Please keep expanding the menu

fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,980 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
"Variety is the spice of life"

Now it's no secret that MPQ is my favorite virtual brain food joint. i go there every day (and way more than just one time a day haha)
Initially they hooked me with their awesome Iron man and Storm toys that come with the kiddie prologue meal; *le sigh* ah yes, those were the days when things were simple and sweet. i learned the basic game mechanics and acquired Black Widow and Hawkeye along the way, playing at my own pace and all was good. i knew of the existence of competitive pVp events but i thought i was not a very competitive person and was happy to play with my 1* level toys in prologue. <6 days of Paradise>

That is until I ran into Daken in the Juggernaut chapter.
First off, i had no idea who this wanna-be-wolverine was lol
Second, the dude wouldn't die!

So in my frustration and at the prompting of my friend, i decided to join in the Simulator Hot dog node eating contest and boy oh boy was it fun!
Now people like to talk about Invisible Woman being a push over as a 4* and it's probably true but dagnabit that woman gave me a run for my Iso with her bubble bubble pop action! Suffice to say i acquired a healthy respect for (and fear of) that lady.

i remember me and my friend felt like kings when we got our first 5000 Iso payday (it was 5000 then, right?) and of course, i quickly maxed out my 1* team and showed that Daken who's boss! \(0\0)┌θ☆(#/__)/グヘッ

Having met great success in the Simulator event only enticed me to participate in more events and thus a competitive a*hole was born! [well actually, he was always a competitive a*hole just the scale went from a couple of friends who he would occasionally play video games with to the WHOLE WORLD EVERY DAY muhaha] <f4d falls into purgatory>

i actually became so enthralled in the glory of battle that i quickly forgot about completing the Prologue kiddie meal program until 3 months or so after the fact. Why? you may ask: because all the real goodies were in the competitive events. When i finally got around to finishing the prologue it was more of an afterthought which is kind of sad considering how much fun i had had with it. <ce'st la vie, mon ami> luckily i managed to hold onto most of my 1* team, sans Hawkeye. (sorry guy!)

With that being said, however, after completing prologue, MPQ literally just became Grindgore uber-competitive eating contest. Now, i'm a big eater and so far there hasn't been any dish the dev chefs have made that i can't eat. <he isn't a really picky eater>. Plus being reborn as a super-competitive a*hole and stuck in 2*→3* purgatory really motivated me. i would eat and eat and eat some more, sometimes puke, eat some more, sometimes pass out but dagnabit i still enjoy the taste!

After about 4 months of wondering transition purgatory i made it into the heavyweight class! <bienvenido al infierno dream muchacho>
And gosh darn! i still have to play hard lol my brain almost burst playing the first Deadpool Chimichanga fiesta.
although i myself have yet to tire of the contest since i still am in desperate need [need? smh] for Spidey <3 purple cupcakes, 1 Hood Blue special, 4 (soon to be 3) Hulk Black hot peppers, and BP yellow and black donuts, i began to better understand the Vets call for new meal options on the menu.

And finally, the dev chefs have delivered: The Gauntlet! It has a little bit of every thing plus the added benefit of not needing to rush through your meal! You can take your time and enjoy the challenges and frustrations it brings. You don't have to finish it, you don't have to even play it. It's just there if you would like to try something else besides uber-eating contests.

Everyone has their own tastes. It is probably impossible for the dev chefs to please everyone all the time. Hell, tastes even change over time. But i think it's great that they have been experimenting and trying new things out (Balance of Power, Combined Arms, Deadpool vs MPQ) and i look forward to whatever new treats they've got coming. Certain game modes may not be for everyone, but hey that's ok! Better to have a variety in game play and rewards, i say! But as any good chef knows, criticism and praise are both important in creating a great dish!

So bon appétit amigos!゙☆⌒o(*^ー゚)v

