Let's Finish Dark Reign

Beast, Colossus, Blade, the new Thor...they are nice and all but let us finish what we all started and that is the Dark Reign storyline. We have been waiting for **** Norman Osborn (Iron Patriot) ****, please use this name format so that in the future we can possibly have Norman Osborn (Green Goblin), to arrive and lead his team of Dark Avengers as they dupe the citizens of the Marvel Universe for over a year now. Also let us not forget Sentry (The Void) as he was the end of the story and the transition to the next big Marvel event.

The Cabal has to be finished as well releasing Emma Frost, Namor, Taskmaster, and female Loki. Perhaps Victoria Hand if there is time. As it has been a while I can rightly assume there will be another lazy character in design, my guess would be Hawkeye (Ronin) as he fits the story and the developers pattern.

All this can culminate into the Siege which finishes off Dark Reign and starts the Heroic Age for Marvel. What do you all think? Keep going with random non story characters or finish the characters in the story and move on to new heroes/villains?


  • I would assume their plan would be to go Age of Ultron, and/or Civil War as soon as possible for tie-ins with the upcoming movies.
  • I just wish they would add more prologue story missions. Just something to pass the time with. Dark reign would be preferable... But there's no money in the story missions. So I doubt it will happen.
  • I believe that Civil War was before Dark Reign story wise. Can anyone who actually remembers substantiate?