How would you improve MPQ?



  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Break PVP into sub brackets
    1 star: 1 star roster only
    2 star: 1-2 star roster
    3 star: 1-3 star roster
    4 star: full roster available

    or have sub brackets separated by level
    50 capped
    100 capped
    200 capped
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Im not necessarily saying make it easier. Im suggesting that D3 needs to look at the data and make sure that the players in the transition are still able to achieve progress without extraordinary effort (or HP spent).

    The only way it would be fair for a 2* person to be segregated from a 3* roster would be to make them compete for different prizes, ones that have equivalent value to their stage of the game. Sectioning off people who are 1* and letting them have an easier time "competing" in PVP for a 4*? That just doesnt make sense. There is NO WAY they should be in the running for that top spot, when the reward is the same for all.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Im not necessarily saying make it easier. Im suggesting that D3 needs to look at the data and make sure that the players in the transition are still able to achieve progress without extraordinary effort (or HP spent).

    The only way it would be fair for a 2* person to be segregated from a 3* roster would be to make them compete for different prizes, ones that have equivalent value to their stage of the game. Sectioning off people who are 1* and letting them have an easier time "competing" in PVP for a 4*? That just doesnt make sense. There is NO WAY they should be in the running for that top spot, when the reward is the same for all.
    But what if you could play every sub bracket? and win the same reward from every sub bracket
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    fmftint wrote:
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Im not necessarily saying make it easier. Im suggesting that D3 needs to look at the data and make sure that the players in the transition are still able to achieve progress without extraordinary effort (or HP spent).

    The only way it would be fair for a 2* person to be segregated from a 3* roster would be to make them compete for different prizes, ones that have equivalent value to their stage of the game. Sectioning off people who are 1* and letting them have an easier time "competing" in PVP for a 4*? That just doesnt make sense. There is NO WAY they should be in the running for that top spot, when the reward is the same for all.
    But what if you could play every sub bracket? and win the same reward from every sub bracket

    The goal should be for people to be able to compete for the prize they need (NOT want), so if the prizes for each bracket were the same then why bracket? I DO like the idea of bracketed PVP, with the rewards/prizes commensurate, or slightly above, the chars needed.
  • Just make guaranteed 3* cover for progression at 600 (or whatever other number you start facing every person in game), you might even cut rewards for top placement requirement from top100 to top50.

    Inb4 too easy: 600 is absolute maximum a 2* roster can achieve and will get pounded into ground any time it peaks above it. If a person with 2* rosters gets to 600 and still is pushed out of top100 (hello Blade as reward) then the entire bracket is unwinnable from the start, no matter how much you try, you can't get prize that you actually need to progress.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Nivrax wrote:
    Just make guaranteed 3* cover for progression at 600 (or whatever other number you start facing every person in game), you might even cut rewards for top placement requirement from top100 to top50.

    Inb4 too easy: 600 is absolute maximum a 2* roster can achieve and will get pounded into ground any time it peaks above it. If a person with 2* rosters gets to 600 and still is pushed out of top100 (hello Blade as reward) then the entire bracket is unwinnable from the start, no matter how much you try, you can't get prize that you actually need to progress.

    Pretty good suggestion. I would say that it needs to be above 600, but not by much, if its a progression reward.
  • MarvelMan wrote:
    Im not necessarily saying make it easier. Im suggesting that D3 needs to look at the data and make sure that the players in the transition are still able to achieve progress without extraordinary effort (or HP spent).

    The only way it would be fair for a 2* person to be segregated from a 3* roster would be to make them compete for different prizes, ones that have equivalent value to their stage of the game. Sectioning off people who are 1* and letting them have an easier time "competing" in PVP for a 4*? That just doesnt make sense. There is NO WAY they should be in the running for that top spot, when the reward is the same for all.
    Fievel wrote:
    Bracket players based on roster and not time joined. If the technology is advanced enough to determine "optimal" opponent scaling based on my team, it should also be able to group those of us with similar rosters together. I shouldn't be competing for a top spot with a player that has 10 maxed 3* covers, and similarly, a player with maybe 2 maxed 2* covers shouldn't be competing with me for top rewards. Offer better rewards for higher brackets to incentivize the transition and keep players from becoming complacent.

    Exactly what I said. Make the prize commensurate with the bracket level. I'm not expecting a bracket of solid 2* pre-3* transition rosters to get XForce covers. The #1 slot would get a top-tier 3*, and top 100 would get a low-to-mid tier 3*. Once you get to the next level (1-2 maxed 3*) then you're shifted to a bracket where the top 100 get a mid-to-high tier 3* and #1 gets a large sum of ISO. When you have a varied roster of maxed 3*, you bump to the top level where you're competing for top tier 3*, ISO and #1 gets a 4*.
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    hire a business/ community manager that listens, implements and comes up with things the players want. Not some PR hack that shoves more tinykitty down our throats.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    fmftint wrote:
    Break PVP into sub brackets
    1 star: 1 star roster only
    2 star: 1-2 star roster
    3 star: 1-3 star roster
    4 star: full roster available

    or have sub brackets separated by level
    50 capped
    100 capped
    200 capped

    I like this idea. Plus, once you join a bracket, you can't enter another. You only get one choice. I'd do that just cause if the 3 star.png bracket had a character I already have maxed and don't want it, I could do the 1 star.png tourney and take advantage of actually having a full roster. Break out those long lost characters who don't get to see any action, other than when I purposely make them lose. This would make it fun again as I would totally do a 1 star.png tourney just for the memories!
  • HailMary wrote:
    Okin107 wrote:
    If the point loss is taken away, players will go at even higher scores than what they are right now. Most importantly shields will be not needed any more (And this is a good source of money for D3). However, there will be a point in PVP where the very high points people will not find worthy opponents for points. So automatically we will have a ceiling at a certain range.
    This is quite simply false. If people can only possibly gain points from PVP, there will be literally no point level in any PVP in which people cannot find worthy opponents for points. This is not only because scores will be capped by literally nothing more than personal boredom, but because the definition of "worthy opponents" will have changed from "ideally 40+, but I'll take 17+ if I'm truly desperate" to "literally anything beatable that's worth more than zero." You've essentially turned PVP into a PVE grind with instantaneous refreshes and strong bias in favor of stronger rosters. I doubt that that's what your "logic" intended.

    By the way, D3 makes very little money off of shields.
    Okin107 wrote:
    By making this change, we make sure that player's time is not just thrown away overnight by random attackers. You get to keep your points and aim for higher at the next push. This will also make sure that people that play more will get more points. So time played vs rewards will be fair and it will not all be decided at the very last hour.
    Prepare to cede all good placement rewards to the same people who seem to not need sleep for 120 hours when grinding PVEs -- but even more harshly, because there are no refresh timers. Oh, and you can already avoid having everything decided at the very last hour. It's called shielding. Removing shielding (regardless of the existence of defensive point loss) will actually make PVP more about grinding like a madman in the last hour.

    You are right. By removing the point loss, PVP becomes an endless PVE grind fest with no limits. It would take changing the whole system in order to do this. Maybe if there was a max number of points that you could lose? Like a percent of your current score.

    On the other hand, they could leave it as is, but give more control over the defensive team. Maybe if we could select our defensive team for each event and also have some strategical options to choose for them.

    1. Choose our defensive team for an event.
    2. Set the priority on the colors they need to collect.
    3. Set the priority of the skills they use.
    4. Set skill combos that they could aim for.

    This will create a problem for attacking players as then the 1300 point reward will be a nightmare. But if I am to lose points and not have any control over it, it kind of lets luck decide whether I'll be in a higher rank or a lower one.
  • Okin107 wrote:
    On the other hand, they could leave it as is, but give more control over the defensive team. Maybe if we could select our defensive team for each event and also have some strategical options to choose for them.

    1. Choose our defensive team for an event.
    2. Set the priority on the colors they need to collect.
    3. Set the priority of the skills they use.
    4. Set skill combos that they could aim for.

    This will create a problem for attacking players as then the 1300 point reward will be a nightmare. But if I am to lose points and not have any control over it, it kind of lets luck decide whether I'll be in a higher rank or a lower one.

    1. Required Character/Sentry/Hood
    2. Green/Yellow/Red
    3. World Rupture/Sacrifce/What is the red skill called?
    4. See #3

    As far as the eye can see.
  • Slyli
    Slyli Posts: 15
    Okin107 wrote:
    On the other hand, they could leave it as is, but give more control over the defensive team. Maybe if we could select our defensive team for each event and also have some strategical options to choose for them.

    1. Choose our defensive team for an event.
    2. Set the priority on the colors they need to collect.
    3. Set the priority of the skills they use.
    4. Set skill combos that they could aim for.

    This will create a problem for attacking players as then the 1300 point reward will be a nightmare. But if I am to lose points and not have any control over it, it kind of lets luck decide whether I'll be in a higher rank or a lower one.

    1. Required Character/Sentry/Hood
    2. Green/Yellow/Red
    3. World Rupture/Sacrifce/What is the red skill called?
    4. See #3

    As far as the eye can see.

    I was thinking of a simpler way to affect which skills are fired on defense. This would make certain team compositions more viable for PvP.

    There could be a simple toggle (enabled / disabled) for each active skill when selecting an offensive PvP line-up.

    If a skill is disabled, it would be unavailable for both offense and defense.

    For example, I might have Dr.Doom and Black Panther as my PvP team and I may choose to disable Doom's Summon Demons. In that case, I would not be able to activate it during attacks, but it would not fire up on defense either. On the same team I might also choose to disable BP's Defense Grid, as I would prefer Doom's blue power firing instead.

    Another example would be underleveled featured characters. Usually you don't want some of their skills firing on defense and disabling them would be a benefit.

    Disabled skills would show up in other players nodes as if the defending character has no covers in the disabled skill - that would be the simplest visible cue. Or the color could be striked-out etc.
  • PVP blacktile.png Personally I am ok with the losing points for losses, it is why people have defense teams they play last. Without point loss it would be who plays most wins as opposed to people that are careful and use shields. You win enough to cover your shield any way.

    New Players greentile.png There are too few slots for new players and if they make a mistake not spending hero coins on slots then they are at a huge disadvantage. Let them buy up to a total of 6 slots with iso. It will less frustrate your new players. I know you still have to make money, I have 40 slots, you got your money from me.

    New players greentile.png Give people a vault where they can store covers, limit to like5 to 10 total covers. New players have too few slots and lose covers before they know who they will have enough covers to run.

    New Players greentile.png Have a log in hint option that gives them some helpful playful hint every time they log in. You can have it set so they can turn it off.

    Story purpletile.png The best part of Dead pool was his story was different. Finish up some characters so you can have a X men vs brotherhood story. Bring in sabertooth and Cyclops and make people choose a side, brotherhood or xmen, the reward is based on the side you choose. You have the avengers vs dark avenges story. Introduce via story the Spiderman villains and you have a sinister 6 story. Again like the dead pool story give Spiderman some funny quips so that people will read the story.

    Story purpletile.png Do a spiderman based story brining in Miles Morales, it was a good move by Marvel to make one of its most iconic heros to be Black Hispanic. Another option is the Falcon becoming Captain America story. Jubilee also appeals to the younger female crowd, a sentential story could bring her in and could be a good story.

    Story purpletile.png Introduce a 4 star villain story, have it multi part each part is one power. The dark phoenix saga, Galactus, Apocolypse, Carnage

    Game play redtile.png add a powered up buff. The player can choose the hero and they are plus 20 levels for the next 12 hours or what not (with the power up counter showing). Have it exhaust the hero like you do for team ups.

    Game play redtile.png The charged tiles was nice (now get Gambit out here) The Colossus tile was also not bad. Keep up the game play changes. One that comes to mind is a symbiote infected tile that swaps randomly each turn, if you match the tile you take damage. Would be good for a 3 star Venom or Carnage. Word is Rogue is coming have one of her powers let her borrow a random power from the target until her tile is shattered that person cannot use that power but she can. If she is already done that is an option for Mr Sinister.
  • PVP - Personally I am ok with the losing points for losses, it is why people have defense teams they play last. Without point loss it would be who plays most wins as opposed to people that are careful and use shields. You win enough to cover your shield any way.

    New Players – There are too few slots for new players and if they make a mistake not spending hero coins on slots then they are at a huge disadvantage. Let them buy up to a total of 6 slots with iso. It will less frustrate your new players. I know you still have to make money, I have 40 slots, you got your money from me.

    New players – Give people a vault where they can store covers, limit to like5 to 10 total covers. New players have too few slots and lose covers before they know who they will have enough covers to run.

    New Players - Have a log in hint option that gives them some helpful playful hint every time they log in. You can have it set so they can turn it off.

    Story – The best part of Dead pool was his story was different. Finish up some characters so you can have a X men vs brotherhood story. Bring in sabertooth and Cyclops and make people choose a side, brotherhood or xmen, the reward is based on the side you choose. You have the avengers vs dark avenges story. Introduce via story the Spiderman villains and you have a sinister 6 story. Again like the dead pool story give Spiderman some funny quips so that people will read the story.

    Story – Do a spiderman based story brining in Miles Morales, it was a good move by Marvel to make one of its most iconic heros to be Black Hispanic. Another option is the Falcon becoming Captain America story. Jubilee also appeals to the younger female crowd, a sentential story could bring her in and could be a good story.

    Story – Introduce a 4 star villain story, have it multi part each part is one power. The dark phoenix saga, Galactus, Apocolypse, Carnage

    Game play – add a powered up buff. The player can choose the hero and they are plus 20 levels for the next 12 hours or what not (with the power up counter showing). Have it exhaust the hero like you do for team ups.

    Game play – The charged tiles was nice (now get Gambit out here) The Colossus tile was also not bad. Keep up the game play changes. One that comes to mind is a symbiote infected tile that swaps randomly each turn, if you match the tile you take damage. Would be good for a 3 star Venom or Carnage. Word is Rogue is coming have one of her powers let her borrow a random power from the target until her tile is shattered that person cannot use that power but she can. If she is already done that is an option for Mr Sinister.