Thank you for making double ISO rewards permanent!



  • Moon Roach wrote:
    I just got double points in Shield. Maybe they've missed that one...

    Edit. And in balance of power.
    (whispering) Shhhhh! They will hear!
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    Could be a mistake, could be the fact that they have to code up the change back so it may happen at some point today. I must say, 40 Iso-8 for a booby prize is much better than 20. I did notice that the event progression and placement awards went back to their normal value - its only the node completion awards that are doubled.

    Honestly, I don't think it would be a bad thing if they kept it. It's only a fairly minor change. Even if they didn't, I do think the chance of the "20 Iso-8" award for doing a node you've done before sucks rocks - it is definitely one of the things making PVE so much worse than PVP.
  • The node rewards are back to normal after the R63 update. So you can grind Iso while you can icon_e_smile.gif
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, you're right: it's sort of inconsistent but some events still have it.

    Edit - opps, forgot to read the rest of the thread!
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    So what's the word? Does updating to the latest build kill the double ISO rewards ( I haven't updated yet, and I am still getting 2x in Trial/Sim)? I've heard conflicting things. Hold off updating as long as the game will let you, or is some other factor in play?
  • I've gotten 280 out of PVP matches with the update, so they aren't completely gone.
  • I'm still getting 400 iso for certain nodes in PvE and 280 for PvP matches. Hopefully it stays, but even if we just get the 40 iso for repeats, I'm good with that. I've been iso farming in the prologue (hint: one max level obw purple kills that level 3 Dr. Doom with espionage), at 3-4k iso an hour during healing breaks.
  • I may have misunderstood a member of our Alliance then who said they were gone.

    I'm glad they are still available.

    40 Iso per match is better than 20 though.
  • Been thinking : maybe David or IceIx could make an official announcement to tell us what's going on with the Iso rewards ?
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    The bonus is still around, yay!!

    Maybe they'll keep it, wouldn't that be great? That's the kind of change that a "small, agile" team like them could make, right?

    They could say "After trying out double ISO rates during the anniversary, we decided to keep them around BECAUSE THEY FEEEEEEL SOOOO GOOOOD!"

    Meh, I know I'm just dreaming.

    The funny thing is, this would probably make them a bunch more money. Lots of people have a bunch of fully covered characters that they're waiting to level up. No reason to buy even more covers with HP when you can't use the covers you already have because of an ISO shortage.
  • Conspiracy theory detected:

    They have kept the double ISO rewards in order to make people want to play and farm more, thus, draining more health packs and leading to health pack purchases. Shame on you D3!
  • Wobby
    Wobby Posts: 286 Mover and Shaker
    Annnd they're gone.
  • Yup, they are now completely gone I think. Was playing PVP and I got 20 and 140. But since I got the 20 ISO then it means bye bye
  • Maybe next time there won't be a glaring forum thread about it.... Sheesh
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, I'm pretty sure they're gone and have nothing to do with the patch. Ah well, an extra 3 days does not suck, that's for sure.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    arktos1971 wrote:
    Been thinking : maybe David or IceIx could make an official announcement to tell us what's going on with the Iso rewards ?
    Given that they knew it was going to go away, making an official announcement would've been just as popular as making an official announcement that those jeans make your girlfriend's butt look fat. Why go looking for trouble?
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Maybe next time there won't be a glaring forum thread about it.... Sheesh
    I had a couple reasons behind this over the top assumptive forum thread.

    1) To point out a potential bug/flaw/oversight that wasn't really being talked about on the forums. People like to keep quiet when something goes in our favour...but if they accidentally reverted ISO reward to half of what we were used to you better believe the forums would have been flooded with comments.

    2) To gather thoughts/opinions/discussion on the idea of double ISO rewards sticking around and why it might be more than just players always wanting more more more for free.

    I never expected this change to be permanent at the time of this post and the fact that it stuck around through end of business Monday honestly got my hopes up. I do genuinely feel that there is a problem with the game in terms of the amount of covers given out and the amount of ISO received to work on those characters.

    At the time of this post, I have 24 fully covered characters who are not fully leveled and 28 fully covered characters who are fully leveled.
    That's 54% of my characters my roster fully covered. Pretty great right?

    I'd say yes if I were your typical MPQ player but I'm not. I'm the ultra hardcore MPQ player who can easily spend 8 hours a day playing this game and joining each LR right as they join to max out seed rewards. I'm the player who has consistently reached top 5 rewards in PvP for months on end with only the occasional top 10.

    Take a typical MPQ player whose invested into the game but can't play nearly as hardcore and you'd probably see numbers closer to 20% fully covered and 80% waiting. This problem no doubt gets worse as you scale down from a *** player to a ** transitioning one.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    Thank goodness, I can finally quit this pve icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • babinro wrote:
    Maybe next time there won't be a glaring forum thread about it.... Sheesh
    I had a couple reasons behind this over the top assumptive forum thread.

    1) To point out a potential bug/flaw/oversight that wasn't really being talked about on the forums. People like to keep quiet when something goes in our favour...but if they accidentally reverted ISO reward to half of what we were used to you better believe the forums would have been flooded with comments.

    2) To gather thoughts/opinions/discussion on the idea of double ISO rewards sticking around and why it might be more than just players always wanting more more more for free.

    I never expected this change to be permanent at the time of this post and the fact that it stuck around through end of business Monday honestly got my hopes up. I do genuinely feel that there is a problem with the game in terms of the amount of covers given out and the amount of ISO received to work on those characters.

    At the time of this post, I have 24 fully covered characters who are not fully leveled and 28 fully covered characters who are fully leveled.
    That's 54% of my characters my roster fully covered. Pretty great right?

    I'd say yes if I were your typical MPQ player but I'm not. I'm the ultra hardcore MPQ player who can easily spend 8 hours a day playing this game and joining each LR right as they join to max out seed rewards. I'm the player who has consistently reached top 5 rewards in PvP for months on end with only the occasional top 10.

    Take a typical MPQ player whose invested into the game but can't play nearly as hardcore and you'd probably see numbers closer to 20% fully covered and 80% waiting. This problem no doubt gets worse as you scale down from a *** player to a ** transitioning one.

    I'm sure players would buy Iso if it was FAR cheaper.

    It should be something like $15 for 100K, therefore, you'd need 340K each month (2 x 3*), that's $30 for 200K and the rest you win by playing. That's $1/day.

    They probably think that the money they get from whales now is enough so they don't need to lower the prices.

    Too bad for the tons of users who can't afford $7-9K to buy all this Iso...

    There maybe is a strategy not to apply quickly what we suggest so that the forum does not turn into a capricious Father Xmas list.
  • They also set the price of iso high enough that people wont buy it. It would actually be unhealthy for the game if everyone could just drop a few bucks to get the iso they needed instead of earning it through playing. If the balance tips too far in favor of paying instead of playing then everyone can have a maxed out roster for cheap! And without needing to play nearly as much! Wait a game like that would be terrible and un-fun. Their current price point may be well above what is necessary to avoid that hypothetical fate, but I am just fine living in a world where ~most~ players earned all their iso.