Harmony System in teams (Bonus/Surchages)

I would like to give an idea that would probably change a lot of things in the game. I'll try to be as complete as I can to explain it clearly.
You all see in the game some teams or fights that are unbalanced or that wouldn't happen in reality (or not without problems ! :p).
So it gave me the idea to create some bonus or surcharge that would affect your team in the beginning of the game, like the "Boost" packs.
But of course, surcharges have to be stronger than bonus. Otherwize it will have the opposite effect.

Surchage : 2 chars like Thor / Hulk / Wolverine / Ares in the same team would have a surcharge called "Rivalry" (cause they often fight each other to know who's the best) ; 3 of them would create an even stronger "Rivalry effect" (surcharge).
p.e.: Rivalry would be a -10% damages effect for both chars ; if they're 3, it will then be -20% damages for three of them (!). (informative numbers)

Example of bonus : Hulk and Captain America (or Steve Rodgers) would have a bonus "Avengers team" (cause they are in the same group).
Avengers' team bonus : 1 free redtile.png every turn

But then, what would happen if you have Hulk / Steve Rodgers / She-Hulk :
Cause then, you would have 1 bonus "Avengers team" (1 free redtile.png every turn p.e.) for Hulk and Steve Rodgers, and another bonus "SMASH agents" (:red: skills do 10% more damages) for Hulk and She-hulk.
So yes, you would get 2 Bonus (which could really influence the end of the game), but those bonus ONLY work for the chars.
It means that the bonus "SMASH agents" won't work on Steve rodgers red skill, obviously.

There would be a lot of work to create all the links between chars, but it would really fun to do it, let's imagine :

List of possible Bonus :

Fancy Dress Code : (get 1 AP of a color which is on more than 14 tiles of the board ; 1 AP/turn only, and randomly if more than 1 color can be taken)
Wolverine 3*
Black Widow 2*

Avengers : (1 free redtile.png every turn ; NOT accumulative if 3 avengers in team)
Hulk 3*
Thor 2* and 3*
Iron man 1 and 3*
Captain America 2 and 3*
Hawkeye 1 and 2*
Black Widow 1, 2 & 3*
Falcon 3*
Captain Marvel 3*
Nick Fury 4*
Spiderman 3*

(Full Avengers team : reduce team-up cost's skills of 1. + the effect above)

X-men : (50HP temporary healed every turn)
Wolverine 2* & 3*
Storm 1, 2* & 3*
The Beast
Magneto 2*

Full X-men team : (up all the -attack/strike/defense- tiles of a power of 10, every turn)

Fantastic 4 :
Invisible Woman 4*
Human Torch 2 and 3*

Honey, I Love You :
Storm + Black Panther

Partners :
Black widow 1 2 3 + Punisher
Daredevil + Black Widow 1 2 3

Nick Fury
Iron Man 1* 3*
Captain America 2* 3*
Hawkeye 1* 2*
Black Widow 1* 2* 3*

List of possible Surchages :

Sworn Enemy : (p.e. : +10% damages received on both chars)
Ares + Thor
Dr Doom + Invisible Woman/Johnny Storm/Human Torch
Hawkeye + Bulleye
Thor + Ragnarok
Wolverine 2*, 3* & 4* + Daken 2* and 3*

Rivalry :
Thor + Hulk
Thor + Wolverine
Wolverine + Hulk

Dark Avengers :
Daken 2* 3*
Venom 1*
Moonstone 2*
Bulleye 2*
Ares 2*
Sentry 3*

List of Unknown effects :

Friend or foe : (Don't know what kind of effect to set here)
Thor + Loki
Punisher + Nick Fury

List of Teams Effect :
Avengers Vs Dark Avengers (damages up of 20% for everyone, ally and ennemies)

This post is incomplete 'cause working on this system isn't that easy, if it's accepted it will take a lot of time to be effective and complete.
Be kind in your answers. ^^
