Do you run more than one team?

Starting to get some level capped 2*s and i mainly run them, as I am starting to cap powers on other covers I began to wonder if y'all bother using a secondary team to help you compete icon_question.gif


  • You pretty much inevitably have to. The PvP tournaments usually functionally limit your roster. Some of the PvE matches will as well. Consequently, you have to make your roster reasonably adaptable.
  • Right now I have delusions of Mags/Spidey/Punisher being my A team while Rags/IM40/Hulk run as a B/defensive team. But there is really no such thing as a defensive team so that hardly ever gets used. And I still love using **Wolvie so I try to mix him in whenever possible especially with Rags.
  • I find that 85 Thor, 85 wolverine (2*), and Spider-Man(or storm classic) is my most dominant team. I can last hours without using a revive because wolvies healing ability. His green ability can knock rag way off his feet. I'm able to easily beat "impossible" missions this way
  • Most definitely.

    My primary team will be made up by a compatible pair that a guest character won't mess up:

    ** Wolverine pairs up well with characters from * to ***, so I run him with Storm: Modern, Thor: Marvel Now, and Ragnarok depending on the circumstance.

    If there are no guests, then it becomes interesting -- right now I have Magneto: Classic at level 102. While he doesn't have easy synergy with Wolverine and his likely partners, he can play mop-up and killing off the last tank standing (attack tiles plus level 5 Magnetic Transubstantiation is a thing of beauty).
  • Yes. I'm in transition from 2* teams to 3*. At the moment I need to mix them up fairly chaotically depending on who has enought health since my Punisher, Patch, Hulk and IM40 are at levels 60-90 so overall their power don't match those 2* characters yet. But soon, baby... icon_twisted.gif

    I'm planning on using Patch/IM40/OBW as the main team and Punisher/Hulk/C.Storm as the second team.