Scrollable Rankings (Alliance/Player Rankings)

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this already, but is there any way to implement a scrollable rankings page to see the rest of the rankings? It would be great if we could see how many points is needed to make top 10 in player rankings or top 100 in alliance rankings. Right now, we can only see 10 names out of hundreds/thousands. How about implement the same scrolling that is used in the chat function?

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  • Even if that's not possible, then to at least see the players/alliances at the different rank levels. Top 10 and then 25, 50, 100, and so forth.
  • Agree. This would be awesome!
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't count how many times I've seen this suggestion. If only you could see the where the rewards break at, it would be a huge step in the right direction.

    No one cares about who is ranked 51-99, but knowing what 50 is at is a huge bonus when you're ranked 89.
  • I'm pretty sure the current way it is designed is to prevent excessive calculation and bandwidth usage. However, I think if they compiled a master list every hour of every event it wouldn't take up too much cpu, and it'd sort of give us what we wanted. For Season rank, they could calc it every day.
  • I want this too but seeing how alliance rankings are inaccessible after events end sometimes, server outages (I haven't had those for a while now, which is good), receiving your points, rewards late or sometimes too late or twice like the last time, this might not be the time for a feature like this. They first need to upgrade their servers imo.