Alternative for leveling up

edited December 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
These are suggestions not methods...

These all go straight to the character not to collected ISO.

1. Some sort of character use bonus. So if you use a level 20 daken or a level 16 magneto or whoever can be leveled in a match you get 30 points to your level.
2. And/or a 10% damage bonus so if daken attacks and takes 500 hp from the enemy he gets 50 added to his level.
3. Any character fully leveled gains nothing
4. Difficulty bonus. If you drag in some level 4 character into a tough battle you get a multiplier.
5. If you can't level because you need to train powers tough luck. No points added in battles. This would encourage spending loonies on covers
6. If it was just #2 that would keep people from using 2 great characters and 1 terrible one for easy leveling. The terrible character would have to participate somehow to gain level points.
7. Bonus for winning pvp matches. This would make the teams a little more diverse instead of Thor Thor Thor Thor rag rag rag rag