How is there *still* not a "Claim All" feature for tokens?

Going through multiple tokens, individually, is a small hassle that really isn't needed.

This game has been out for quite a while, how is this small and easily done function not a feature yet? It's an ease of use mechanic that allows players to cash in all their tokens and just select a check list to delete what they want from the list of covers they received.



  • Takes away the joy of getting a gold cover though. You know, that feeling when you see that gold in your screen and then it ends up being your 5th psylocke blue.
  • Okin107 wrote:
    Takes away the joy of getting a gold cover though. You know, that feeling when you see that gold in your screen and then it ends up being your 5th psylocke blue.

    Nah. Loki and DD make me cringe more. At LEAST now I no longer need to worry about seeing like 7 Bagman in a single 10 pack