Demolition triggered when Nick was down

I had this happen in the current Gauntlet event:

1. Made a match.
2. Match damage downed Nick Fury
3. Saw downed Nick on screen and got the "Trap Disarmed" message for his demolition trap tiles
4. Then all the demolition tiles exploded and damaged my character.
5. Hulk got really angry.

Based on another thread on Dare Devil, it seems that the traps are supposed to trigger when the match damage downs a character. I have no problem with that, but the trap should go off first. It's kind of silly to see a downed character, get the trap disarmed message, and then the traps still go off. That kind of stuff just makes players and the Hulk angry.


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Order of operations is serious business.
  • I have the same issue too! It happened with different characters in 2 separate matches.
    The first happened when I managed to "down" Classic Storm with match damage, but she rose up a move later with Wind Storm. The other happened with Modern Captian America, where he came back with some Liberty. I am just thankful that it doesn't happen when I am hopping.