A dozen ideas to consider

1. Make roster slots available as prizes or daily supply.

2. Set roster slot prices for each character star level. 100HP for 1 star, 200HP for 2 star, etc...

3. Scrollable roster screens.

4. I love the Sell All button and would like to see an Open All button as well that would act as the ten packs do.

5. Put back the top PVE rewards that seemed unreachable, the pendulum swung too far and now most of the time we're over by 20,000 points wishing there were more rewards.

6. When you have a token to collect and you press on the Recruit Heroes section to claim it, have it go the page that has the token available.

7. If you insist on leaving in the Level up ISO button please add another button that allows us to dump all of our ISO at one time.

8. Add Combined Arms as a Season Event like S.H.I.E.L.D. Simulator.

9. Make some 1 star, 2 star and 3-4 star only PVPs or as Season Events as well.

10. Make every character purchasable.

11. Create end times based off of start times for an 8 hour window and stagger rewards over those 8 hour end times or just make everyone wait 8 hours after they finished to claim them.

12. Change the ISO reward for the high end point total in PVEs, its silly to have a 500 ISO reward AFTER a 1000 ISO reward considering the more you play the more you should be rewarded.


  • 1. yes!
    2. roster slots could use some work, agreed
    3. sounds good
    4. also nice
    5. I dunno, lazy me like being able to pick up a few decent rewards without having to grind for 7 days straight. Adding MORE rewards on top of that might be good
    6. Also nice
    7. sure why not
    8. Some variation in the simulator would be awesome. What if it shifted "theme" every week or so but kept running?
    9. Same as above, variety is the spice of life.
    10. While this would be favorable from an immediate gratification point of view, I think the game needs us to always be wanting more or else we lose interest and stop playing. Letting us buy anything would speed that decline. Yes, I too have things I WANTS but without the struggle to earn them they lose something intangible you cannot retrieve.
    11. Lord yes. We have been hinted that a timing fix is coming but nothing onto how they are implementing that just yet.
    12. So those who play some get 1000 iso and those that play more get 1500 iso? You are getting more rewarded for playing more. Just not exponentially so. Is totally fine as is,
  • 1. Interesting, but that would cause issues with players who have reached the max slots. It's programatically easier just to give HP.
    2. ...No? The increased costs for slot expansion makes sense, despite how much everyone (including myself) complains about it.
    3. Yes!
    4. That would probably cause some technical issues. I'm sitting on over 500 standard tokens at the moment, probably over 600 total. Also, then you'd have complaints about the algorithm cheating, etc. more than we already do. It's interesting, but probably not viable.
    5. I think they just need to reduce rubber-banding / scaling a little. The re-run old events don't seem to be adjusted properly for this.
    6. Would cause issues, as they need to show all rewards. It'd be nice if they had a small button instead that jumped you to that screen.
    7. Yes, although I think they keep this in intentionally as a pain point to try to get you to buy more iso.
    8. I'm sure some people would complain (big name alliances), but I would like this as well.
    9. Don't like this idea -> You'd shut out different tiers of people.
    10. Where's the money? Token packs. This won't change. Plus, then there wouldn't be enough variety in characters that we see.
    11. While this sounds nice in principle, it seems like real hell trying to calculate rewards. I don't want to have to wait an additional 24 hours for rewards because we have to calculate the total score of everyone in the alliance. Plus this would screw up the current MMR. In case you haven't noticed, most of the targets you are shown aren't in your current bracket. This means that all the late starters would have the advantage. They could alter MMR to only show you people in your attack time zone, but this seems like a lot of work and processing. A more viable solution would be to just change the end time of some events, but then they'd lose NA money, the majority of their base.
    12. I'd rather they have more smaller iso rewards at high end to make you feel like you're actually progressing.