Tokens based on colors?

There has been debate on how to handle the ever rising number of new characters. When and how to add them to token pulls. Recently the devs announced that they'll rotate characters so they don't have to touch the odds in Heroic and Standard tokens. I have slightly different suggestion.

Maybe this has been thought of already but how about if they make new kind of Standard and Heroic tokens that are based on skill colors. For example Black Heroic token would include all 2*, 3* and 4* black covers only. Before you make the token pull you would know for certain that whichever character you get, the skill will be black. Since the characters all have max three colors they couldn't be in more than three token pull groups out of six.

Only problem I can see with this scheme (beside coding) is how to hand them out as prizes. If Heroics and Standards would be divided to six different brands then it might be troublesome to decide when and how they are given out as prizes.


  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I've got another solution that I'll just post here instead of a new topic: Just make covers covers, and let players decide which color they advance. I'm I hate having to trash a rare cover in a color I've maxed already.

    E.g.: My event token for Venom Heroic yesterday. I pulled an XForce! This should be exciting! But my Xforce is 1/5/1, and it was black, so it is a useless to me. Literally half of the 4 star covers I have are XForce black, and I had to draw that one. Bleh!

    On the one hand, 5 Black is great and I was lucky to get to 5 covers so fast. On the other hand, one good power isn't enough to compete, he's got a much lower level cap than he would at 3/2/2, and pulling a useless legendary kicks my enthusiasm in the face. I've got 2 covers for IW and Fury. Still not playable. XForce is the essential symbol of my 300-day commitment to this game. And now I get to chuck a cover instead of boosting him.