PVE Refresh times are slightly shorter than advertised

I've noticed this for the last few weeks, but confirmed it pretty closely today - PVE refresh times are actually slightly shorter than the clock indicates. Full points actually refresh at about the 7 minutes, 10 seconds mark, and it actually says "Full Points" and the timer goes away. The timer starts over at 2:24 as usual if you fight the node immediately upon reset. Not a huge difference, but I've taken advantage of it a few times when I had scheduling issues and the extra seven minutes mattered.


  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I've noticed this for the last few weeks, but confirmed it pretty closely today - PVE refresh times are actually slightly shorter than the clock indicates. Full points actually refresh at about the 7 minutes, 10 seconds mark, and it actually says "Full Points" and the timer goes away. The timer starts over at 2:24 as usual if you fight the node immediately upon reset. Not a huge difference, but I've taken advantage of it a few times when I had scheduling issues and the extra seven minutes mattered.

    I've noticed it 'says' full points before the 2:24 ellapses it usually is still below full points though...it becomes harder to tell if things are truely at full points if you happen to be getting any rubber band action.
  • It says full points but if you wait until the actual 2:24 has passed you'll notice the node has gained more points back (not due to RB). Also, when you play the node and finish it early it will have 2:24 + however many minutes early you beat it. So you might end up having all nodes with 2:26 refresh times. The minor point difference may not matter that much, especially if doing the nodes a bit early allows you to do extra battles at the end.
  • I've been solidly in the no rubberband region for the current PvE event and as far as I can tell the early 'full points' are indeed full points because they're always very neat numbers that end in 0 like 150, 170, 350, etc. Usually it's borderline impossible to be out of the rubberband range and I found that in the time it takes you to play the game, the rubberband would've made your mission worth more than what they were at the start of the game, especially if it's a challenging mission.

    The refresh time starts at the time you beat the mission so the first mission you beat is going to be 2H24M. Now after that the amount varies because the time it takes to beat a mission is not constant (and can sometimes take a while). I usually see pretty big gaps in the equivalent of the 'hard track' mission timer since they all take a nontrivial amount of time to beat.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've noticed this too. Did anyone report it yet?
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've had the same experience as FierceKiwi and gobstopper, and have sometimes seen the points make a slight increase if I wait that extra 6-7 minutes.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I noticed it in the events where I was really trying to hit optimally. Didn't pinpoint a time to it, just assumed it was a rounding glitch or something.
  • ZeiramMR wrote:
    I've had the same experience as FierceKiwi and gobstopper, and have sometimes seen the points make a slight increase if I wait that extra 6-7 minutes.

    I noticed this a few months back. If you do them right away you will not get full points and the counter will start running down from the "correct" time. The node will show 2:28 minutes to go instead of 2:23 for example. Its a bit of a pain if your really trying to cut all the slack out of your refresh cycles - I normally do 2:30 instead of 2:24.