Show how many tiles of a certain color are on the board

... in the popup that comes up when you click on a tile. With a few character's abilities depending on a certain amount of tiles being on the board, how about letting us know how many tiles of a certain color are on the board on the tile popup. I feel like a third grader counting tiles on my screen. Also, any way of letting us know how much potential damage Classic Magneto's Magnetic Translocation ability will do in the description of the ability during the current battle and the current board layout? Same with Hulk's and Punisher's abilities requiring certain amount of tiles or percentage of health or whatever. Calculate the damage with whoever the current target is and update the description in real-time. Thanks.


  • Would be useful in some cases, just don't think it is much on an issue that devs would spend time on when they have other things that need doing.