Swap or donate unwanted covers to fellow Alliance members


Loving all the new elements being brought into the game, but for me there's one thing that would completely change things for the better - the ability to give / receive / swap unwanted covers between Alliance members.

Especially in light of the expansion of Alliances to 20 people, I think this would be an ace way to encourage interaction between members and would mean that it wouldn't be so frustrating if you pull a four star character that either you don't have space for in your roster, don't like, or have already ground to get maximum level. Selling unwanted covers for ISO is fine, but this would be even better.

It encourages people to join Alliances and be active / friendly in them too icon_e_wink.gif


  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is just asking D3 to open the door to extortion.

    "Oh, you want to join X-men? Well, that will cost you one X-Force Cover. You want to stay in our alliance? That'll be you're Goddess Cover."
  • Really?! I guess it depends on your friends / fellow alliance members icon_e_wink.gif

    As someone who's played clash of clans for a long while I've found the troops donating mechanism there to be really conducive to cooperation and fun within the clan. You can donate to fellow members (or not, it's not mandatory - extortion doesn't appear to be a thing!), it helps a lot during wars and challenges as higher level players can help lower ones, and it makes for more fun and chat between members.

    Also, being able to swap or gift (unused? Would that make you feel less worried?) covers would make it less frustrating when drop rates feel wonky - For example during the anniversary stuff where barring a couple of covers all I got was Hawkeye and Moonstone, neither of which I needed.
  • I agree with this idea.

    I was just talking to an alliance mate of mine the other day about this, because she had brought all her characters up to the max level her characters could go and was not getting any covers to open up more lvl expansion. So she was just storing up TONS of iso.

    If I could have given her some of my covers it would've helped her progress instead of just waiting for the next drop.
  • I'm all for this idea,

    If you want to limit this because it will help grow people to fast then allow only 1*,2* and possibly 3* characters to be traded and 4* has to be earned.
  • I am all for this idea and I think to avoid the extortion aspect, and probably the best way to do it regardless, would be to have it as an option BEFORE its aded to your roster.

    You'ld have:



    Donate to Alliance

    Donate to Alliance would send it to a tab on the alliance section where other members could then recruit it from there. The only issue I could see with this is if the same person hogs them all. But they could have it post a message in the chat or to the commander everytime someone pulls a cover from the pool saying "x-player recruited y-cover from the pool" and if there was someone abusing it then they could get booted from the alliance.