Generalized covers

Maybe this has been suggested already, maybe it hasn't...

A change I would really like to see in this game would be generalized covers. Instead of getting a specific cover with one of 3 powers we would choose which ability to spend the cover in. This would allow us the choice to build our characters up the way we choose.

Another thing would be the drop rate on featured characters. 6% or so seems like a joke. Especially considering at how slow hps are to gather up. Some people might be more willing to spend $$$ on rolls if the drop rates were improved.


  • I like that idea. It would have to be after you get the 3 colors. I think it would also like be cool if they had a cover that was a wildcard. Meaning you could use it in any character. Maybe have one for each star level. Obviously it would have a lower drop rate or maybe replace some of the higher level rewards in events.
  • Thanks, glad that you like it. The concept of a wildcard is an excellent idea as well. It would add to the freedom of allowing us to build our rosters up as we choose. A rare chance from a token roll or perhaps a high end event reward.

    Also how about allowing us to buy covers with iso? Could make it similiar to the option of buying cover abilities with hero points but at 100x the cost in iso.
    For example to raise a...2* cover ability would cost 50000 iso
    3* cover increase for 125000 iso
    4* cover increase for 250000 iso

    Basically id be in favor of a system that awards continued effort put forth. This would ease frustrations of new players and old. Would also give a feeling of progress. Even if you didnt win the character you were after you could eventualy get it through enough playtime invested. Would also give instant gratification for pay to play, perhaps even encourage it as people are more likely to come away with something to show for their purchase
  • Problems :

    1° Buying covers with iso isn't a good idea 'cause the staff increased the amount of hero points we get (100 coins in versus events from 400 to 800 points) a couple of seasons ago to help people to get covers this way or use them for shields.
    If we had a second way to buy covers (and trust me, there's no way we could choose which one ! Never !), it will be awfully easy to get what we all need, which is not the goal here, otherwize there's no game. Random rewards is part of the game and it has to stay this way. It's maybe frustrating, yes, but we all did it this way till now. BTW, choosing which cover we want would increase drastically the general level of the players, which is not the staff's goal at the moment like it was when they choose to put 2* on each battle end's reward.
    It will maybe change in the futur, but I hope it will not be before at least 6 months. Probably more.

    Let's imagine that we put a special token (like the one with only 3* or 4* reward within it : No Hold Barred Token p.e.) in the high end rewards of a story event like the actual one, which has Miss Marvel at 70000 points.
    Then, it would mean that this reward would be, in my opinion, at... 100.000 or 120.000 points. Do you really think you would be able to reach it ?
    I guess only people who play at least 5hours/day would be able to, and if they have the good team to reach it.
    This is how I see things, so I think it's not a good idea now. Maybe later.

    2° Maybe buying heroic tokens with iso... why not... but I think the price would be at least 2000 or 3000 iso for a token... so would it be useful since you have an huge chance to get 2* ? Dunno at the moment.
    And I don't believe the staff would put it for less than 2000 iso, since they have to get real money with hero coins this way too.

    This is it or negative points.

    Positive one : yeah 6,1% isn't enough, they should rise it to 7.
    But since it was 5,9% a couple of seasons ago, I guess it will increase at the same time than the amount of heroes. I think it will increase with time.
  • But having a token that grants a cover to anyone wouldn't be that destructive. Especially if it had a .1% drop rate. Especially if all these events keep giving out chappy rewards. As much as they want it to be diverse there is always gonna be those key characters that are better then everyone else. Them going from a support character to another support character is annoying. I need a blue Hood cover. If they are constantly adding new people, how long am I going to have to wait before that's a reward again? Been looking for about a month already.
  • And how is having more options to buy covers a bad thing? Maybe at the costs I proposed it's a bit too easy to come by, maybe not. I still consider myself a newer player, just starting to break into the top 100 out of 500 in versus. To me those rates seem fair, it would take a good amount of playtime to save up for each purchase of only 1/13 of a cover which would require even more iso to level after that.(this could be an incentive to invest some cash in iso) A positive to this every time you play and earn more iso, and it's putting you that much closer to getting your desired cover. Perhaps those rates would be too easy for others to achieve. Some tweaking may be needed here.

    One thing I have noticed is that new characters are getting introduced all the time. Sometimes weekly. Assuming your not super lucky with tokens, how often is any given character rotated back into the reward list? Now let's say you only place high enough to win 1 of those covers each time it comes up. Each of those times your desired character comes up your only able to raise it 1 out of 13 covers. How long would it take to max out a character this way? This would be especially frustrating if the one cover that you are able to win is one of the colors you have raised to level 5 already how frustrating is that? Which wouldn't be an issue if all covers were generalized and we could pick which ability to assign them to.
  • The real "bad" thing, in my opinion, is to be able to choose what you need on another way than with Hero Coins.
    Having a character token, perhaps, may be a good idea cause there is still a part of randomness (33% or 50% for each skill), cause using it on a char that has already 5 levels in a skill would probably make you rage a lot if you have this color again. (imagine selling a cover for 500 iso when you bought the token 50000 iso ? I wouldn't try it.)

    BTW, I don't want to see people having the "good" covers they need too easily...
    As you said, I also want to get my blue for The Hood, but I don't want people I'm fighting with getting it... Do you see what I mean ?
    Ok you will reinforce your roster, but... you will strengthen the one of your enemies too.
    When you use your hero coins, you don't use a shield on event or you don't buy a slot, that's why this system has to stay this way, IMHO.

    About new chars, yeah... the problem is said and said again since a long time on the forum, but since they have an incredible amount of characters that have to put in the game, it's kinda logic that a rhythm has to stay fast and won't help you to increase a specific char, that's why you have to get all the chars you can and see which one you'll be able to boost with your luck. I did it this way and it's not a problem if you play enough.

    But then, there's an problem coming... the slot price : viewtopic.php?f=8&t=18302
    I guess you can give your opinion there too and I hope the staff will do something about it cause it costs a lot and that may not be logic on a game of that type.
    If the slots cost less (or if a maximum is set), you will be spending your extra coins on skills, that's how the game should be and was at the beginning, but now it costs too much.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Problems :

    1° Buying covers with iso isn't a good idea 'cause the staff increased the amount of hero points we get (100 coins in versus events from 400 to 800 points) a couple of seasons ago to help people to get covers this way or use them for shields.
    If we had a second way to buy covers (and trust me, there's no way we could choose which one ! Never !), it will be awfully easy to get what we all need, which is not the goal here, otherwize there's no game. Random rewards is part of the game and it has to stay this way. It's maybe frustrating, yes, but we all did it this way till now. BTW, choosing which cover we want would increase drastically the general level of the players, which is not the staff's goal at the moment like it was when they choose to put 2* on each battle end's reward.
    It will maybe change in the futur, but I hope it will not be before at least 6 months. Probably more.

    Let's imagine that we put a special token (like the one with only 3* or 4* reward within it : No Hold Barred Token p.e.) in the high end rewards of a story event like the actual one, which has Miss Marvel at 70000 points.
    Then, it would mean that this reward would be, in my opinion, at... 100.000 or 120.000 points. Do you really think you would be able to reach it ?
    I guess only people who play at least 5hours/day would be able to, and if they have the good team to reach it.
    This is how I see things, so I think it's not a good idea now. Maybe later.

    2° Maybe buying heroic tokens with iso... why not... but I think the price would be at least 2000 or 3000 iso for a token... so would it be useful since you have an huge chance to get 2* ? Dunno at the moment.
    And I don't believe the staff would put it for less than 2000 iso, since they have to get real money with hero coins this way too.

    This is it or negative points.

    Positive one : yeah 6,1% isn't enough, they should rise it to 7.
    But since it was 5,9% a couple of seasons ago, I guess it will increase at the same time than the amount of heroes. I think it will increase with time.

    You had me all the way to using Iso to buy Heroic Tokens.

    1st: For 2000 Iso, that's only 4x more than a Standard Recruit Token with no 1*'s in the way! That's so dirt cheap! I'd expect closer to 5000 Iso on the low end.

    2nd: If you've got that much Iso to blow, try your luck buying Standard Recruit Tokens with it. I did that for a while when I was in the 2*-3* transition, and found it helped me a lot. I would get a 3* from 1 in 50 pulls usually. God, if I could trade those few covers for all that Iso now, I'd be very tempted.
  • I don't particularly care what the enemy has, as long as the computer is a joke then you should always win. And I'm not saying they should give the wild covers out like skittles. Or maybe they should even have it to where you can only use it on a cover you already have.

    I agree that the expansion slots are getting out of hand. And I hope they address it fast.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Odirty117 wrote:
    I like that idea. It would have to be after you get the 3 colors. I think it would also like be cool if they had a cover that was a wildcard. Meaning you could use it in any character. Maybe have one for each star level. Obviously it would have a lower drop rate or maybe replace some of the higher level rewards in events.
    They literally already have that: it's called buying a cover. Since the odds of getting any one 3* cover (specific character, specific ability) from a token ranges from literally 0% to around 0.3%, the wildcard token is going to need to have an even lower probability to even remotely fit into the current paradigm. That's, on average, 1 wildcard cover per maybe 1000+ Heroic tokens. I'm on Day 280ish of the daily rewards (and play pretty intensely), and I don't think I've gotten close to getting 1000 event tokens and Heroic tokens total.
    dainenx wrote:
    Basically id be in favor of a system that awards continued effort put forth. This would ease frustrations of new players and old. Would also give a feeling of progress. Even if you didnt win the character you were after you could eventualy get it through enough playtime invested.
    I've spent zero money on the game, and I have 11 L166+ characters (and 16 more fully covered 3*/4* characters). While the 2*-3* transition has slowed down since I passed it, what you're describing is already pretty much how the game works.
    dainenx wrote:
    Would also give instant gratification for pay to play, perhaps even encourage it as people are more likely to come away with something to show for their purchase
    That's what directly buying covers is for.
  • True, there is an option to buy covers with hps and this is good thing. It currently does require getting the first cover for that specific character and that specific color. Which again having generalized covers would help with immensely. In many cases the chance of the character is already less then 1%. Further reduce that by having 1 in 3 chance of getting a specific color for that already rare cover. The odds are just terrible of maxing out a specific 3* and the odds keep getting worse the more characters they add.
    Aside from luck with tokens there is actually getting in there and winning the events. Problem here is as a new or transitioning player how do you compete with all those players that have been playing...oh let's say 260 days or more that have 11 or more level 166's.
    Even using hps to bump up those choice covers still requires a certain level of performance to acquire them in the first place. The progression and placement reward hps that is, not the daily supply ones.
    Anyways I don't know that my proposed idea of iso purchasing covers is the answer. Im just saying I wish there was a better way to build up a roster then what the current system offers. I do believe that making all covers generalized is a good first step. Make the cover just the character and let us choose which ability to raise with it.
  • Really wish they had wild card covers now. I would take one of them for every alliance slot I bought.