When introducing new 2*s, look to Ares, not Johnny Storm

When Ares was introduced, I think in the first Hunt rerun, he was handed out like candy - a prize in every sub, in tokens, etc. The two 2*s introduced since then have been rolled out like they were 3*s, with covers being given out very, very stingily at first. It gives their PVEs very little sense of reward, and when combined with a weak PVE like the current one, it results in very low levels of player engagement.

While they don't need to be given out quite like Ares was (I was a mid-level 2* player at the time, and I think I got enough covers to finish him twice over), a new 2* should be given out enough at least so that there's a chance of fully covering them, or at least getting them up to playable by the end of the event. That way, 1) Players are more willing to put effort into placing well, and 2) The essential nodes in the next PVE don't result in 2 characters plus waste of space.


  • Also, Ares remains a great character to me still, even long after my transition. Balance of Power etc always makes me happy; I love breaking him out again.
    I'd rather have more characters like him instead of "lazy" 3* copies.
  • Agreed. Also, I thought this was about power level before reading the content of the post. I agree either way.
  • Seriously, what they said. If it weren't for my alliance I would have just straight-up skipped this PvE. Oh look, grinding for 6 days for a 2* that I will use in exactly one event and never put ISO towards. Yawn. I wasn't there for the Ares rollout, but it sounds like a lot more fun.