I go for the Bad Guys – Final Death Match Round! + Bonus

Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
Last week I posted the bad guys list and here is the final round. Please understand there was some conjecture about the dispersion of the villains, I ended up choosing most votes. Any way I do this will be wrong to someone; I hope you all agree this only serves to help D3 make more excellent events like the recent Gauntlet. Thanks for your participation!
That said some surprising results for me, none of my picks getting through some black sheep that got many. That’s the beauty of a democratic system. There also seems to be a slight skew in the numbers because the first post got comments and stayed front page. No thumbs up for the last 3 posts, can you throw a dog a bone?
The Bonus round is this: post a comment below with your favourite characters and how their powers would be best represented in game.
Total Votes for preliminaries (remember some groups may have had more characters that people want) and a quick rundown of your top 15 with their powers:
Mystique: 49: Can perfectly look like anyone, healing factor
Apocalypse : 45: Can change the shape or density of body, stronger than Hulk
Green Goblin: 41: Strength, Healing, super intelligence
Thanos: 40: Invulnerable skin, super strength, reflexes etc
Doctor Octopus: 40: super strong tentacles
Dark Phoenix: 40: The Phoenix effect, Galaxy destroyer.
Mr. Sinister: 37: Uses other mutants genetic material to gain powers.
Mandarin: 32: The Makluan rings, Bruce Lee - kung fu
Carnage: 32: Think venom with a red skin.
Ultron: 31: Indestructible body, strength, feakin lasers
Taskmaster: 31: power mimic, can copy fighting techniques.
Sabretooth: 30: Evil Wolverine.
Red Skull: 28: Military and subterfuge genius, no powers.
Omega Red: 27: Pheromones and wrist tentacles.
Electro: 26: Controls Electricity.
My power suggestions:
Taskmaster: 8 purple, replicate the last ability your opponent used.
Mr Sinister: 2 X passive: Start with 2 abilities your opposition have
Thanos: 12 Yellow, gain a shield for 2 turns where you take no damage
That said some surprising results for me, none of my picks getting through some black sheep that got many. That’s the beauty of a democratic system. There also seems to be a slight skew in the numbers because the first post got comments and stayed front page. No thumbs up for the last 3 posts, can you throw a dog a bone?

The Bonus round is this: post a comment below with your favourite characters and how their powers would be best represented in game.
Total Votes for preliminaries (remember some groups may have had more characters that people want) and a quick rundown of your top 15 with their powers:
Mystique: 49: Can perfectly look like anyone, healing factor
Apocalypse : 45: Can change the shape or density of body, stronger than Hulk
Green Goblin: 41: Strength, Healing, super intelligence
Thanos: 40: Invulnerable skin, super strength, reflexes etc
Doctor Octopus: 40: super strong tentacles
Dark Phoenix: 40: The Phoenix effect, Galaxy destroyer.
Mr. Sinister: 37: Uses other mutants genetic material to gain powers.
Mandarin: 32: The Makluan rings, Bruce Lee - kung fu
Carnage: 32: Think venom with a red skin.
Ultron: 31: Indestructible body, strength, feakin lasers
Taskmaster: 31: power mimic, can copy fighting techniques.
Sabretooth: 30: Evil Wolverine.
Red Skull: 28: Military and subterfuge genius, no powers.
Omega Red: 27: Pheromones and wrist tentacles.
Electro: 26: Controls Electricity.
My power suggestions:
Taskmaster: 8 purple, replicate the last ability your opponent used.
Mr Sinister: 2 X passive: Start with 2 abilities your opposition have
Thanos: 12 Yellow, gain a shield for 2 turns where you take no damage
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PS I got the powers off Marvel website so I didn't know that say Apocalypse is stronger than hulk, also there are numerous iterations of some of these characters like 3 different green goblins.0
I voted for Mystique very hesitantly. Any implemented form of shape change is going to be a let down to her versatility, and it would be incredibly hard to code I imagine. I would love to see her implemented well, but I doubt she will be.
Also voted for Thanos and Sabertooth.
I have no idea what powers to give Thanos, but I will give Sabertooth a shot.
Vicious Strike - 8 AP
Sabertooth lets loose a vicious strike, destroying 9 tiles in a claw pattern around a selected tile and does X additional damage. Creates a random green Strike tile of strength X.
Level 2: Increase damage
Level 3: Increase Strike Tile strength
Level 4: Increase Damage
Level 5: Increase Strike Tile strength
For Vicious Strike I see the pattern being this, where green tiles are destroyed and you choose the center:
Healing Factor - Passive
Whenever the team matches yellow Sabertooth creates a 2 turn CD that restores X health to himself.
Level 2: Increase heal
Level 3: Increase Heal
Level 4: Reduce countdown to 1
Level 5: Increase Heal
The CD is just so this feels different than Wolverine. Not sure it's needed or maybe at 5 covers it's removed or something. Or maybe make it active and have the CD be self replicating like HT Green.
Rake and Claw - 9 Black
Sabertooth goes for the kill, bringing his claws to bear on the enemy. Does X damage.
Level 2: Increase Damage
Level 3: Increase Damage
Level 4: Increase Damage
Level 5: Increase Damage
This ability isn't subtle. Neither is Sabertooth, so it works I think. No gimmicks, just flat punch to the face. For 9 AP, single target, no extras, I'd say at 166 5 covers it should do about 5,000 damage. A bit over the 500/AP that a top tier ability calls for, but since it's his best ability and defining feature I think it's warranted.0 -
Lerysh wrote:Healing Factor - Passive
Whenever the team matches yellow Sabertooth creates a 2 turn CD that restores X health to himself.
Level 2: Increase heal
Level 3: Increase Heal
Level 4: Reduce countdown to 1
Level 5: Increase Heal
The CD is just so this feels different than Wolverine. Not sure it's needed or maybe at 5 covers it's removed or something. Or maybe make it active and have the CD be self replicating like HT Green.
if you want a new kind of heal how about something like 10 Yellow, creates a yellow tile that while on the board heals Sabretooth for 200 health per turn?0 -
Hate to be that person but I wouldn't mind some characters loosing out on some uniqueness. A character like Mystique for example is very comparable in skills to Black Widow. She does come with added benefit of being able to shape shift and healing, but overall she fills much of the same role and at times is better at it.
We lack a Recon type skill at thelevel so I could see that happening. Possibly on black or blue. It could steal just one color, drain multiple colors, or both. I think there's a better chance of a drain than pure AP theft so I wouldn't mind seeing a straight AP drain across all colors. Actually she is a good tactician too so maybe that AP could be converted into Team-Up AP as a secondary effect.
I like the idea of this because we could always use some more black skills and feels powerful conceptually allowing her to evade damage while lying in wait. We also need more abilities to help Team-Ups.
She has vast knowledge in a large array of weaponry, could be used to create strike tiles with low damage that could do more damage or stronger tiles with higher covers. Demolitions could be an alternative, countdown tile that deals damage after a number of turns that maybe stuns for 1-2 turns. Now that I think about it, why not just do both? Damage and drops a countdown tile that blows up to deal and stuns later.
Last but not least, I think its best to omit any sort of shift-shaping ability unless it becomes really specific in the skills she can use. Considering a large porting of the roster either A) Makes no sense for her to change into,Have supernatural powers she should be able to use, or C) Are passives. We could toss a active/passive in this area that does something with Team-Up tiles. Can't think of anything now honestly but I'll edit in something when I do.
Color strengths in order:(hey, look at that, we don't have that color combination yet... Then
took it.)
Potential CoverLets be honest here, This cover is honestly the best one out of her solo series.
Ability conceptsInfiltration
Mystique uses her shape-shifting powers to disappear in the heat of battle to disrupt her enemy.
Creates a 3 Turn (at one cover, 2 turns at 3 covers, 1 turn at 5 covers)countdown tile that allows her to blend into her enemy team. Carries the same general properties of (Airborne), not being able to target and evades AOE damage. When countdown activates, she steals/drains enemy AP (based on covers) and increases her teams Team-Up AP (based on covers, I want to say a max of 6 at 5 covers). Matching the countdown tile causes Mystique to take damage (reduced based on covers).
The Big Guns
Mystique fires her gun at the enemy and launches a grenade of her own design. Deals single target damage (based on covers), and drops a 3(?) turn countdown tile (reduced to 2(?) turn at 5 covers). When activated, it destroys surrounding tiles causing damage and stuns the target for 1(?) turn (2-3 turns based on covers). Explosion should carry a a bit of the damage compared to the initial shot. Does not generate AP.
Tile destruction layout-coming soon- (might swap with black as color)
Edit: Added two skills for Mystique. Forgot to mention that I will not be adding AP costs to these abilities because I feel the devs have a far better idea on how much skills like these should cost.0 -
I believe this game needs a new level - we need 4* villain and I see Dark Pheonix or Mystique perfectly fitting those parameters.
I voted mystique just because I like her character, her stealth and can imagine her powers to be rather denial based (Hood, OBW, Yelena like) and one stealth attack (very strong single target). Perfect fit for Purple, Green, Red build.
Dark Pheonix should be Sentry-like 4* character. Mass damage to all including her own party, but with a certain level of unpredictability (random powerful special tile for enemy team?). I would see her Black, Red, Yellow maybe, where yellow would be some interesting passive power.
And lastly I voted for Carnage - just for the fun of having him hunted by Deadpool... I can imagine pretty nice storyline there0 -
homeinvasion wrote:if you want a new kind of heal how about something like 10 Yellow, creates a yellow tile that while on the board heals Sabretooth for 200 health per turn?
I considered that briefly but then decided no one would ever use it. Or they would just have 3 covers and prologue heal with it. The reason Patch's heal gets 5 covers and Daken's heal gets 3 covers is because at 5 Patch is 100% effective where at 3 Patch isn't. I was going for at least a 4/4/5 build if not struggle between maxing yellow or green.
Also considered having the CD vanish with 5 covers, but then he just becomes Wolverine.0 -
. Transforms in one of the characters in the game (ally or enemy) and randomly casts one of their abilities. Purple.
Apocalypse. Is unaffected by all damage dealt during the opponent's next turn. Deals that much damage to the enemy in front. Black.
Dr. Octopus.Destroys up to 8 random bluee tiles dealing damage and earning AP. Yellow.
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Mystique doesn't copy abilities... Only looks. Come to think of it, her abilities would be tricky to implement. I can offer something like this:
Health class - standard (6800), heals faster due to her healing factor.Shape-Shifting - 8 AP
Mystique is a master impersonator. She uses her mutant ability to get what she wants and escape safely, but she can't afford to be revealed early.
Changes the colour of any basic coloured tile to a desired one and deals 490 damage if a match has been made, but if no match has been made, she recovers 2 purple AP and receives 280 damage. Ends the turn.
Level 2: Changes the colour of any attack/protect tile as well. Recovers 3 purple AP if no match has been made.
Level 3: Deals 700 damage upon a match and receives 100 damage/4 purple AP otherwise. (Max 1400/200).
Level 4: Changes the colour of any strike/CD tile as well. Gets no damage if no match has been made.
Level 5: Doesn't end the turn.Double-Cross - 8 AP
Not to be trusted by either team, Mystique sets out to pursue her own goals. Stuns both teams for 1 turn, deals 800 damage to the target.
Level 2: damage increased.
Level 3: damage increased.
Level 4: stuns the target for 2 turns.
Level 5: deals double damage to the target (max 4000) but also stuns her strongest teammate for 2 turns.(passive) Infiltration (shamelessly reskinned and retooled Espionage)
Upon her black matches infiltrates the enemy team, hits the weakest opponent for 100 damage, and steals 1.
Level 2: deals 120 damage.
Level 3: Steals 1as well.
Level 4: deals damage to all enemies (max 580).
Level 5: Steals 1as well.
The numbers are arbitrary.0 -
Oddly enough, I was thinking of an Infiltration skill that would have her disappear from combat with a countdown tile (1-2 turn) and steal/drain enemy AP. Something that would give the idea that she would shape shift to disrupt enemy plans but still having a chance of being discovered (matching the tile). Non-random placement. Maybe causing damage to her if matched by the enemy.0
Bumping this thread so it doesn't fade into obscurity. Also updated my post with two abilities for Mystique. Still need a third power. Also, Doc Ock and Mystique are gaining a lead on everyone else. Surprised about Doc Ock though.0
I would like to see a carnage, simply for a third web tile character, they would need to make a 3* Venom, but I like the idea of a pre-made rainbow team, and I like the idea of actually using Venom's one shot kill, call me crazy.
something Like:
Spidey (revert to the old spidey for choice, but assuming they wont he only has a slight tweek to his passive)12 Web Bandages
5 All Tied Up
Passive changed to a defense tile that also counts as a web.
Venom 3*12 Devour
7 Symbiote Snare
16 Deals X damage to all opponents leaves a green web tile for each opponent damaged
Carnage 3*14 Symbiosis: double the amount of web tiles on the board
6 Symbiot infection created 2 red attack/ web tiles
Passive any time you match yellow creates a yellow web/ strike tile per turn
I think it would be fun to start having premade teams like this that are somewhat easier for newbs to get you could do something like extend the basic PVE so that say 2 covers of each of these is available permanently, so they may not compete top end but they have some access point to 3* land with. This would be a basic rainbow team that had web: strike, attack, defense tiles etc.
You could also have Fantastic 4 team, or other affiliations0 -
Doctor Octopus
Passive: whenever Doc Oc makes a blue match change a random blue tile into a team up tile.
Web Solvent: 3 Removes a selected special tile from the board, if it is a web tile deals X additional damage.
8 Telescopic attack: Deals X damage to any targeted opponent, clears a selected vertical row.
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Well, you can take Doc Oct off the list, or at least anyone who voted for him is a winner.0
I'd like to see Electro...he could be a very cool villain! Then my other picks were kinda spoiled by Dr. Octavius being on the load screen. I woulda voted him, but looks like he's already on his way! That's awesome tho! However, here are my Electro suggestions:
Electric Charge:10AP- Electro gets supercharged whenever he gets near an electrical source. His power damage increases for X turns with a CD tile on the board. Increased levels alternate between higher damage output and longer CD timer
Electrocution:12AP- Electro uses the electricity in the air to shock and damage his opponents! Cause AOE damage and stuns target for 1 turn. Increased levels change damage then number of turns stunned.
Electric Teleportation:Passive- Electro can manipulate his body within an electric current. This causes him to appear in random locations to his advantage! Causes the enemy to miss major attacks against him!
Lvl 1: Must have 14AP. Enemy attack will hit next person in line.
Lvl 2: Must have 12AP. Enemy attack will hit next person in line.
Lvl 3: Must have 10AP. Enemy attack will hit next person in line.
Lvl 4: Must have 16AP. Enemy attack misses Electro completely. Does not hit anyone.
Lvl 5: Must have 14AP. Enemy attack misses Electro completely. Does not hit anyone.
0 -
Nellyson wrote:Electric Charge:
10AP- Electro gets supercharged whenever he gets near an electrical source. His power damage increases for X turns with a CD tile on the board. Increased levels alternate between higher damage output and longer
0 -
Nellyson wrote:Lvl 4: Must have 16
AP. Enemy attack misses Electro completely. Does not hit anyone.
Lvl 5: Must have 14AP. Enemy attack misses Electro completely. Does not hit anyone.
If the enemy can't hit anyone at levels 4 and 5, doesn't that make you invulnerable as long as you don't spend? Maybe if this only applies to match damage, or if it burns
every time it causes an attack to miss...?
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Mystique for LIFE!
I just want her in the game with a purple ability or passive that will steals others abilities or something similar. Something like colossus black, but way more enjoyable0 -
Argh!!! ITT: Mystique doesn't steal/copy abilities!!0
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