Team Up Alternatives

Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
edited October 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Ok, so this is from an alliance member of mine who had this great idea. So I'm quoting him from the Suggestions and Feedback Section as I don't think it'll get the love and attention it deserves there. So here it is:
FadeToOne wrote:
While I don't have any polls or hard facts to lean on, I have to believe the general opinion of team ups is unfavorable at best, and more than likely abysmal by most people's standards. There's little reason to prioritize matching team up tiles over your character's powers, and the randomization of enemy team ups is disruptive to the point of infuriating. I haven't bothered to even set team ups to use since their first week of introduction, save a few random times when I was bored.

Suffice it to say, I think team ups need to go back into the dark, annoying hole they came out of and replaced with something more useful. That's not to say I'd encourage the return of the environment tiles as those were arguably just as useless (but admit it, you abused Oasis for every sweet green tile you could). Also, the 7th color concept can't be eliminated entirely due to adverse affects on the game statistics (you thought you got hit with enough match-5 cascades now? Just wait)

Instead I would propose a new option; Perhaps one of the following:

1. The White Power - What better way to make the 7th tile type more useful than to assign it the same priority level as any other color? Introduce a white power. Re-align some characters to use white instead of whatever other common color they use. This would make the boosts a bit tricky since it would make them uneven, but I can't solve all the world's problems.

2. The Consistent Power - I don't think there's anyone that likes the randomness of the team ups. Nothing like getting nailed with a wind storm to ruin your day. Make the powers consistent for every match and not specific to a toon. Maybe give 3 options for powers to choose from, a stun, a steal or a health boost. Maybe make different tiers of powers based on AP level.

3. The Big Damage No AP Tile - Just make the 7th tile type do extra damage but not give any AP. No annoying powers because of the matches, but there's still a reason to match them.

I'm sure other folks might have additional ideas, but the moral of the story is:

Down with Team Ups! Who is with me?

So what do you guys think? I like the White Skill as an addition, but as mentioned, it screws up the boosts, sorta. They did implement the AP boosting of the Team Ups tho. I have one more idea to add. It's almost the same as the Consistent Power option, but a little more tailored to the characters.

Option 4. Team Ups will now be used to add a power to every character as a team boost or personal boost. icon_captainamerica.png inspires his troops, regular tile matches now increase by 20%. icon_thor.png summons strength from Odison. His skill powers increase damage by 10%. icon_blackwidow.png goes deep into enemy territory. Steals more AP or in grey suits case, adds 2 more tile conversion to green. And so on and so on. This would take much more time to change and implement than the other options, but I like the idea of boosting by matching. Isn't that how puzzle games work?


  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    Also, if we get some suggestions, I'll make a poll and put a vote to the ideas here! I liked Team Ups in the beginning, but now they're just pointless and annoying.
  • Sandmaker
    Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    An idea I had a while back was to make Team-ups directly selectable from your roster, but to compensate the character you use as a team-up takes damage equal to the average damage taken by your team during the match.

    It makes them almost like a mini-4th person on your team (except you can only use their abilities once).

    It solves the two main problems with team-ups.


    From a business perspective, it promotes roster diversity and sells more health packs.