PvE Alliance Reward Structure needs a change

The current reward structure for Alliances during PvE events is honestly pretty yawn inducing. For these PvE events you have tens of thousands of Alliances vying for position on the ranking board and only the top 100 get anything meaningful. Take the current PvE event -

1-2: 2000 iso8.png 250 imcoin.png and Spiderman purpleflag.png
3-50: 2000 iso8.png 250 imcoin.png and Spiderman purpleflag.png
51-100: 2000 iso8.png 50 imcoin.png and Spiderman purpleflag.png

After that the Alliances between 101-2500 gets some mix of Iso and Hero Coins

If you end up in the top 500 of say 50000 (Our Alliance was last time) you are in the top 1% of all winning teams, and all you score is a little more Iso and Hero Coins? It just seems like there should be more. I like the way the Season Awards are laid out, at least there you get two Heroic Tokens.