Count-UP tiles and other variations

Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
edited September 2014 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
Currently, we have some interesting variations on CD tiles:
- powers that tick down then go off at a static value (goons and a majority of other powers)
- powers that tick down then go off but have a bonus (CapAmerica, escape plan)
- powers that count down for an effect and repeat (moltov, flame jet, defense grid)
- a tile that suppresses a passive while on the board (redwing)
- a tile that you don't want to count down (immovable object)
- CDs that go off nearly immediately (anger, life of the party)
- multiple CDs created simultaneously (world rupture)

We then have powers that interact with tiles that count. There are fewer, so I'll just name them:
Antigravity - increases all enemy CDs by two.
Snarky Remary- increases selected CDs by 4 plus.
Intimidation - reduces timers on friendly CDs by 1 (random).
Captain America, old Magnetic Field - Overwrites targeted CD.
Redwing, Coercive Field, Settlement - Overwrites random CD.
Control Shift- Steals a random CD.
Gravity Warp- Moves a random tile to the selected location.

What are some additional ways that counting tiles could operate? (including crazy examples)
- Tiles that count up, getting better over time.
example: blackflag.pngInertia - 15AP Juggernaut creates a black Count-Up tile. Every turn, the tile counts up and gives Juggernaut AP equal to the turn counter to a maximum of 3.

- A tile that has a short counter, and replicates itself, but makes more than one new tile. Exponential power curve.
example: blackflag.pngDeath Factor -8AP Omega Red emits pheremones that slowly kill those around him. He places a count down tile that does 100 damage to the enemy team and converts another tile into an identical countdown tile after 3 turns.

- A CD tile used as a cool down on otherwise spammable powers.
example: redflag.pngVenom Blast - 4AP Spider-Woman blasts her enemy with bio-electricity, stunning the target for one turn and dealing 500 damage, also transforms a tile into a countdown that prevents the activation of Venom Blast for 2 turns.

What are some other ways that counting tiles could work? What are other abilities that could manipulate or interact with counting tiles? What types of heros lend themselves to CD tile creation/use/manipulation?


  • "Locked" countdown tiles could have interesting uses. Things that stay on the board until unlocked and then go off. Or A countdown that locks all the adjacent tiles would be really difficult to deal with. Or phantom timers. puts out several CD timers but only one is the 'real' threat.
  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Or phantom timers. puts out several CD timers but only one is the 'real' threat.

    Oh man! That sounds so much fun! I imagine a passive ability on a Hood like support character. That would make good fights all the more difficult to deal with. It also gives me another idea. Lets see:

    purpleflag.pngAccounting Error - Passive Victoria Hand uses H.A.M.M.E.R. intel to obscure your attack. Whenever you create a countdown tile, if the team has at least 8 Purple AP, Victoria converts an extra tile to a decoy countdown. (yes, I know Dark Reign is over, but we still have tons of goons. Try picking which Pyro to kill AND which CD to match, mmm toasty.)

    yellowflag.pngThreats Everywhere - 8AP Mysterio warps the battlefield, making reality and illusion difficult to distinguish. Creates a 4 turn countdown tile that, when placed and every time it activates, places decoy special tiles on the battlefield. (I'm imaginine random enemyprotect.pngenemystrike.pngeattack.pngweb.pngecountdown.png all over the board, which jump around each turn. Its like CD shell game.)
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cragger wrote:
    We then have powers that interact with tiles that count. There are fewer, so I'll just name them:
    Antigravity - increases all enemy CDs by two.
    Snarky Remary- increases selected CDs by 4 plus.
    Intimidation - reduces timers on friendly CDs by 1 (random).
    Captain America, old Magnetic Field - Overwrites targeted CD.
    Redwing, Coercive Field, Settlement - Overwrites random CD.
    Control Shift- Steals a random CD.
    Gravity Warp- Moves a random tile to the selected location.

    I think we do need more counters to countdown tiles. What we have as far as types is all I can think of, but the fact that Intimidation, Snarky Remark, Anti-Gravity, Gravity Warp, and Control Shift have no other parallel moves is pretty sad. Only one of those is not a 2* power, and only one of those is on a character that is remotely usable as is.

    The other factor is how most of those abilities do not have a secondary effect if there are no applicable targets. Anti-Gravity & Gravity Warp are the only two which change at all based on there not being any countdown tiles to affect. I think all abilities that affect countdown tiles should have a secondary effect if there are no applicable targets.
  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    "Locked" countdown tiles could have interesting uses. Things that stay on the board until unlocked and then go off.

    I re-read your first suggestion and it gave me some ideas.

    blueflag.pngProtection Racket - 6AP The Kingpin may be the king of crime, but he isn't afraid to utilize the classics. Converts three tiles to locked countdown tiles. Once unlocked the countdown tile generates two Yellow AP, two Blue AP and two Black AP and creates a strength 25 protect tile.