[POLL] Player based "FUNBALANCE" list (3*/4*)



  • At first I went with the obvious 3 of IW, Sentry, and IM40. My other 2 were DD and Beast, but upon further thought, and as much as I like Beast, I can see why he shouldn't be as powerful as the other top tier 3*s. His main powers are smarts, agility, and ragefulness which are cool, but put him in a free-for-all battle with magneto, wolverine, and say cyclops, and I don't think Beast would last very long icon_e_confused.gif . You need mid and bottom tier 3*s in order for there to be a top tier.

    He certainly should at LEAST be brought into playable range as some sort of utility character though. Any characters with fake healing aka "burst of health" really only have two abilities since the burst of health is so rarely used in a meaningful way that it might as well be nonexistent. The only times I've ever used any burst of health powers have been when I literally have nothing better to spend the AP on.
  • He should be a better support character than a brawler, and kudos for trying but researching while in battle? No, just no. The man has already done his research and should be able to use it's rewards in battle immediately. He always struck me as the coming up with a plan on the fly and using his teamate's powers to orchestrate cool combos. But no, countdown timers that match themselves when they go off, wonderful.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    He should be a better support character than a brawler, and kudos for trying but researching while in battle? No, just no. The man has already done his research and should be able to use it's rewards in battle immediately. He always struck me as the coming up with a plan on the fly and using his teamate's powers to orchestrate cool combos. But no, countdown timers that match themselves when they go off, wonderful.

    Yeah, I must say that Beast definitely wins the prize for "least thought out power ever." I guess when they playtested him they decided it wasn't a problem. Either that are they were blue-starved boards. I think I'd eliminate the countdown entirely and just have him place them randomly, though that may be too much. Maybe one or the other.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    Bagman- give the poor dude some love- he was my first 2* and I just can't delete him from my roster. Lower the damn cost of his abilities- let him break the game for a few months icon_e_smile.gif
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Getting 3rd abilities for Doom, Loki and Rags has to be tops on my list. I don't have enough covers of the newer characters to have been able to play them (hey, let's get those tokens into token packs!) so I don't have an opinion there. Most of the others don't require redesign, just some tweaks (IM40, Sentry, Daredevil).
  • I voted for star.pngstar.pngstar.png 's with no third ability, icon_ironman.png and icon_daredevil.png. I like DD. He could use an adjustment though.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some guidelines that would be popular:

    1. All characters over 1* should have 3 powers. (Doom, Loki, Ragnarok, Bullseye)
    2. Power ability rankings should match tile color strengths. Tile/Power disparities are unnecessary.
    (Beast, BWGS, Captain Marvel, Daken, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Hawkeye, IM40, Loki, Magneto, Spiderman)
    3. When adding covers raises costs, the cheaper abilities should stay available as a heads up display. (BWGS, Bagman, IM40, MNMags, and OBW)
    4. Defensive / Healing powers should be reworked or made less expensive. They aren't cost-effective. (Beast, Colossus, Capt America, Falcon, Magneto, OBW, She-Hulk, Spiderman)
    5. Powers that are rarely effective should be avoided. (IW, Beast, Daredevil, IM40, She-Hulk)
  • Surprised IW is getting as many votes as she is. I guess people like her more than Beast slash want to see her improved more.

    Other than that disparity I voted for all the top options atm. Sentry in particular tho, would receive my 1 vote if only 1 vote were possible.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I voted in terms of what I'd like to see, instead of what would necessarily bring more holistic balance to the game.

    Thus, I ignored Sentry's clear OP-ness and wrote Spidey off as a lost cause (since he'd been adjusted already). I also ignored IM40, since I think his powers only need to be cheaper (by a lot).

    icon_nickfury.png & XF are both top-tier characters, which leaves icon_invisiblewoman.png as the only weak 4* left.

    icon_shehulk.png - blueflag.png should have something much more effective than Settlement with its absolute limit of 3 tiles. redflag.png should generate AP.

    icon_beast.png - blueflag.png should produce at least one guaranteed blue special and be cheaper (5-6 AP), since (ignoring CMags Y & Rogers B) it's basically a prereq for his greenflag.png . His blueflag.png + greenflag.png should hit harder than an off-target LT CTS, esp. since he doesn't have a supporting power which fuels either of the two.

    icon_colossus_new.png - yellowflag.png , AFAIK, doesn't dampen strike tiles. It should. Making it dampen all AOE damage would probably be OP, but it's a nice thought. Bottom line: Colossus' fatal weakness should not be little painted swords.

    icon_doctoroctopus.png - Without playing him, I think his blueflag.png should raise its swap count with more covers -- this opinion may change with playtesting, but I don't think it will. Only ever being able to affect 1/4 of the board is not great, even though Octopus = 8 arms = 8 tile pairs is a nice touch. The stun on his greenflag.png should be a targeted stun, instead of a random-enemy stun.

    icon_daredevil.png - Daredevil is Daredevil. He's terrible. His powers make no sense: he himself is blind; he doesn't make other people blind.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    So the current state of the poll:

    #1: Loki, Doom, Ragnarok (voted by almost everyone)
    #2: Invisible Woman
    #3: Daredevil
    #4: IM40
    #5: Sentry

    My thoughts on fixing them, in short:

    Loki: needs a damaging move
    Doom: any usable power would do.
    Rags: make him viable again

    IW: slightly cheaper moves, crushing bubbles: no turn loss & should destroy bubbled tile too. (if we "protect" an enemy countdown tile with 1 turn left, bubble crushing does not destroy it and we even lose the turn to take care of it)

    Daredevil: Needs to be more reliable while not losing the fun of his traps.

    IM40: No drawback on powers & less downside for having more covers on yellow.

    Sentry: Be less playable for shield hopping but be more playable (less self-damage) for casual playing. But with the least adjustment as possible.
    (I would switch out Sacrifice for a more "casual" move.)