'Marvel Puzzle Quest' User Statistics (Heroes & Abilities)

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited October 2014 in MPQ News and Announcements
Hello MPQ aficionados,

It's time once again for "Fun With Stats"! Last time we took a look at how and where mobile players were enjoying Marvel Puzzle Quest (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18156). This time around, we dive deep into Super Hero usage and abilities. Thanks go out again to IceIX for digging into the details and compiling this list.

Activated Abilities:

    Player - 89,134,220 AI - 65,622,235

    Player – 113,735,295 AI – 87,005,599

    Player – 13,495,620 AI – 9,323,543

    Player – 216,365,135 AI – 161,951,377
    Hero/Villain: 81,502,529 Minion: 70,448,848

Player Stats:

Top 5 Characters by activated ability
    Thor (Marvel NOW!) - 9.62% Black Widow (Original) - 7.32% Iron Man (Model 35) - 6.76% Daken (DA Wolverine) - 6.17% Storm (Classic) - 5.96%

Bottom 5 Characters by activated ability
    Captain Marvel - 0.2% Loki - 0.19% Colossus - 0.12% Spider-Man (Bag-Man) - 0.09% Invisible Woman - 0.06%

Top 5 abilities fired
    Thor (Marvel NOW!): Mjolnir's Might - 3.64% Storm (Classic): Wind Storm - 3.32% Black Widow (Original): Espionage - 3.25% Iron Man (Model 35): Repulsor Blast - 3.22% Ares (Dark Avengers): Onslaught - 3.01%

Because I'll be asked it -
    Sentry: World Rupture - 0.37%, which places it just below Psylocke's Psychic Knife and just above Moonstone's Gravity Warp.

Bottom 5 abilities fired
    Spider-Man (Bag-Man): Snarky Remark - 0.03% Spider-Man (Bag-Man): Switcheroo - 0.03% Colossus (Classic) : Fastball Special - 0.02% Invisible Woman: Force Bubbles - 0.02% Invisible Woman: Invisibility - 0.01%

Team-Ups (Player):

Top 5 by character used
    Iron Man (Model 35) - 7.12% Venom (DA Spider-Man) - 5.96% Yelena (DA Black Widow) - 5.66% Wolverine (Astonishing) - 4.6% Thor (Marvel NOW!) - 4.22%

Bottom 5 by character used (leaving off Blade and Ms. Marvel since they're too new)
    Devil Dino - 0.28% Beast (Classic) - 0.22% Spider-Man (Bag-Man) - 0.2% Invisible Woman - 0.12% Colossus (Classic) - 0.06%

Top 5 by ability used
    Juggernaut (Classic): Unstoppable Crash - 4.05% Daken (DA Wolverine): Chemical Reaction - 3.14% Venom (Da Spider-Man): Devour - 3.09% Wolverine (Astonishing): Adamantium Slash - 2.92% Yelena (DA Black Widow): LethalRecon - 2.87%

Bottom 5 by ability used
    Spider-Man (Bag-Man): Web Slinger - 0.07% Colossus (Classic): Fastball Special - 0.06% Spider-Man (Bag-Man): Snarky Remark - 0.06% Beast (Classic): Medical Marvel - 0.05% Beast (Classic): Animal Inside - 0.04%

AI Stats:

Top 5 characters by abilities fired
    Daken (DA Wolverine) - 16.17% Venom (DA Spider-Man) - 6.27% Iron Man (Model 35) - 4.66% Bullseye (DA Hawkeye) - 3.89% Wolverine (Astonishing) - 3.66%

Bottom 5 by abilities fired
    Nick Fury - 0.26% Loki - 0.22% Invisible Woman - 0.14% Colossus - 0.13% Spider-Man (Bag-Man) - 0.09%

Top 5 abilities fired
    Daken (DA Wolverine): Pheremone Rage - 6.5% Daken (DA Wolverine): Healing & Heat - 5.87% Venom (DA Spider-Man): Symbiote Snare - 4.06% Daken (DA Wolverine): Chemical Reaction - 3.96% Bullseye (DA Hawkeye): Adamantium Bones - 3.57%

Bottom 5 abilities fired
    Invisible Woman: Force Bubbles - 0.04% Spider-Man (Bag-Man): Switcheroo - 0.03% Invisible Woman: Grant Invisibility - 0.03% Colossus (Classic): Fastball Special - 0.02% Spider-Man (Bag-Man): Snarky Remark - 0.01%

Minion Top 5 by abilities fired
    HAMMER Soldier - 15.83% HAMMER Lieutenant - 11.41% Maggia Muscle - 7.22% Maggia Don - 5.43% HAMMER Pyro - 5.02%

Minion Bottom 5 by abilities fired
    SHIELD Spy - 0.85% Doom Bot Decoy - 0.67% HAMMER Intel - 0.47% Doom Bot Coordinator - 0.03% Doom Bot Defender - 0.03%

Minion Top 5 abilities fired
    HAMMER Soldier: Assault Rifle - 7.9% HAMMER Soldier: Suppressing Fire - 7.64% HAMMER Lieutenant: Morale Boost - 5.62% HAMMER Lieutenant: Pistol - 5.57% HAMMER Pyro: Flamethrower - 4.92%

Minion Bottom 5 abilities fired
    Doom Bot Decoy: Temporal Warp - 0.15% Doom Bot Coordinator: Narcisissm - 0.03% Doom Bot Defender: Repair - 0.01% Doom Bot Defender: Hubris - 0.01% Doom Bot Coordinator: Summon Demons - 0.005%