**** Iron Patriot ****

Nonce Equitaur 2
Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2014 in Speculation and Concepts
icon_ironpatriot.png -- His icon.

A long confirmed character, but won't be released anytime soon.


  • From a smiley lol

    I figure he'd be a much more aggressive character than iron man, but with downsides that leave you open.
  • The character that drains his team's AP and self-stuns (the only character in the game to do so) doesn't leave himself open? icon_lol.gif
  • locked wrote:
    The character that drains his team's AP and self-stuns (the only character in the game to do so) doesn't leave himself open? icon_lol.gif
    Not for any excessive damage
  • Yeah, it'll be interesting to see the flavor of his abilities - he's basically just a (not even that advanced) Iron Man suit. So maybe he'll have a Black ability that'll be...bureaucratic in nature?

    Maybe he'll create Hammer-like countdown tiles.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Countdown tiles, an Avengers Assemble! move for the DA crew, and one "fire everything the suit has" direct damage attack is my bet.
  • what about the possibility in the movie Ironman 3 where you can summon all of the Ironman suit to aid you in battle? The greatest AoE yet...
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    His powers probably won't look like the following.

    [anchor=ironpatriot4]Iron Patriot (Leader of Dark Avengers)[/anchor] icon_ironpatriot.png
    4 Star Rarity (Legendary)
    At Max Level: HP: 9590 Tile damage: 82/10/73/64/11/09/3.5
      Dark Avengers Assemble! - 12 yellowtile.png
      With things not going his way, Osborne summons help. Daken puts the enemies on edge, putting down strike tiles.
        Level 2: Sentry heeds the call, putting down a world rupture. (Requires but does not consume 5
      Level 3: Hood intimidates Osborne's team, dropping all counters by 1 (Requires but does not consume 5 blacktile.png)
      Level 4: Bullseye puts down a protect tile (Requires but does not consume 5 purpletile.png)
      Level 5: Ares rampages (Requires but does not consume 5 redtile.png )
        Unlimited Resources - bluetile.png Passive
        With every tile match, Osborne uses 1000 imcoin.png and iso8.png to do a like amount of extra damage.
          Level 2: Uses 1500
        imcoin.png and iso8.png
        Level 3: Uses 2000 imcoin.png and iso8.png
        Level 4: Uses 2500 imcoin.png and iso8.png
        Level 5: Uses 3000 imcoin.png and iso8.png
        Max Level: Uses 7800 imcoin.png and iso8.png with each tile match.
          Unlimited Healing - purpletile.png Passive
          By requisitioning enough healthpack.png , Norman is effectively immortal. Each round, Norman uses 3 healthpack.png to return to full health
            Level 2: Also gives 100 health temp healing to minions. Level 3: Only uses 2
          healthpack.png per turn.
          Level 4: 200 temp healing to minions.
          Level 5: Only uses 1 healthpack.png per turn.
        • Osborn, you madman!
        • atomzed
          atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
          I love that ability description! Haha!unlimited resources fit Norman to a tee.
        • Lol! Nitpick: Hood was never a Dark Avenger, but he was indeed an Osborn's ally.
        • Pwuz_
          Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
          locked wrote:
          Lol! Nitpick: Hood was never a Dark Avenger, but he was indeed an Osborn's ally.

          Oh, good, I'm not the 1st one to have issues with that move.
          Let's look at this again:
            Dark Avengers Assemble! - 12 yellowtile.png
            With things not going his way, Osborne summons help. Daken puts the enemies on edge, putting down strike tiles.
              Level 2: Sentry heeds the call, putting down a world rupture. (Requires but does not consume 5
            Level 3: Hood intimidates Osborne's team, dropping all counters by 1 (Requires but does not consume 5 blacktile.png)
            Level 4: Bullseye puts down a protect tile (Requires but does not consume 5 purpletile.png)
            Level 5: Ares rampages (Requires but does not consume 5 redtile.png )

            That's such a great description for this move.

            Perhaps as the Dark Avengers version of the attack, it could offer these?
            Daken Blue
            Moonstone Red
            Bullseye Black
            Venom Purple
            Ragnarok Green

            Daken's Chemical Reaction does damage, but also destroys friendly strike tiles (totally the opposite of making protect tiles.)
            Moonstone's Photon Blast is a good damage attack, but a bit more variable than Repulser Blast.
            Bullseye's Murderous Aim is a meaner version of Hawkeye's Take Aim Crit tile Generation.
            Venom's Symbiot eSnare is a Stuns the whole team, similar but different from Widow's Sting.
            Ragnarok's God Like Power is a destructive move like Hulk Smash, but I can see the argument for Sentry's World Rupture since it destroys a wider area, but with Count Down tiles.