S.T.E.A.L.T.H is recruiting

edited October 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Hey Everyone,

S.T.E.A.L.T.H currently has at least 1 slot open and looking to recruit a new members! We are looking for the following from our new members:

- Daily / Competitive player in all PVP events
- Be able to score 700+ in PVP events
- Players should have already made the 3* transition or in the process of it now.
- PVE you dont need to be crazy grinder, just participate in each sub clearing essentials.

We are a borderline top 25 alliance and have earned every alliance reward for each of the first 6 seasons.

Also, our alliance has a more relaxed culture then some of the other top alliances. While we maintain a high level of competitiveness in events staying in the top 50 and above, we understand the real life situations may prevent people from being able to participate in every event. As long as you maintain a competitive presence in most events, we will not kick you from the alliance. We have an active line chat, but participation in it is not required as long as you remain active.

If interested in joining, please send me a PM with IGN/current alliance/estimate of average PVP scores OR apply directly to alliance in game.
