Elite League

We really need another tier of PVP fighting, because aside from the opponents who are difficult to defeat, there are people who...

Look, I'm just going to say it: the whales are ruining it for the rest of us. Intentionally. For no reason besides pride. They're bullies who spend real money preventing other players from winning top slot and win prizes they don't need. They need a league for themselves, with better prizes, but apart from all of us.

I'm angry right now because I was number one by a clear two hundred points, and one of these players leapt past me to take the top slot. Now I'm number two, and he's going to get the 4-star Invisible Woman I was hoping for, and he's going to sell it. His fully-covered IW is languishing at level 80 because he doesn't even want her.

It's getting old, losing prizes to people who don't want them but are trying for them, anyways. What fun is it? So, yeah, maybe we should give these guys an arena all their own. You know, like if your alliance is in the top 30, you compete with all the other top 30 alliances.


  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    You'll pull 10 IWs before they buff her, but yeah I remember thinking and feeling the same. It's seasonal pressure and the desire to see your team's name in top 10 or at whatever arbitrary t100 rank. Don't blame it on people, people stay the same everywhere and you might see yourself in the same boat if/when you join a competitive alliance/just become competitive yourself.
  • Same. It's incredibly frustrating to read topics on these very boards about "oh man this death bracket is so tough; gotta shield hop so much for first. Good thing I don't need this X-Force." Meanwhile I can barely hit top 100. I don't even want Fury/X-Force/IW, I just want something. Because the last month I've been spending every event wondering why I even play this game just to get nowhere.

    And I don't want to begrudge those that go for high scores solely for **** measuring. They should be able too; it's just frustrating knowing that they're flushing away everyone else's progress. Of course, this is the exact mentality (playing for nothing of value, and forcing others to play just to keep up) that gets companies like this salivating, so there's probably no chance at it changing.
  • Same. It's incredibly frustrating to read topics on these very boards about "oh man this death bracket is so tough; gotta shield hop so much for first. Good thing I don't need this X-Force." Meanwhile I can barely hit top 100. I don't even want Fury/X-Force/IW, I just want something. Because the last month I've been spending every event wondering why I even play this game just to get nowhere.

    And I don't want to begrudge those that go for high scores solely for **** measuring. They should be able too; it's just frustrating knowing that they're flushing away everyone else's progress. Of course, this is the exact mentality (playing for nothing of value, and forcing others to play just to keep up) that gets companies like this salivating, so there's probably no chance at it changing.

    I have to agree with this. It is really frustrating to have to deal with these extremely high scores for covers developing rosters actually need. I feel the problem with this is Season Score pressure. Of course, there is Alliance pressure to score X amount, but generally that is not as much as Season rewards. People are trying to maintain high scores to maintain a high ranking on Personal Season rankings.

    I say just do away with Placement rewards for Seasons and just make it purely Progression. I am still developing my own 3*s in my roster, but the best 3* team I have is a maxed out LCap and awkwardly specced Hood. Not the best, but something I can at least work with. This added Season placement pressure only just robs covers from players who legitimately need those covers by players who do not need and scoring high just for season placement.

    I can see having the Alliance placment rewards replaced with an Alliance progression reward system.

    Perhaps have the 4* cover as the Top Reward after the Alliance reaches a combined score of say 120000 points in the Season (That would be a 20 man alliance having everyone score exactly 600 every PvP in the season which is more or less a Top 100 Alliance type of deal).

    Then have the rewards along the way be more 3* covers, Heroic Tokens and ISO. I guess something like:

    12000: 1000 ISO
    24000: 2000 ISO
    36000: 100 HP
    48000: 5 Heroic Tokens
    60000: 3000 ISO
    72000: 3* cover
    845000: 5 Heroic Tokens
    960000: 250 HP
    108000: 3* cover
    120000:4* cover

    Also I would restructure Shield Simulator to have better rewards for transition players. The 2* covers are so bloody high up on the Progression rewards that it does not help a transition player much. I would simply lower the requirements and maybe make the Top 2 cover rewards 4* covers. Getting two 4* covers at 2400 points is more or less the same as scoring enough for first place in 1 PvP and getting the 4* from 1300 Progression reward.

    Now I am not opposed to placement rewards and competition, but I feel that Seasons are applying too much pressure to score well which really hurts a transition player's ability to well, transition.