MPQ Keeps Device Awake

Hey all,

Anyone else have this issue?

After playing MPQ and returning to the homescreen on my Android, I will proceed to lock my phone and walk away.

An hour later I come back to the phone and find my battery draining a bit faster than usual for a sleeping device.

I go to check the batt stats and find my device was awake and did not go into deep sleep.

It only goes away if I use a automatic task killer that kills the app's process after I screenoff (only if its in the background).

I understand you want the app to run for a period of time when the device is asleep in case you are in a match but there should be some type of automatic timelimit.


  • Here is a sample of the first 10 min of my batt.

    The scenario was after phone sat for 5 min, open MPQ and then close after the title screen and lock the device, MPQ kept the device awake.

    This will not show the battery drop but you can see the Awake stat on the screen.

  • No one else has this issue?
  • Wetzilla
    Wetzilla Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    I'd be willing to bet it's happening to everyone on Android, they just don't realize it. It's definitely happening to me, whenever MPQ is running in the background my CPU stays awake even with the screen off. It would be great if this could be fixed.
  • agent86ix
    agent86ix Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    Yeah, the same thing happens to me (Nexus 4 with the latest KitKat version).

    I tend to quit the game if I'm going to be on battery for a while without playing it.

    Here's hoping it can be fixed at some point icon_e_sad.gif
  • Wetzilla
    Wetzilla Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Looks like the latest update fixed the problem, my cpu no longer stays awake when MPQ is running in the background.