American Deadpool

nyark Posts: 66 Match Maker
There is a major error in the Deadpool event. The text for the mission "Stars and Stripes for Never" states:
".. just seeing them makes true patriotism swell in the heart of the American Deadpool. USA! USA! USA!"

Deadpool is not American. He is from the grand country of Canada.

Please fix this egregious error!


  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was under the impression "Wade Wilson" was an assumed identity, and that no real personal information was known of Deadpool's real identity.
  • The entry "Identity: Known to Canadian government officials" would suggest otherwise.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wade Wilson was born as a normal person into a highly dysfunctional family in a small town in the state of Ohio. He ran away as a teenager and bounced around the country, all the while getting military training from various sources until he decided to become a mercenary. He kept changing his identity whenever something went wrong with the mission. He moved to Canada where he met a man by the name of Wade T. Wilson. Since he was Wade W. Wilson, the name reminded him of his old self. When he was ordered to assassinate Wade T., he accidentally killed the target's wife, Mercedes. In the end, Wade T. ran away to eventually become the voodoo mercenary T-Ray while Wade W. kept the name "Wade T. Wilson" and never changed it out of respect for his namesake's wife. When he was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer, he volunteered for a subset of the Weapon-X program that was attempting to imbue a normal human with Wolverine’s healing factor.

    Since he is Wade T. Wilson, he has Canadian citizenship, allowing him entry into the Weapon X program. The procedure was a success, but Deadpool, who took his name from the pool that the officers and scientists bet in as to who would die next in the experimentation, became severely mentally unbalanced as a result of it. He escaped the facility and has been wandering ever since. Some people might speculate that before his name was Wade Winston Wilson his name was Jack though this isn't confirmed.

  • nyark
    nyark Posts: 66 Match Maker
    I see DP vs MPQ is coming up again, have you guys fixed this bug yet?
    I was watching a Ryan Reynolds interview and he specifically mentioned that Deadpool is Canadian