Suggestion to ease the effects of character dilution.

Rework the reward structure so the top is still the same, but add in a new layer after a single 3* cover and have it be a single OLD 3* cover. Like so:
1: Fury + sentry x3
2-5: sentry x3
6-25 sentry x2
26-100 sentry x1
100-200 loki x1
200+ 2 star.png something

This would let them keep the newest characters as the rewards in more tournaments instead of stopping to make sure we have more chances to get Rags and Doom, but still have opportunities for transitioning players to pick up older characters with regularity and let vets missing that one cover of someone intentionally take it easy to get something they need.

Most importantly this would require only the simplest of changes for D3 to implement giving them the outlet to keep people progressing, and the freedom to add everyone into the token pool without making the problems worse. Vets can't abuse the system to get more covers than usual but transitioners are given a huge boost. Best part is this plan would really help now in the present, can be expandable to even more tiers in the future and buys D3 more time to fix the underlying problem without the players rioting on them.


  • Wrong idea. Or, in that case, we should up the league from 500 players to 800 players. Then, "maybe", it could be possible.
    There's no challenge being under 200/500 ; 300 points and you are, which is, with a 3 or 4 chars team (of 2* chars) possible without any problem...

    BTW, even if they're old, some old chars are still pretty powerful, and Loki has to stay difficult to get cause in the lightning rounds he will be really useful at high level.

    If the chars you talked about were bad, I would say yes, but there's no really useless char in the game at the moment. (some people said bulleye is, and I don't agree at all)
  • How about like this because the specifics are completely up to D3 but the general idea seems promising.
    1: Fury + sentry x3
    2-5: sentry x3
    6-25 sentry x2
    26-50 sentry x1
    51-100 loki x1

    Same number of 3* covers being handed out but oldest ones are the low hanging fruit and you can still only get ONE per tournament so it will still take a long time to get a full character just not FOREVER. If the old cover rotates and we say there are ~10 characters we call old for now that is still a couple months to go through the whole rotation.

    Also why should they not give out useful things? Only argument against that is keeping the little people down instead of them having a working avenue of progression allowing them to get stronger instead of having 20 3* characters with 3 covers each but nothing they can actually ~use~ effectively.
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    How about like this because the specifics are completely up to D3 but the general idea seems promising.

    1: Fury + sentry x3
    2-5: sentry x3
    6-25 sentry x2
    26-50 sentry x1
    51-100 loki x1

    Same number of 3* covers being handed out but oldest ones are the low hanging fruit and you can still only get ONE per tournament so it will still take a long time to get a full character just not FOREVER. If the old cover rotates and we say there are ~10 characters we call old for now that is still a couple months to go through the whole rotation.

    Also why should they not give out useful things? Only argument against that is keeping the little people down instead of them having a working avenue of progression allowing them to get stronger instead of having 20 3* characters with 3 covers each but nothing they can actually ~use~ effectively.

    I think I get where you're coming from with this idea and I actually like it in principle (offering the older 3* reward -somewhere- in the reward system and not just in Tokens), but until the system itself changes re: Essential Characters and how they're implemented into the game and how players can get these characters (either by buying Token packs or placing high enough in the previous Event to net them that one cover), a change like this in particular would actually undermine the efforts of the people who ARE in the very situation you would like to help them out of.

    That said:

    IF they ran such a system in PvEs and PvPs where the non-old 3* character reward is NOT a new release and and is NOT going to be an Essential, then MAYBE I would support the idea.

    BUT if we look at current PvEs and PvPs, we will see that there's always this Essential Character/Boosted Character who tends to be the latest newest character on the block unless it's a complete rerun of an old Event complete with old Essential Characters. AND guess what? This Essential Character is almost always a character that was offered as a top 150/top 100 reward in the previous PvE/PvP.

    Particularly for PvE, the last tier 3* Ranking Award from either the previous PvE or the concurrently running PvP is the only way for transitioning players who don't get lucky with Tokens to literally snag that ONE COVER needed to open an Essential node and that Essential node is exactly what it is - Essential.

    Take that chance away from them and shove it up EVEN HIGHER into the Rewards list is going to shut all those people out even WORSE than they already are right now.

    As a player cruising in transition land and has been for 6 months and who started playing pre-R47 and who hasn't bought covers or Tokens (might consider the Daily 50 for Anniversary, but before now, no money spent on covers, Token pulls, Health Packs, Shields, or Boosts) but has bought Roster Slots, I struggle to get the new/next Essential characters from PvEs (sometimes) and PvPs (almost always) so I can participate in the Essential nodes for the next Event that follows.

    Though I seriously love the old characters (Classic Magneto and Punisher are my favorites), I'd be pretty mad that all my hard work netted me an older 3* character instead of that ONE COVER I will absolutely need for the next PvE event.

    PvP offers loaners so people can still participate without that essential and Boosted character, but in PvE, there are no loaners so if you miss out - either from the previous PvE event or PvP - you miss out.
  • Yeah, the reward today required tomorrow mechanic does make it hard to justify shortening the trendy rewards in favor of out of date ones. Hence it was a separate tier of low hanging fruit for those who either have trouble ranking so high and those characters would help with that, or people intentionally skipping a higher reward because they need the lower one. Guess its not so easy to please everyone.