4 star cover rewards in PvP - The upcoming schedule

vudu3 asked me about this one and I realized it would probably be good to share this with anyone else who might be curious.

A pattern has been established of how star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png covers are awarded based on how they've been given out for the last month or so. Counting the finish tomorrow, here is what I expect the schedule to be for the next 6 weeks, assuming everything stays the same and the 1300 and 1st place prizes don't change due to the anniversary events or other unforeseen modifications.

PvP tournaments run 1. Monday-Wednesday, 2. Wednesday-Friday, 3. Friday-Sunday with end times a touch past that due to the 1 hour time shift. I am using end times of 1. Wednesday @ 1PM EST, 2. Saturday @ 1AM EST, 3. Monday @ 1AM EST for those three tournaments.

By character:

icon_nickfury.png - Covers are awarded in the following order: yellowflag.pngpurpleflag.pngblueflag.png

Cover @ 1300

Awarded Wednesdays at 1PM EST
yellowflag.png Oct 8, Oct 29
purpleflag.png Oct 15, Nov 5
blueflag.png Oct 22, Nov 12

Cover for 1st
Awarded Mondays at 1AM EST
yellowflag.png Oct 27, Nov 17
purpleflag.png Oct 13, Nov 3
blueflag.png Oct 20, Nov 10

icon_wolverine.png - Covers are awarded in the following order greenflag.pngyellowflag.pngblackflag.png

Cover @ 1300
Awarded Saturdays 1AM EST
greenflag.png Oct 18, Nov 8
yellowflag.png Oct 25, Nov 15
blackflag.png Oct 11, Nov 1

Cover for 1st

Awarded Wednesdays at 1PM EST
greenflag.png Oct 8, Oct 29
yellowflag.png Oct 15, Nov 5
blackflag.png Oct 22, Nov 12

icon_invisiblewoman.png - Covers are awarded in the following order blueflag.pngyellowflag.pnggreenflag.png

Cover @ 1300
Awarded Mondays 1AM EST
blueflag.png Oct 20, Nov 10
yellowflag.png Oct 27, Nov 17
greenflag.png Oct 13, Nov 3

Cover for 1st
Awarded Saturdays 1AM EST
blueflag.png Oct 11, Nov 1
yellowflag.png Oct 18, Nov 8
greenflag.png Oct 25, Nov 15

In terms of pairings:

Wednesday 1PM finishes feature
1300 - icon_nickfury.png - 1st - icon_wolverine.png

Saturday 1AM finishes feature
1300 - icon_wolverine.png - 1st icon_invisiblewoman.png

Monday 1AM finishes feature
1300 - icon_invisiblewoman.png - 1st icon_nickfury.png

Once star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_thor.png-ess comes out fully, I expect there to still be a predictable pattern, but one that rotates asynchronously with the schedule of three per week that pvp currently uses. This would have the nice side benefit of certain covers not being locked into specific pvp blocks (my current bane being icon_nickfury.png @ 1300, (which should be a lot more predictable and achievable than icon_nickfury.png for 1st), is always Wednesdays at 1PM for me... a finish I can't really work with so well).


  • I appreciate all the work you do in figuring things like this and keeping the organized. I do hope it wont be long before a dinosaur crashes the party as well and ruins the rotation.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    At least according to the blog announcement, Dino is only available for a week (and only from anniversary packs). (Plus one more for 365 days daily reward.) Not sure what that's supposed to mean re: getting covers, but that's what's on the blog.
  • I suspect that's just temporary, and at some point he'll have an "official" launch and get put into regular packs.
  • Right, I am Hoping that the dino wont be left out in the cold forever is all.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I suspect that's just temporary, and at some point he'll have an "official" launch and get put into regular packs.
    You are a very optimistic person. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Put it this way: it gives them a PVE off from having to develop a character.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is great information. This allows me to plan out my 4* cover acquisitions. Should have a cover maxed XF by the 18th and my first IW green during the next PvP.
  • Raekwen
    Raekwen Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    That doesnt look right. You have purpleflag.pngblueflag.png NF being given out in consecutive events. purpleflag.png Oct. 13, Oct 15? There should be a rotation there.
  • raek13 wrote:
    That doesnt look right. You have purpleflag.pngblueflag.png NF being given out in consecutive events. purpleflag.png Oct. 13, Oct 15? There should be a rotation there.

    1300 vs 1st place finish rewards.
  • Raekwen
    Raekwen Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    I get that, but it would be a different color. They don't give out a purpleflag.png NF for a 1st, then next event give out a purpleflag.png NF for 1300. It should be purpleflag.png 1st, then yellowflag.png 1300 during the next event. At least that's what was just given out these last two pvp's.
    j12601 wrote:
    icon_nickfury.png - Covers are awarded in the following order: yellowflag.pngpurpleflag.pngblueflag.png

    This should read: icon_nickfury.png - Covers are awarded in the following order: purpleflag.pngyellowflag.pngblueflag.png
    j12601 wrote:
    icon_invisiblewoman.png - Covers are awarded in the following order blueflag.pngyellowflag.pnggreenflag.png

    Also, this should read: icon_invisiblewoman.png - Covers are awarded in the following order greenflag.pngyellowflag.pngblueflag.png

    Your dates for icon_invisiblewoman.png are in the correct order, but looking back at the reward orders, that statement is backwards.
  • Wobby
    Wobby Posts: 286 Mover and Shaker
    So any chance of getting this updated J?
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wobby wrote:
    So any chance of getting this updated J?
    Probably hard to do with the monthly influx of new 4* characters
  • As JM points out, it might be tough to get this thing updated with what the current rotation would be given that we'll start seeing a rotation of 5 of them through the 1k and 1st place prizes.

    I haven't even been paying attention enough lately to figure out what the rotation was when it was just icon_nickfury.pngicon_wolverine.pngicon_invisiblewoman.png and icon_elektra.png . That pattern was around for roughly a season.
    Now that we'll likely throw icon_starlord.png into the mix as well, it should work out that each of them is offered a little more than once a week on average. That takes into account 1st place rewards in PVP, but PVE would not be included in that.

    However, with 10 events a season, it should at least be achievable to get a 1/1/1 of any 4* covered from the 1000 point progression rewards each season. Downside is that if you're relying solely on the 1k reward, you can't bang out a 5/5/3 build of something in less than 5 months now.
  • j12601 wrote:
    As JM points out, it might be tough to get this thing updated with what the current rotation would be given that we'll start seeing a rotation of 5 of them through the 1k and 1st place prizes.

    I haven't even been paying attention enough lately to figure out what the rotation was when it was just icon_nickfury.pngicon_wolverine.pngicon_invisiblewoman.png and icon_elektra.png . That pattern was around for roughly a season.
    Now that we'll likely throw icon_starlord.png into the mix as well, it should work out that each of them is offered a little more than once a week on average. That takes into account 1st place rewards in PVP, but PVE would not be included in that.

    However, with 10 events a season, it should at least be achievable to get a 1/1/1 of any 4* covered from the 1000 point progression rewards each season. Downside is that if you're relying solely on the 1k reward, you can't bang out a 5/5/3 build of something in less than 5 months now.

    5 covers in right now, 10 events, I'd expect to see no one character more than twice at 1000 points. That makes it impossible to get 1/1/1 in a single season from 0 covers.

    You can bet at the end of the current season another 4* is coming. The release schedule is faster than the rewards schedule so a pattern of rotation is going to be pretty hard to determine. I'm sure the basics will remain the same, with TGT redflag.png then yellowflag.png then blueflag.png for example.