Several suggestions for UI and Functionality

First suggestion:
I would like the game to automatically pick up the strongest TUs I have as it is a bit inconvenient to do so every time.

For instance, in this PVE we go from node to node and against several heroes. TUs selected in one node are discarded on the next one. I am not a guy that bases his gameplay around TUs, but it is good to have them when things go south. However, I overpass the TU selection screen very fast out of hurry and thinking that I have already selected 3 TUs the last game I do not even stop and check if one is missing.

After all we get 1 new TU every game we play and we hardly use 1 in each game. So we gain more than we spend most times. No one cares if the strongest ones are automatically selected. Actually it would be a favor to most people as I really hate picking them in my messy screen.

Second Suggestion:
Offer a delete option at the moment the TU is obtained. Like when we get the sell option for covers after we gain them. I really do not want to pile up my lvl 1 TU and I know I will never use them so at some point I will have to spend 2-3 mins to delete them from my list one by one. It would be better to discard them from the very beginning.

Third Suggestion:
After my roster is full, when I get a new cover, the option to sell it is non existent. I do not know why this happens. I still want to sell 1* covers and other covers right when I get them. I do not want to go to the mass selling screen. Many people do like to keep them, but others (like me) prefer to sell them right at that moment. Especially if ISO is what you are after primarily.

Another good reason to sell covers before you get them is that when you are saving one or two good covers in your stack, and you get several ones that you do not want, you cannot use the Sell All option. You still have to go and sell them one by one. So selling them before they enter your stack would be nice.

Fourth Suggestion:
Mark to sell option in roster and in stack. I don't think I have to explain further here. I just want to be able to mark the covers I want to sell. In case I am saving a few covers and I have some others to sell, I should be able to separate them and sell them all together. Of course this should be a bit faster than selling them one by one. (An example would be: Press the "Mark to sell" button and then swipe to the right each cover you want to sell. They go in a special tab and then you can review your selection and sell them all.

I think these small changes would make a better UI and more friendly. These are issues I have faced myself and I wished they where in the game the moment I needed them. I am sure many other people have had these issues.

EDIT: Had typed "Third Suggestion" twice.
EDIT 2: Changed title.