charged tiles mean Gambit incoming?

nimvin Posts: 81
edited November 2014 in Speculation and Concepts
So I am not sure if anyone has already been brought up or not but I am going to broach it.

With the advent of charged tiles I have to believe Gambit is inbound. His mutant ability is to literally CHARGE items with kinetic energy. And now that we have Deadpool the only other HERO I've seen more requested is Cyclops.

Im not going to put a build here as there are other places for that. I have ideas and I will probably post one there.

So what does everyone else think?


  • He won that vote, and I thought they were going to make whoever won that vote, but I may remember wrong. I'd say he's reasonably likely, especially since we haven't heard about anyone else in the likely hopper.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's a compelling case. "Destroy X charged tiles, dealing Y damage [and gaining AP]" seems like a natural power for Gambit even if there wasn't already a “charged tile” mechanic in the game.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Passive ability that charges tiles incoming??
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    That makes perfect sense. icon_e_wink.gif But, if I were to make Gambit, I would have given him the triple damage for matching charged tiles and not Thorette. That ability seems to fit him better. He charges something, usually a playing card, and then hits the enemy with it. It should work the same way in the game. Gambit charges a tile then hits the enemy with it. Only they should not be random. After all, ol' Remi's got perfect aim.
  • That makes perfect sense. icon_e_wink.gif But, if I were to make Gambit, I would have given him the triple damage for matching charged tiles and not Thorette. That ability seems to fit him better. He charges something, usually a playing card, and then hits the enemy with it. It should work the same way in the game. Gambit charges a tile then hits the enemy with it. Only they should not be random. After all, ol' Remi's got perfect aim.

    I'm pretty sure the 3X damage is associated with the tile and not Thor's power. Whoever matches it gets the 3X damage boost.
  • I don't think Gambit using Thor's charge tiles makes sense thematically. Honestly, a countdown tile would feel most like Gambit. He charges up any object and it detonates after a certain amount of time. I imagine him throwing out 3-5 2-turn countdown tiles that destroy a block of tiles.
  • h4n1s
    h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Ooooor, he can take those charged tile and throw them on opponent pictures with some respectful animation - just like the one Dino is having - accompanied with some awesome explosion, doing nearly 0 damage, but hey it would look awesome!

    But seriously Gambit and She-Thor? He charges tiles with pure pink kinetic-energy, she charges them with lightning, he would get AC/DC through his whole body by touching those tiles!
  • Maybe he can have a passive power like Daken's that puts down charge tiles when you match a specific color. The other two power can be something that uses those charge strikes to do stuff.
  • That' interesting leap in logic. You could also say the charged tiles are charged with electricity, therefore Electro must be coming next. or something.
  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 344 Mover and Shaker
    That' interesting leap in logic. You could also say the charged tiles are charged with electricity, therefore Electro must be coming next. or something.

    It is not really that much of a leap. In an interview, they did say that other heroes would be using charged tiles.
    However, the downside to the new Charged Tile mechanic is that it’s not unique to the player who generates it. So your opponent can match them to deal extra damage to YOU. But for now you’ll only have to worry about Charge Tiles with Thor: Goddess of Thunder because there won’t be another character who utilizes them...yet.

    “Just like Daredevil and his trap tiles. He was the only one till Nick Fury was introduced and some NPCs now use them. More characters will be using them in the future.

    Here is a link to that interview:

    Since it makes sense that Gambit would use charged tiles and he won the poll for next character, it is a logical conclusion that he is coming soon (relative term).
  • I just spent 20 minutes listening to Happy and beating the snot out of the Thor (GoT) node and I think our prayers for a charge tile gambit will be unheeded. Here's why; T4or is balanced (to be pretty damn good) based on her own charge tile generation. Adding ANY character that also has charge tiles skyrockets her power level to best character in the game. Even if Gambit was greenflag.png / purpleflag.png / blackflag.png and charged only those colors, the damage boost to T4or's redflag.png means they are partners forever. A few boosts, get say 5 charge tiles down, and suddenly a max level T4or drops a 6800 character from full.

    Ultimately this means a passive charge tile ability is totally out. Sad for Gambit, but likely true.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,002 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    I just spent 20 minutes listening to Happy and beating the snot out of the Thor (GoT) node and I think our prayers for a charge tile gambit will be unheeded. Here's why; T4or is balanced (to be pretty damn good) based on her own charge tile generation. Adding ANY character that also has charge tiles skyrockets her power level to best character in the game. Even if Gambit was greenflag.png / purpleflag.png / blackflag.png and charged only those colors, the damage boost to T4or's redflag.png means they are partners forever. A few boosts, get say 5 charge tiles down, and suddenly a max level T4or drops a 6800 character from full.

    Ultimately this means a passive charge tile ability is totally out. Sad for Gambit, but likely true.

    Gambit was always a ladies' man so i don't think he would mind helping 4*Thor do her thing, non? ( ̄(エ) ̄)y-゚゚゚

  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    Lerysh wrote:
    I just spent 20 minutes listening to Happy and beating the snot out of the Thor (GoT) node and I think our prayers for a charge tile gambit will be unheeded. Here's why; T4or is balanced (to be pretty damn good) based on her own charge tile generation. Adding ANY character that also has charge tiles skyrockets her power level to best character in the game. Even if Gambit was greenflag.png / purpleflag.png / blackflag.png and charged only those colors, the damage boost to T4or's redflag.png means they are partners forever. A few boosts, get say 5 charge tiles down, and suddenly a max level T4or drops a 6800 character from full.

    Ultimately this means a passive charge tile ability is totally out. Sad for Gambit, but likely true.

    Gambit was always a ladies' man so i don't think he would mind helping 4*Thor do her thing, non? ( ̄(エ) ̄)y-゚゚゚

    The new Thor might be a "woman", but based on her art work, i sure wouldn't want to hit that. icon_eek.gif
  • If you gotta go, go with a smile.
  • nimvin
    nimvin Posts: 81
    Lerysh wrote:
    . Even if Gambit was greenflag.png / purpleflag.png / blackflag.png and charged only those colors, the damage boost to T4or's redflag.png means they are partners forever. .

    Bring your own T4or or hit the skip button like us non sentry bombers do for sentry. If its pve deny red at all costs.
  • Sure, there would be counters, but still. The mere fact that T4or's red counts charge tiles probably means it's her mechanic and her mechanic alone.
  • He'll probably have a power that generates charged tiles.
    He could then have a power that destroys charged tiles for damage, but doesn't generate AP.

    As it is, I'm still arguing for a change to 4X damage, 2X AP as opposed to 3X/3X, for balance reasons.
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    This game sucks away your LIFE.
    We are HALF way to the old character cap.
    Thor charges THREE colors of tiles.

    Half-Life 3 confirmed.