Make it equal for all the low end and high end players

When are you going to make it more possible for lower ranking players to earn some top ranks in PVP so that it's way more possible for us to get good characters, because it's completely unfair for us lower players to compete against players that are 40, 50 or even 60 ranks higher then us, seeing as it gets to a point when those are the only types of players you can play. And also when are you going to drop the CPU's power so they can't use their power every turn or every other turn... Great and fun game!, but, please help us lower level players out, make it more possible for us to earn good/great rewards.


  • The lower ranks aren't supposed to be getting top 25 placement in PvPs. You're supposed to be in the 51-300 placement range for 2*s unless you are in a death bracket then the rules just go out the window. Scoring at least 600 points should get you top 100 placement enough for the 1 cover and if your whole alliance does that then you should be in contention for a chance of top 100 there too netting you a second cover. Transitioning takes forever nowadays due to all the 3*s out there and more on the way. If they just gave away covers to everybody for no effort then the game would end as that is a poor business model. Sometimes people just get lucky with pulls and can transition faster but you just have to work toward it for a long time.

    I'm over 6 months in and just now leveling my second 166 hero. Also you should be happy they give away so many 2* covers as this lets you be competitive faster as it used to take about 2 months to get a decent 2* team together i.e. Ares/Thor and oBW. In the beginning all I was going for were the 2* covers and HP to build my roster and to expand with more slots. Don't waste your time shielding, just fight to earn iso. This game is a marathon and not a sprint.