Offensive and inappropriate screen name !!

IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Now, I'm not one to complain much. I try to be polite and instead of arguing, I try to see things from other peoples point of veiw. I try to be understanding and listen to all sides.

But Not this time, ..... No! This is something I can not keep quiet about! I may get censored, locked, blocked, or even banned for the following post, but I will not let this go without saying something! Not this time! icon_mad.gif
(the only thing evil needs to succeed is for good men to sit back and do nothing)

When I saw the recent IGN I became slighty sick to my stomach and very Pissed Off!

Screen names like the one in the shot below Should NOT Be Allowed ! ! icon_mad.gif


I understand players can pick whatever they want for screen names. And some of them can be misunderstood quite easily. Just look at mine; IamTheDanger is a quote from a T.V. show I really like. Yet, if someone has never seen it, then they would not get the reference. But even then, it's still not as bad as this. Murder, ****, (here I didn't type tinykitty, I tried to type a 4 letter word for sexual assault that starts with the letter "R". However, that word is not allowed on the forum. If you can't even type the word on a forum, then why in the He!! can it be used as a screen name?), suicide, terrorism. There are some things that you just do NOT make jokes about.

And I hope that's all this is, just a sick joke, and not someone bragging! Now, I don't know how others feel about sexual assault, but I get up everyday, put on my badge, strap on my side arm, and risk my life to keep low life pervet peices of sh!t off the streets. To see someone joking or bragging about it just really gets to me.

Players should be able to pick whatever they want for their screen name. I'm not saying that should change.
All I'm saying is that with things like this there is a certain line that you just do NOT cross. And this? This is one IGN that has crossed that line and several others.

side note: .....
I apologize if I have offended anyone with this post, or for any forum rules I may have broken, that was not my intention, but as I said, this is one time I can not keep quiet.

One final thing. English is my native language. So I've asked others that were fluent in several dialects about this. We have yet to find this word spelled like this in any language. However, we may be mistaken, and this IGN is from a language that neither I, nor my friends, are familiar with. But I kinda doubt it. It's pretty obvious what this person means no matter how it's spelled. icon_mad.gif

either, way, I'll still be sending a complaint to CS, (which is, after almost 8 months of playing, the very first complaint I've sent in)


  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just sent a ticket to D3. Regardless of how it's spelled, it's still very inappropriate.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that this is a sick and depraved screen name.

    Though in all fairness to the games developers, I'm not sure how they could screen for such names since it is not a traditional, but a phonetic spelling. This is the type of thing that actually requires a human to see and report. No matter how hard they try to anticipate the offensive words that could be used in a screen name, phonetic spellings are exceptionally hard to code for.
    phuk, F*CK, FCUK
    It takes a human touch to catch some of these things.
    I'm not trying to be offensive, but just showing examples.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe he's a dyslexic farmer that meant to type reapist, but accidentally ended up with the name you found for all eternity.

    Okay, poor joke (it should be reaper in that case right?). I do actually agree with you, but as pwuz has pointed out, it's pretty tough for a name detector to find that kind of thing. Maybe it should be someone's job to check new user names once a day just to make sure their computer filter didn't let anything like that through? Doesn't seem like it would be all that time-consuming.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    mohio wrote:
    Maybe he's a dyslexic farmer that meant to type reapist, but accidentally ended up with the name you found for all eternity.

    Okay, poor joke (it should be reaper in that case right?). I do actually agree with you, but as pwuz has pointed out, it's pretty tough for a name detector to find that kind of thing. Maybe it should be someone's job to check new user names once a day just to make sure their computer filter didn't let anything like that through? Doesn't seem like it would be all that time-consuming.
    From the same company that took almost a year to implement basic 'are you a bot' verification for forum accounts?
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Nothing to add
  • I sent a message to Hi-Fi. Hopefully this will be addressed quickly as it is disgusting and shouldn't be allowed.
  • It's been reported, which is the correct way to have issue addressed. Might as well let the thread die out because it'll be locked as soon as it's noticed any way.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    I see no one by that name, but I do see someone that is now the proud owner of the name "SparklePony23"!

    Thanks for the report, it's appreciated.
  • That is hilarious! SparklePony for the win.

    I know now what to do when I see that kind of thing... There's quite a few sicko names out there.

    BunnyFooFoo is my suggestion for the next one icon_razz.gif
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2014
    IceIX wrote:
    I see no one by that name, but I do see someone that is now the proud owner of the name "SparklePony23"!

    Thanks for the report, it's appreciated.

    Thank you for looking into this. It appears that the name was changed after I sent in a ticket to CS, sometime last night or this morning. SparklePony23 has a very similar roster, so it seems the name was changed.

    For future reference, I know that Ice, Hi-Fi, and the other admins can control/alter things here on the forum. But can they make changes in the actual game?

    Anyway, thanks again for dealing with this.


    EDIT; I would once more like to thank Ice. But also, I was just thinking how much I'd like to see this persons face when they see their new screen name. icon_lol.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    IceIX wrote:
    I see no one by that name, but I do see someone that is now the proud owner of the name "SparklePony23"!

    Thanks for the report, it's appreciated.

    Thank you for looking into this. It appears that the name was changed after I sent in a ticket to CS, sometime last night or this morning. SparklePony23 has a very similar roster, so it seems the name was changed.

    For future reference, I know that Ice, Hi-Fi, and the other admins can control/alter things here on the forum. But can they make changes in the actual game?

    Anyway, thanks again for dealing with this.

    Ahh, I changed it. So yeah, same roster.

    We have access to the tools at different levels, so David and I can influence some in-game things, yes. It's not normally part of our daily jobs, so we leave complex stuff or gifting to CS to handle and just use the tools for quick one offs when it's simple and we can. We're definitely not CS level of being able to help out with in-game stuff. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Either way, handled like a boss.

    Well done
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Murder, tinykitty, (here I didn't type tinykitty, I tried to type a 4 letter word for sexual assault that starts with the letter "R". However, that word is not allowed on the forum. If you can't even type the word on a forum, then why in the He!! can it be used as a screen name?), suicide, terrorism. There are some things that you just do NOT make jokes about.

    Hey, I absolutely 100% agree with you that names such as his are not OK, and it's good that it got changed.

    That said, in regards to murder, suicide, and terrorism, you are aware that we're playing a game where the characters are murdering (pretty much any damage ability) suiciding, (any self damage ability), and terrorizing (all of the villains), right?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Raffoon wrote:
    Hey, I absolutely 100% agree with you that names such as his are not OK, and it's good that it got changed.

    That said, in regards to murder, suicide, and terrorism, you are aware that we're playing a game where the characters are murdering (pretty much any damage ability) suiciding, (any self damage ability), and terrorizing (all of the villains), right?
    The canonical loophole seems to be that no one actually dies. They just get knocked out/unconscious.
  • Yep, somehow people in comic books either don't die at all or else come back for the dead... except for Uncle Ben, for some reason.

    Nice one, Ice! icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif Will Sparkly be stuck with his shiny new screen name forever now, or is there any way of changing it?
  • Didn't Sentry rip Carnage in half in space?
  • HailMary wrote:
    The canonical loophole seems to be that no one actually dies. They just get knocked out/unconscious.
    They are like Pokemon. You faint them and run in tall grass to find more icon_razz.gif
  • Didn't Sentry rip Carnage in half in space?

    Yeah, but he got better (seriously, he did)
  • All the problems in the world and this is what you waste your time on? He's got a stupid name, he didn't actually **** anyone. There are a thousand people out there with murder in their name. I guess you are okay with that?

    And I can make jokes about whatever the hell I want. People that try to censor others are just as evil as **** in my opinion.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    rooter wrote:
    All the problems in the world and this is what you waste your time on?
    Sorry we pulled you away from curing cancer just to educate us on our priorities.
    rooter wrote:
    And I can make jokes about whatever the hell I want.
    Not always, no.
    rooter wrote:
    People that try to censor others are just as evil as **** in my opinion.
    Oh man, wait till you figure out what "tinykitty" is all about. That should be quite the show, Armchair Freedom Fighter.
This discussion has been closed.