
  • I get less rewards overall angle. That could be mitigated with just reducing the event run times. Instead of running a 7 days of Heroic Juggernaut you could make it a 2,5 days event. I think the one we are having now is short because they wanted it to coincide with the season ending.
  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    KevinMark wrote:
    I get less rewards overall angle. That could be mitigated with just reducing the event run times. Instead of running a 7 days of Heroic Juggernaut you could make it a 2,5 days event. I think the one we are having now is short because they wanted it to coincide with the season ending.

    To build on the earlier point, some of the angst about this event is due to the new character release. Those of us on the east coast (or worse time zones) cannot afford to stay up til the event closes, and with the rubberbanding all based off one node, no lead is enough to ensure you get Mystique who will be essential in the next PvE event. This is made worse by the case where she will be a PvP reward coming up, but it could be in one of the between seasons, chaos, PvPs.

    If my understanding, subs also help control scaling, and an overlevelled Jug is a health pack consuming machine.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Subs reward you with 2 * recruit tokens and, potentially, HP. Even without alliance rewards, that still doubles the number of tokens you get just from a two-sub event. Which is huge because it means that on average you'll get at least one rare cover, when the two you get from progression will give you an average of no 3* covers. That's even more important with a new character PvE because the placement rewards don't help improve your roster in the short term at all.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Even though the heroic is probably the worst pve event I. would be ok with it if they don't end it at the same time as a PvP end. Like doing pve for new cover and season end is horrible and I think my phone is revolting. I rather this event get finished way before season end.