Giving character tokens to allies

What do you think about being able to send character tokens to friends that are in your alliance, like for instance if you win a character you already have in that color, then you can send it to someone in you're alliance, just somethin so you can help out your team... So whatcha think, sound cool?.


  • I agree. This would be a really nice thing to implement, especially since it can be really tough for newcomers, who might get discouraged and stop playing because they see everyone else with characters they feel are unobtainable.

    I know they'll probably never implement this because they want their precious microtransactions, but I'm sure there's a way you could implement it without it breaking the game. I hate having to sell 3 stars that I don't have room for or that I already have at full. I'd rather they go to someone who will appreciate them rather than turn them into ISO every time. Or at least let us sell 3 stars for hero points.
  • I know they'll probably never implement this because they want their precious microtransactions, but I'm sure there's a way you could implement it without it breaking the game. I hate having to sell 3 stars that I don't have room for or that I already have at full. I'd rather they go to someone who will appreciate them rather than turn them into ISO every time. Or at least let us sell 3 stars for hero points.

    It can be implemented. If the right limitations are added to it, it would be an extra feature for alliance members to help each other. There can be limitations like:

    - Each alliance member can receive 1 cover every 3 days.
    - Each alliance member has to be in an alliance for more than 10 days to start receiving covers.
    - 4* Covers cannot be traded.
    - A cover received from an alliance member cannot be passed again to another one.
    - Members can only pass covers if they already have that character maxed (Or have maxed that very color).

    This is just an idea of how limitations would still keep it controlled, but at least people will get one cover every now and then.
  • Yeah just no to trading covers, would break so many aspects of the game.

    Alternative suggestion. Being able to gift unopened tokens.
  • Alternative suggestion. Being able to gift unopened tokens.
    Even that would break the game. Veterans could give new players hundreds and hundreds of tokens. Why would they need to buy token drops?
    I hate having to sell 3 stars that I don't have room for or that I already have at full.
    That pain is intentional. They want you to buy roster slots.
  • Well, i do see everybody's side... But like Okin107 said, there should be limitations to giving character tokens. I also definitely agree with Mordennight2, when we sell character tokens that we should get coins instead of iso-8, seeing as it would give you a higher chance of getting a 2 star.png or possibly a 3 or 4 star.png character..... I mean, all i'm saying is that i hate getting a good 2 star.png card over and over again that i have and then turn right around and sell it, so it'd just be really nice to be able to give a team member a character.