Exhausted, entering progression mode

Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
edited October 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
(This is a repeat post, original was deleted because it took me too much to type and I had to relog, doh! ><).

I have decided to modify severely my MPQ gameplay, stepping back and aiming for just progression rewards and trying to ignore placing ones. As a 40ish Steam european player, I find the game way too demanding, and controlling my time more than I would like. Due to desire to earn placing rewards, I have delayed sleeping time, set up alarms to wake midnight and in general let it interfere with work and family life; I surely do not want this.

I like the game, and mostly the collecting part and the Marvel background. The gameplay is ok, but not too interesting or deep; the thrill, and the fat loot, comes from competing. And then you have to be in an alliance, and keep it up to not drag your partners.

Last friday I left my top 50 alliance (thanks ascenders!) and joined a public, random new alliance. I did not say anything to my wife, but she noticed perfectly and by saturday lunch she commented how much she liked the change.

I guess it's most part of the business, but I would like to make a summary of my most stressing points, in case any cares:
- PVE are way too long; I cannot focus for 5-7 days trying to be up each 3 hours!
- The previous extends to PvP season, being forced to score in every event.
- Rubberband makes the last hours of the events too much important; and finishing times do not usually fit me.
- Almost complete lack of nonplacing events (prologue and an experimental gauntlet)
- The rate of new character releases, and having to keep them to not be severely disadvantaged in following events due to being required on essential nodes.

I would suggest making some PvP events not count for season score, and likewise some PvE subnodes not count towards overall score (only best x subscores would count), so we could miss couple 1-2 days event without any penalty at all for personal and alliance score. And please listen to the forum uproar asking for finishing time fix!!!.

So let's try progression mode; if in couple weeks time it doesn't satisfy me, I will probably quit the game completely. Pity I decided to do this when a strong pink/black character is coming (my maxed chars are Thor/Punisher/Patch/BPanther, and I have GSBW/Ragnarok/Sentry/Hulk/Htorch with 12/13 covers, say hello to my Red/Green brigade!), but I had to stop, and being Blade def not one of my iconic characters did help. Had it been say Green Goblin, The Thing or Beta Ray Bill, I would be grinding now icon_lol.gif

EDIT: Wow, Okin was writing a very similar post at the same time. In my case I was happy with the cover income, but I subscribe most of his post. Cheers Ok.


  • Yeah, boring Monday at work. So I had to do something. But we have almost the same "problem". Difference is that you got to taste that 3* roster while I am not willing to put the time and effort to go for it. I might stick to the same philosophy of playing only PVE and getting those progression rewards. Maybe also get that PVP token at 300 and that's it. A public alliance would be OK, but I will not do it. I resign from any kind of obligation to play this game. I will come to it when I feel like it, because that's what a game is supposed to be like.

    PS: Wife was happy as hell to see the change too. I guess they deserve it after what they put up with having a gamer husband icon_razz.gif
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Do aim for 400 for at least a sloooow HP banking icon_e_wink.gif Cheers again.