Another Alliance Suggestion

Flare808 Posts: 266
With the considerable outcry over the free 20 slot alliances, I started to think of other ways to soften the blow to people who bought slots. I know that this idea has been brought up before, but I think it is relevant to current happenings.

Having a full 20 man alliance before the switch allows for a few "bench" slots. These players can earn points like normal, but only the top 20 scores for an alliance will count. Players on the bench will still get the same rewards as the "active" 20, just like benchwarmers get a ring for being on the team that wins the Super Bowl. That way, people who bought alliance slots still get some value out of their purchase.

The number of slots could be given on a sliding scale based on the number of bought slots.
20 slots=3 bench spots
15 slots=2 bench spots
10 slots=1 bench spot
Any new alliances would be able to purchase those bench slots to add onto their alliance.

There's a couple benefits that come out of this. Burnout is a problem, especially in top alliances. With bench slots, a couple people can take a break and not push as hard. Transitioning players might be able to find their way onto a stronger alliance as a project and could earn some covers while sitting on the bench.