PvE boss encounters

I'd like to see some effort to design encounters that are actually not just the same old guys with level 395 or the same old guys with a couple of godlike goons on their side. Yes this might involve restructuring PvE events themselves since grinding the 'boss' node every 2H 24M might not turn out to be very epic after all, or even possible if it was designed to be appropriately challenging, but we can always make it a one time node with a large reward or something. Here's one I come up with using all the in game technology so no new features like say needing a character with 6 abilities is needed.

Character A: Sentry (4* to designate he's not playable by human), level 166 3* match strength with 20K HP, ability damage at level 166 Sentry as well

Supernova - Same thing
World Rupture - Destroys 16 tiles in the WR pattern, causing damage equal to what WR would've done if all 16 CDs detonated without strike tiles. This prevents him from doing a Sacrifice combo which would make this encounter likely unbeatable.
Sacrifice - Same thing

Character B: Void (4*, same designation), same base stats as Sentry but strong match colors are black/blue/purple. His ability should be around 3* baseilne too.

Fill in something cool for his abilities.

Character C: Placeholder (1*), 999999 HP, match damage of 1 on everything.

Personality conflict - As long as no one is down, if total (red+yellow+green) AP is greater than or equal to total (blue+black+purple) AP, the Void is stunned. As long as (blue+black+purple) total AP > (red+yellow+green) AP, Sentry is stunned.

Uncontained power - As long as at least one character is down, all ability/match damage increased by 100%, all damage taken reduced by 50%, generates 2 AP of every color every turn.

Self destruct - When Placeholder is the only character left, create a random 1 turn CD tile that kills self. (this is so that you can actually win this game while making it impossible to kill the Placeholder character with normal methods).

I did this in a fairly contrived way and it'd be a lot easier if it was possible for a character to have more than 3 powers (all of character C's powers should be additional passives on Sentry/Void) but I'm assuming this isn't possible at the moment.


  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    Do You mean like an extreme node that is worth way more points, related to comics, that has some intellectual requirement to solve, that is really epic in it's resolution? You could call it 'Marvel Puzzle Quest', that would work icon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gif

    If you mean some really tough end node I am right behind this. Just to throw some ideas around I'd love to see these bosses:

    Skrull: the enemy heroes change character after each round. Imagine denying green and accessing the AI purple to have it switch to icon_deadpool.png or icon_nickfury.png .

    Legion virus: some self replicating tiles that get to 5 tiles then perma stun the lead character.

    Atlantis attacks: - flooding the world - after 5 rounds the next lowest row disappears as Atlantis succeeds in flooding the world, you have to race to get the game over before there are no more moves.

    Planet Hulk: Hulk gets accustomed to the alien sun and grows stronger each turn: creates a real trade off with triggering anger and letting him level up.

    Infinity Gauntlet: Thanos needs to collect 20 gems of each color to make an infinity stone. If he succeeds its game over.

    Galactus attacks: big dude where every 10 turns a color tile no longer generates as the world is being eaten.

    Secret wars: good vs evil with two camps and you can only enter one camp.Something along the lines of if the character dies during the battle they are 'dead' no health pack resurrection in your slots for a long time like 12 hours.

    Dark Phoenix: You have to kill her multiple times as she is reborn. And every five turns, transforms a basic red tile into an indestructible phoenix tile that burns away the surrounding 8 tiles.